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Created June 9, 2020 04:46
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Shapeless Typeclass Example
import shapeless._
import scala.{:: => :::}
import cats.implicits._
trait CsvDecoder[A] {
def decode(value: List[String]): Option[A]
val columnSplitter = """,(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)""".r
def decodeCsv[A](input: String)(implicit decoder: CsvDecoder[A]): List[A] = { { line =>
val columns = columnSplitter.split(line).toList
}.collect { case Some(x) => x }
// decoders for primitive types
implicit val stringDecoder: CsvDecoder[String] = strings => strings.headOption
implicit val intDecoder: CsvDecoder[Int] = strings =>
implicit val booleanDecoder: CsvDecoder[Boolean] = strings =>
// decoder for HNil
implicit val hNilDecoder: CsvDecoder[HNil] = _ => Some(HNil)
// decoder for recursive HList
implicit def hlistDecoder[H, T <: HList](implicit
hDecoder: CsvDecoder[H],
tDecoder: CsvDecoder[T]
): CsvDecoder[H :: T] = {
case Nil => None
case h ::: t => (hDecoder.decode(List(h)), tDecoder.decode(t)).mapN((h1, t1) => h1 :: t1)
final case class User(name: String, age: Int, admin: Boolean)
// user decoder
//implicit def userDecoder: CsvDecoder[User] = {
// val gen = Generic[User]
// val decoder = implicitly[CsvDecoder[String :: Int :: HNil]]
// strings => {
// val maybeGeneric: Option[gen.Repr] = decoder.decode(strings)
// => gen.from(r))
// }
// from generic decoder to case class
implicit def caseClassDecoder[A, R](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
decoder: CsvDecoder[R]): CsvDecoder[A] =
strings => decoder.decode(strings).map(r => gen.from(r))
val decoded = decodeCsv[User]("Alice,32,true\nBob,35,false\nCharlie,35,false")
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