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Last active February 27, 2024 08:57
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Simple script to install winget on Windows 10 and 11 systems, most usefull for people using privacy Windows tools that remove Microsoft Store (must be run with administrator privileges)
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Write-Output "Removing previous instances of winget..."
Get-AppxPackage -allUsers *desktopappinstaller* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allUsers *winget* | Remove-AppxPackage
Write-Output "Getting information on latest winget release..."
try {
$rel = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
} catch {
Write-Error $_
$licensedl = $rel.assets.Where({$ -match ".*License1.xml$"}).browser_download_url
$wingetdl = $rel.assets.Where({$ -match ".*msixbundle$"}).browser_download_url
$vclibsdl = ""
$uixamldl = ""
$winget = ($wingetdl -split "\/")[-1]
$license = ($licensedl -split "\/")[-1]
$vclibs = ($vclibsdl -split "\/")[-1]
$uixaml = ($uixamldl -split "\/")[-1]
Write-Output "Downloading WinGet and its dependencies..."
if (!(Test-Path $winget)) {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $wingetdl -OutFile $winget}
if (!(Test-Path $license)) {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $licensedl -OutFile $license}
if (!(Test-Path $vclibs)) {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $vclibsdl -OutFile $vclibs}
if (!(Test-Path $uixaml)) {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uixamldl -OutFile $uixaml}
Add-AppxPackage $vclibs
Add-AppxPackage $uixaml
Add-AppxPackage $winget
Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath $winget -LicensePath $license -Verbose
Add-AppxPackage -RegisterByFamilyName -MainPackage ([io.fileinfo]$winget).basename
Write-Output "Cleaning up downloaded files..."
foreach ($file in $winget, $license, $vclibs, $uixaml) {
Remove-Item $file -Force
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