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Created July 10, 2011 10:20
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implementation of HoG
// prepare
HoG hog(PATCH_SIZE, cv::Size(8, 8), cv::Size(2, 2), cv::Size(8, 8), 9);
// ...or...
MultiScaleHoG hog;
hog.add(PATCH_SIZE, cv::Size(4, 4), cv::Size(2, 2), cv::Size(4, 4), 9);
hog.add(PATCH_SIZE, cv::Size(16, 16), cv::Size(2, 2), cv::Size(8, 8), 9);
hog.add(PATCH_SIZE, cv::Size(32, 32), cv::Size(2, 2), cv::Size(16, 16), 9);
std::cout << cv::format("HoG feature dimensions = %d", hog.feature_dim()) << std::endl;
// container of feature vectors & integral histograms
std::vector<float> ihist;
cv::Mat_<float> X(N, hog.feature_dim());
// extract hog
for(int i=0; i < N; i++){
const cv::Mat& src = images[i];
hog.prepare(src, ihist);
hog.extract(src, ihist, cv::Point(0, 0), X.ptr<float>(i));
#pragma once
#include <useopencv.h>
#include <blas.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
class HoG {
cv::Size window_size, cell_size/*pixels*/, block_size/*cells*/, stride;
int bins;
cv::Size block_size_pixel() const {
return cv::Size(cell_size.width * block_size.width, cell_size.height * block_size.height);
cv::Size block_num() const {
(window_size.width - block_size_pixel().width) / stride.width + 1,
(window_size.height - block_size_pixel().height) / stride.height + 1
int block_dim() const {
return block_size.width * block_size.height * bins;
int feature_dim() const {
assert(((window_size.width - block_size_pixel().width) % stride.width) == 0);
assert(((window_size.height - block_size_pixel().height) % stride.height) == 0);
return block_dim() * block_num().width * block_num().height;
int hist_size() const {
return bins * window_size.width * window_size.height;
: window_size(64, 64), cell_size(8, 8), block_size(2, 2), stride(4, 4), bins(9)
HoG(const cv::Size window_size, const cv::Size cell_size, const cv::Size block_size, const cv::Size stride, const int bins)
: window_size(window_size), cell_size(cell_size), block_size(block_size), stride(stride), bins(bins)
feature_dim(); // for assertion
static cv::Mat mo_filter(const cv::Mat& src)
assert(src.channels() == 1);
cv::Mat mo = cv::Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_8UC2);
int dx, dy;
uchar m;
for( int y = 1; y < src.rows-1; y++ )
for( int x = 1; x < src.cols-1; x++ ){
int maxch = 0;
uchar maxm = 0;
dx = (int)(<uchar>(y, x-1) -<uchar>(y, x+1) );
dy = (int)(<uchar>(y-1, x) -<uchar>(y+1, x) );
m = (uchar)std::sqrtf((float)(dx * dx + dy * dy));
cv::Vec2b& mo_pix =<cv::Vec2b>(y, x);
mo_pix[0] = m;
mo_pix[1] = (uchar)(dy == 0 ? -90 : std::atanf(((float)dx/(float)dy)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 90;
return mo;
template <class T>
void prepare(const cv::Mat& src, std::vector<T>& ihist) const {
std::vector<T> col_sum(this->bins);
if(ihist.size() < this->bins * src.rows * src.cols){
ihist.resize(this->bins * src.rows * src.cols, 0);
cv::Mat mo = mo_filter(src);
// image size (width * height * bin)
for( int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++ ){
for(int i=0; i < col_sum.size(); i++) col_sum[i] = 0;
for( int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++ ){
/* compute bin */
cv::Vec2b& mo_pix =<cv::Vec2b>(y, x);
int bin = (int)(mo_pix[1] / (180 / this->bins));
T a = (T)( mo_pix[1] % (180 / this->bins) ) / (T)(180 / this->bins);
// HOG
assert(bin < bins);
col_sum[bin] += mo_pix[0] * (1-a);
col_sum[(bin == this->bins - 1) ? 0 : bin] += mo_pix[0] * a;
//col_sum[bin] += PIX(moc, x, y, 0);
blas::copy(this->bins, &col_sum[0], 1, &ihist[ (y * src.cols + x) * this->bins ], 1);
if( y > 0 )
blas::axpy(this->bins, 1, &ihist[ ((y-1) * src.cols + x) * this->bins ], 1,
&ihist[ (y * src.cols + x) * this->bins ], 1);
template <class T>
void extract(const cv::Mat& src, const std::vector<T>& ihist, const cv::Point offset, T* F) const
T* tF = F;
auto block_num = this->block_num();
for( int by = 0; by < block_num.height; by++ ){
for( int bx = 0; bx < block_num.width; bx++ ){
int x = bx * stride.width + offset.x;
int y = by * stride.height + offset.y;
int xp, yp, xm, ym;
for( int cy = 0; cy < block_size.height; cy++ ){
for( int cx = 0; cx < block_size.width; cx++ ){
xm = x + cx * cell_size.width;
ym = y + cy * cell_size.height;
xp = xm + cell_size.width - 1;
yp = ym + cell_size.height - 1;
blas::copy(bins, &ihist[(xp + yp * src.cols) * bins], 1, tF, 1);
blas::axpy(bins, -1, &ihist[(xm + yp * src.cols) * bins], 1, tF, 1);
blas::axpy(bins, -1, &ihist[(xp + ym * src.cols) * bins], 1, tF, 1);
blas::axpy(bins, +1, &ihist[(xm + ym * src.cols) * bins], 1, tF, 1);
tF += bins;
int block_dim = bins * block_size.width * block_size.height;
T nrm = blas::nrm2(block_dim, F, 1);
blas::scal(block_dim, (T)( 1 / sqrt(nrm * nrm + 1) ), F, 1);
F += block_dim;
//printf("%g, ", nrm);
class MultiScaleHoG {
std::vector<HoG> hogs;
: hogs()
void add(const cv::Size window_size, const cv::Size cell_size, const cv::Size block_size, const cv::Size stride, const int bins)
hogs.push_back( HoG(window_size, cell_size, block_size, stride, bins) );
int feature_dim(){
int d = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto& hog, hogs){
d += hog.feature_dim();
return d;
template <class T>
void prepare(const cv::Mat& src, std::vector<T>& ihist) const {
assert(hogs.size() > 0);
hogs[0].prepare(src, ihist);
template <class T>
void extract(const cv::Mat& src, const std::vector<T>& ihist, const cv::Point offset, T* F) const
BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& hog, hogs){
hog.extract(src, ihist, offset, F);
F += hog.feature_dim();
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