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Created February 12, 2014 01:59
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Save szeitlin/8948575 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
example from Lynn Root's workshop.
import geojson
import parse as p #shorter name for our parse program
def create_map(data_file):
"""csv file -> parse -> creates a geojson - javascript object notation - file """
# define the type of geoJSON that we're creating
geo_map = {"type": "FeatureCollection"} #GeoJSON specification
# define an empty list to collect each latitude and longitude point
item_list = []
# iterate over our data to create the geoJSON document (list of points_)
# index is row number, line is row
# using built-in function enumerate gives us those (index, line) for each row
for index, line in enumerate(data_file):
if line['X'] == "0" or line ['Y'] == "0":
continue #skip those blank values because it will think they're the equator
data = {}
data['type'] = 'Feature' #this is a geoJSON thing
data['id'] = index #row number
data['properties'] = {'title': line['Category'], 'description':line['Descript'],
'data':line['Date'], 'location':line['Location']}
data['geometry'] = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (line["X"], line["Y"])} #geoJSON option for plotting
#note that value of the properties key is another dict
#same for geometry
#coordinates are set to a tuple
# iterate over each point and add it to the geoJSON object
for point in item_list:
geo_map.setdefault('features', []).append(point)
#setdefault gives features all the points in the form of filling that empty list
# write to a new GeoJSON file
with open("file_sf.geojson", "w") as f:
#with will automatically close the file for you when it's done
#w is for writing to a new file, wb is for appending to an existing file
def main():
data = p.parse(p.MY_FILE, ",")
return create_map(data)
if __name__== "__main__":
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