<?php |
/* Register to WP from Slack API v1.2.0 */ |
/* Slack Command: <COMAND_NAME> [Login ID] [Public ID(Slug)] [E-mail] */ |
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-load.php' ); //WP core |
require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/slack_register_config.php' ); //Config |
/* [Function] Check request and sign */ |
function checksign(){ |
$data = 'v0:'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_SLACK_REQUEST_TIMESTAMP'].':'.file_get_contents('php://input'); |
return ('v0='.hash_hmac('sha256', $data, SLACK_SECRET) == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SLACK_SIGNATURE']); |
} |
/* [Function] Generate one-time signin URL(token) */ |
function generate_login_url($id,$tokenmode = false){ |
$token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); |
$hash = wp_hash_password($token); |
$limit = time()+600; |
update_user_meta($id,'onetimetoken',$hash); |
update_user_meta($id,'onetimetokenlimit',$limit); |
if($tokenmode) return $token; |
return site_url().'/'.basename(__FILE__).'?auth='.$id.'&token='.$token; |
} |
/* [Function] One-time signin */ |
function auth(){ |
$hash = get_user_meta($_GET['auth'],'onetimetoken',true); |
$limit = get_user_meta($_GET['auth'],'onetimetokenlimit',true); |
/* Check the hash */ |
if(time() <= intval($limit) && wp_check_password($_GET['token'],$hash)){ |
/* Check linking to Slack ID */ |
if(get_user_meta($_GET['auth'],'slackhash',true)){ |
delete_user_meta($_GET['auth'],'onetimetoken'); |
delete_user_meta($_GET['auth'],'onetimetokenlimit'); |
wp_set_auth_cookie($_GET['auth'],true,true); |
wp_redirect(admin_url()); |
/* Generate token to link Slack ID */ |
}else if(get_current_user_id() == $_GET['auth']){ |
echo 'Your WordPress account is not linked to Slack ID.<br> |
Please run this command in Slack. The token is disabled after 10 minutes.<br>'.COMMAND_LOGIN.' '. |
wp_get_current_user()->user_login.' '.generate_login_url($_GET['auth'],true); |
}else{ |
echo '<a href="'.wp_logout_url().'">Please login again as the correct user.</a>'; |
} |
} |
exit; |
} |
/* [Function] User Activation */ |
function submit($parameters){ |
/* Array of userdata */ |
$userdata = [ |
'user_login' => $parameters[0], |
'user_nicename' => $parameters[1], |
'user_email' => $parameters[2], |
'user_pass' => wp_generate_password(PASS_LENGTH,true,true), |
'role' => ROLE |
]; |
/* Insert user */ |
$id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ) ; |
/* Link to Slack ID */ |
if($id){ |
update_user_meta($id,'slackhash',wp_hash_password($_POST[user_id])); |
/* Success responce */ |
return [ |
true, |
'Login ID: '.$parameters[0], |
'Public ID(Slug): '.$parameters[1], |
'E-mail: '.$parameters[2], |
'Onetime Login(10min.): '.generate_login_url($id), |
'If you change the password, please do yourself in wordpress admin.' |
]; |
} |
/* Error responce */ |
return [false,'Usage: '.COMMAND_SUBMIT.' [Login ID] [Public ID(Slug)] [E-mail]']; |
} |
/* [Function] User login */ |
function login($parameters){ |
$user = get_user_by('login',$parameters[0]); |
if(!$user) return [false, 'Login ID is incorrect.']; |
$slackhash = get_user_meta($user->ID,'slackhash',true); |
/* Check Slack ID */ |
if($slackhash ? wp_check_password($_POST[user_id],$slackhash) : !isset($parameters[1])){ |
/* Success responce */ |
return [true, 'Onetime Login(10min.): '.generate_login_url($user->ID)]; |
/* Check the hash */ |
}else if(isset($parameters[1])){ |
$hash = get_user_meta($user->ID,'onetimetoken',true); |
$limit = get_user_meta($user->ID,'onetimetokenlimit',true); |
if(time() <= intval($limit) && wp_check_password($parameters[1],$hash)){ |
/* Link to Slack ID */ |
update_user_meta($user->ID,'slackhash',wp_hash_password($_POST[user_id])); |
/* Success responce */ |
return [true, |
'Success linking your WordPress account to Slack ID.', |
'Onetime Login(10min.): '.generate_login_url($user->ID)]; |
}else{ |
/* Error responce */ |
return [false, 'Login ID or token is incorrect.']; |
} |
}else{ |
/* Error responce */ |
return [false, 'Login ID is incorrect.']; |
} |
} |
/* [Function] Generate JSON to responce for Slack API */ |
function generate_json($messages){ |
$blocks = []; |
foreach ($messages as $m){ |
$blocks[] = [ |
'type'=>'section', |
'text'=>[ |
'type'=>'mrkdwn', |
'text'=>$m |
] |
]; |
} |
return ['blocks' => $blocks]; |
} |
/* Function select */ |
if(isset($_GET['auth'],$_GET['token'])){ |
auth(); |
}else if(checksign()){ |
$parameters = explode(' ',$_POST['text']); |
if(count($parameters) > 2 && $_POST['command'] == COMMAND_SUBMIT) $messages = submit($parameters); |
if(count($parameters) && $_POST['command'] == COMMAND_LOGIN) $messages = login($parameters); |
}else{ |
$messages = [false]; |
} |
/* Generate JSON to responce for Slack API */ |
$messages[0] = $messages[0] ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'; |
$json = generate_json($messages); |
/* Echo JSON */ |
header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8;Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); |
echo json_encode($json); |
?> |