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Created January 12, 2024 15:46
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leptos-use Geolocation
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::error_template::{AppError, ErrorTemplate};
use leptos::ev::{keypress, KeyboardEvent};
use leptos::*;
use leptos_meta::*;
use leptos_router::*;
use leptos_use::storage::{use_local_storage, StringCodec};
use leptos_use::{
use_color_mode, use_debounce_fn, use_geolocation, use_event_listener, use_intl_number_format, use_timestamp,
use_window, ColorMode, UseGeolocationReturn, UseColorModeReturn, UseIntlNumberFormatOptions,
pub fn App() -> impl IntoView {
// Provides context that manages stylesheets, titles, meta tags, etc.
view! {
<Stylesheet id="leptos" href="/pkg/start-axum.css"/>
<Title text="Leptos-Use SSR Example"/>
<Router fallback=|| {
let mut outside_errors = Errors::default();
view! { <ErrorTemplate outside_errors/> }.into_view()
<Route path="" view=|| view! { <HomePage/> }/>
/// Renders the home page of your application.
fn HomePage() -> impl IntoView {
// Creates a reactive value to update the button
let (count, set_count, _) = use_local_storage::<i32, StringCodec>("count-state");
let (lat, set_lat) = create_signal(10.0);
let on_click = move |_| set_count.update(|count| *count += 1);
let nf = use_intl_number_format(
create_effect(move |_| {
// If you move this out of create_effect, the program panics on startup
let UseGeolocationReturn {
located_at: _,
error: e,
resume: _,
pause: _,
} = use_geolocation();
move || {
if let Some(error) = e() {
log::info!("Error getting geolocation coordinates: {:#?}", error.message().to_string());
} else {
if let Some(coords) = coords() {
let zh_count = nf.format::<i32>(count);
let (key, set_key) = create_signal("".to_string());
// window() doesn't work on the server so we provide use_window()
let _ = use_event_listener(use_window(), keypress, move |evt: KeyboardEvent| {
let (debounce_value, set_debounce_value) = create_signal("not called");
let debounced_fn = use_debounce_fn(
move || {
let UseColorModeReturn { mode, set_mode, .. } = use_color_mode();
let timestamp = use_timestamp();
view! {
<h1>Leptos-Use SSR Example</h1>
<button on:click=on_click>Click Me: {count}</button>
<p>Locale zh-Hans-CN-u-nu-hanidec: {zh_count}</p>
<p>Press any key: {key}</p>
<p>Debounced called: {debounce_value}</p>
<p>Color mode: {move || format!("{:?}", mode.get())}</p>
<p>GPS Latitude: {move || lat}</p>
<button on:click=move |_| set_mode.set(ColorMode::Light)>Change to Light</button>
<button on:click=move |_| set_mode.set(ColorMode::Dark)>Change to Dark</button>
<button on:click=move |_| set_mode.set(ColorMode::Auto)>Change to Auto</button>
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