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Created March 12, 2023 17:27
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Demonstraton of bug #401 in ARPACK-NG 3.9.0
// See:
// Build ARPACK with ISO_C_BINDING to make arpack.h available, then compile this file as:
// cc prog.c -o prog -larpack
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <arpack.h>
// Represents a sparse square matrix of zeros and ones.
typedef struct {
int n; // this is an n-by-n matrix
int nelems; // no of non-zero elements
int *rowidx, *colidx; // vectors of row and column indices of non-zero elements
} binmatrix_t;
// Init an n-by-n binary matrix.
void binmatrix_init(binmatrix_t *mat, int n) {
assert(n >= 0);
mat->n = n;
mat->nelems = 0;
// Allocate dummy arrays of size 1 suitable for later realloc()
// through binmatrix_enter().
mat->rowidx = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
mat->colidx = calloc(1, sizeof(int));
// Deallocate a binary matrix.
void binmatrix_destroy(binmatrix_t *mat) {
// Add a single non-zero element, mat[row, col] = 1.
// Inefficient, but simple.
void binmatrix_enter(binmatrix_t *mat, int row, int col) {
assert(0 <= row && row < mat->n);
assert(0 <= col && col < mat->n);
mat->rowidx = realloc(mat->rowidx, sizeof(int) * mat->nelems);
mat->colidx = realloc(mat->colidx, sizeof(int) * mat->nelems);
mat->rowidx[mat->nelems - 1] = row;
mat->colidx[mat->nelems - 1] = col;
// Print a length-n vector of doubles.
// Provided for debugging purposes.
void print_vec(const double *vec, int n) {
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
printf("%g ", vec[i]);
// Multiplies invec by mat and stores the result in outvec.
// Invec and outvec are assumed to be allocated and have size mat->n.
void binmatrix_mulvec(binmatrix_t *mat, const double *invec, double *outvec) {
memset(outvec, 0, sizeof(double) * mat->n);
for (int i=0; i < mat->nelems; i++) {
outvec[mat->rowidx[i]] += invec[mat->colidx[i]];
// Uniform random real in [0, 1).
double uniform_random_real() {
return (double) rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);
// Run the eigensolver for a specific predefined symmetric problem.
// Returns true if ARPACK indicated an error, false otherwise.
bool run_solver(void) {
const int N = 10; // matrix size, code below assumes N >= 2
// N-by-N symmetric matrix with two 1 elements
// The bug in ARPACK 3.9.0 is reproduced with N=10 or N=20.
// Only reproducible with certain BLAS/LAPACK implementations,
// such as Apple's vecLib or several OpenBLAS versions.
binmatrix_t mat;
binmatrix_init(&mat, N);
binmatrix_enter(&mat, 0, 1);
binmatrix_enter(&mat, 1, 0);
// Variables for ARPACK reverse communication interface.
// These are the parameters of DSAUPD().
a_int ido;
const char *bmat = "I";
const char *which = "LA"; // largest (algebraic) eigenvalue
const a_int nev = 1; // find one eigenvalue
const double tol = 0; // use default tolerance
double *resid;
const a_int ncv = 5; // manually set to suit N=10
double *v;
const a_int ldv = N;
a_int iparam[11];
a_int ipntr[11];
double *workd;
double *workl;
a_int lworkl = ncv * (8 + ncv);
a_int info;
// Allocate work storage for ARPACK
v = calloc(ncv, sizeof(double) * ldv * ncv);
workl = calloc(lworkl, sizeof(double));
workd = calloc(3*N, sizeof(double));
resid = calloc(N, sizeof(double));
// Problem parameters.
// When referencing the docs, keep in mind that it uses Fortran-style
// 1-based indexing, while these below are 0-based indices.
iparam[0] = 1; // ISHIFT
iparam[1] = 0; // not referenced
iparam[2] = 3000; // MXITER, max no of iterations
iparam[3] = 1; // NB, "The code currently works only for NB = 1."
iparam[4] = 0; // NCONV, only for output
iparam[5] = 0; // not referenced
iparam[6] = 1; // MODE, mode 1
iparam[7] = 0; // NP, only for output
iparam[8] = 0; // NUMOP, only for output
iparam[9] = 0; // NUMOPB, only for output
iparam[10] = 0; // NUMREO, only for output
info = 1; // we will provide our own initial resid
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
resid[i] = uniform_random_real();
ido = 0; // must be set to 0 for first DSAUPD() call
while (true) {
dsaupd_c(&ido, bmat, N, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, &info);
// On error (i.e. info != 0), ARPACK should request termination with ido == 99
assert(ido == 99 || info == 0);
// Handle ido values
switch (ido) {
case -1:
case 1:
// perform multiplication
double *invec = workd + ipntr[0] - 1;
double *outvec = workd + ipntr[1] - 1;
binmatrix_mulvec(&mat, invec, outvec); // outvec = mat * invec
case 99:
// finished
goto done;
// should never reach here
assert(! "Unexpected IDO value!");
printf("INFO = %d\n", (int) info);
// No need to do post-processing with DSEUPD() for this example
// free storage allocated for ARPACK
return info != 0;
int main(void) {
// Seed the RNG for reproducibility, but keep in mind that the
// standard library's RNG, which we use here, is platform-specific.
// With an appropriate problem setup, the error is reproducible with high probability,
// 100 trials are more than sufficient. Note that in each of these trials, RESID will
// be initialized to a different random value.
for (int i=0; i < 100; i++) {
printf("\nTrial %d:\n", i);
if (run_solver()) {
// ARPACK indicated an error, stop.
return 0;
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