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Created March 25, 2014 18:28
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Save szeitlin/9768096 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
practicing taking data semi-blindly, importing & filtering via pandas, viewing with vincent.
__author__= 'szeitlin'
import pandas
import vincent
MYFILE = "UNdata_Export_20140325_115007094.csv"
#read in a csv file
mydata = pandas.read_csv(MYFILE)
#want to get rid of the "Value Footnotes" column, because it is full of NaNs
mydata=mydata.drop("Value Footnotes", axis=1) #axis=1 means to drop the column
#then get rid of that last row that has an NaN in it
mydata = mydata.dropna()
#want "Subgroup" and "Value" columns to be easy to find
gender = mydata.Subgroup
percent = mydata.Value
#starting point for a graph
bar = vincent.Bar(percent) #use the values in the percent column for the bars
#longer version to add some niceties
bar.axis_titles(x='gender', y ='percent employed') #this worked! yay!
#save to a file or two
bar.to_json('bar.json', html_out=True, html_path='bar_template.html')
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