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Sean Zhu szhu

  • NYC / SF
  • 19:08 (UTC -04:00)
  • X @sfzhu
View GitHub Profile
#!/usr/bin/env deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-run
// Was this file modified in any PR?
import { readline } from "";
declare global {
export const Deno: any;
export interface ArrayConstructor {
fromAsync<T>(asyncIterable: AsyncIterable<T>): Promise<T[]>;


I just found rclone, which seems to do what my script does, and more:

  • No need to set up sharing a particular way
  • Won't time out, you can just leave it running until it's done
  • Seems to run much much faster
  • Keeps modified times on files the same

The only drawback is that it takes a bit longer to setup.

type ItemInfo =
| {
type: "element";
key: string | undefined;
| { type: "other" };
function getItemInfo(item: unknown): ItemInfo {
if (typeof item === "object" && item != null) {
if ("key" in item) {
#!/opt/homebrew/bin/bun run
// <xbar.title>CPU Usage, Kill process</xbar.title>
// <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
// <>Sean Zhu</>
// <>szhu</>
// <xbar.desc>Shows the top 5 highest-CPU processes. Select a process to kill it.</xbar.desc>
// <xbar.image></xbar.image>
// <xbar.dependencies>deno</xbar.dependencies>
// Based on:
szhu / makeSetValue.ts
Created March 10, 2024 20:35
Immutably set a nested key on an object.
type PickByNullableType<D, T> = {
[K in keyof D]: NonNullable<D[K]> extends T ? K : never;
type PickKeysWithNullableValueTypes<D, T> = keyof D &
PickByNullableType<D, T>[keyof D];
function setLevel1Value<D extends object, K1 extends keyof D>(
data: D,
key1: K1,
# This does a dry run; it prints out what should be run. You can then run it yourself.
for branch in (git branch --format "%(refname:short)")
set sha (git rev-parse $branch)
if git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:'%cr' | grep -q -E 'weeks|months'
set date (git log -1 $branch --pretty=format:'%cs')
echo '#' $branch
echo git tag $date-$branch $sha
echo git branch -D $branch
set -e
verbose() {
echo $ "$@" >&2
import { useRef } from "react";
* Use this hook to quickly answer the question: Why did my useEffect or useMemo
* callback run again?
* Usage:
* // If you have this code...
* useEffect(() => {
szhu /
Last active February 10, 2023 20:34
[object Object]

This code:

1  formResults = { ... };
2  console.log("first name: " + formResults.firstName);
3  console.log("last name: " + formResults.lastName);
4  console.log("email: " + formResults);

has the following output:

szhu / figmaScrollToZoom.hs.lua
Created December 20, 2022 18:49
HammerSpoon script for scroll to zoom with no modifiers
figmaScrollToZoom ={hs.eventtap.event.types.scrollWheel}, function(e)
-- Trackpad scroll events are continuous, mouse scroll events are not.
if 0 == e:getProperty( then
local front = hs.application.frontmostApplication()
if "Figma" == front:name() then
-- local title = front:focusedWindow():title()
-- if "Eeschema" == title:sub(0, 8) or "Pcbnew" == title:sub(0, 6) then
local flags = e:getFlags()