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Last active December 10, 2015 13:38
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  • Save szepi1991/4441680 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save szepi1991/4441680 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Experimental code to generate a simple polygon based terrain in the Camera view. Code uses AndEngine and the Box2D AndEngine extension.
* Creates a top layer to the cave.. for now simply camera wide and height.
* It is built from trapezoids, so there will be no issue with convexity.
private void createTerrain(final PhysicsWorld pPhysicsWorld,
IEntity attachTo, final Random rand) {
// we'll use this multiple times so let's save a reference here
VertexBufferObjectManager vboMan = this.getVertexBufferObjectManager();
// some setup
final float stepSize = 50;
float dYTop = 0;
float dYBot = 0;
final int numPoints = (int) Math.ceil(CAMERA_WIDTH / stepSize) + 1;
// generating the sequence of y values that defines the top and bottom terrains
float[] topTerrain = new float[numPoints];
float[] botTerrain = new float[numPoints];
topTerrain[0] = 50;
botTerrain[0] = CAMERA_HEIGHT - 100;
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) {
dYTop += (rand.nextFloat()-0.5)*30;
topTerrain[i] = topTerrain[i-1]+dYTop;
if (topTerrain[i] < 5) {
topTerrain[i] = 5.0f;
dYTop = 0;
dYBot += (rand.nextFloat()-0.5)*30;
botTerrain[i] = botTerrain[i-1]+dYBot;
if (botTerrain[i] > CAMERA_HEIGHT - 5) {
botTerrain[i] = CAMERA_HEIGHT - 5.0f;
dYBot = 0;
// create the graphics for the top and the bottom
float colGreen = Color.GREEN_ABGR_PACKED_FLOAT;
/* we use a trianglestrip with this ordering
1 3 5
(the example is for the top)
// each point has x,y,color, there are numPoints * 2 points
float[] topPointData = new float[numPoints * 2 * 3];
float[] botPointData = new float[numPoints * 2 * 3];
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
// top point
topPointData[i*6] = i*stepSize;
topPointData[i*6+1] = 0;
topPointData[i*6+2] = colGreen;
// bottom point
topPointData[i*6+3] = i*stepSize;
topPointData[i*6+4] = topTerrain[i];
topPointData[i*6+5] = colGreen;
// bottom point
botPointData[i*6] = i*stepSize;
botPointData[i*6+1] = CAMERA_HEIGHT;
botPointData[i*6+2] = colGreen;
// top point
botPointData[i*6+3] = i*stepSize;
botPointData[i*6+4] = botTerrain[i];
botPointData[i*6+5] = colGreen;
final Mesh topGround = new Mesh(0, 0, topPointData, numPoints * 2,
DrawMode.TRIANGLE_STRIP, vboMan, DrawType.STATIC);
final Mesh botGround = new Mesh(0, 0, botPointData, numPoints * 2,
DrawMode.TRIANGLE_STRIP, vboMan, DrawType.STATIC);
// now we create the needed trapezoids (it would be more efficient to do
// this in the previous step, but this way it's separated spatially)
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) {
// a bounding box so that we have something to pass to Box2D
// the only solution I've seen used this..
final float topHeight = Math.max(topTerrain[i-1], topTerrain[i]);
final float botHeight = CAMERA_HEIGHT -
Math.min(botTerrain[i-1], botTerrain[i]);
final float halfWidth = stepSize / 2 / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
final float tHalfHeight = topHeight / 2 / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
final float bHalfHeight = botHeight / 2 / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT;
final Rectangle topPolyBoundingBox = new Rectangle(
(i-1)*stepSize, 1, stepSize, topHeight, vboMan);
final Retangle botPolyBoundingBox = new Rectangle(
(i-1)*stepSize, CAMERA_HEIGHT-botHeight-1, stepSize, botHeight,
// needs to be relative to the center, in meters
final Vector2[] topVertices = {
new Vector2(-halfWidth, -tHalfHeight),
new Vector2(halfWidth, -tHalfHeight),
new Vector2(halfWidth,
(topTerrain[i] / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT) - tHalfHeight),
new Vector2(-halfWidth,
(topTerrain[i-1] / PIXEL_TO_METER_RATIO_DEFAULT) - tHalfHeight),
final Vector2[] botVertices = {
new Vector2(-halfWidth, bHalfHeight),
new Vector2(-halfWidth, bHalfHeight +
new Vector2(halfWidth, bHalfHeight +
new Vector2(halfWidth, bHalfHeight),
// System.out.println("BotTrapezoid:");
// for (Vector2 vec : botVertices) { System.out.println(vec); }
PhysicsFactory.createPolygonBody(pPhysicsWorld, topPolyBoundingBox,
topVertices, BodyType.StaticBody,
PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f));
PhysicsFactory.createPolygonBody(pPhysicsWorld, botPolyBoundingBox,
botVertices, BodyType.StaticBody,
PhysicsFactory.createFixtureDef(0, 0.5f, 0.5f));
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