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Created December 24, 2009 19:22
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--- ./ 金 12 25 03:57:50 2009
+++ ./tween0810/Tween/Twitter.vb 金 12 25 03:57:50 2009
@@ -2152,35 +2152,34 @@
Dim lineCount As Integer = 0
Dim page As Long = -1
+ Dim screenNameMatch As Regex = New Regex("<span class=""label screenname""><a href=""[^>]+>(?<scname>[^<]+)</a>", _
+ RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
+ Dim paginationMatch As Regex = New Regex("<a href=""/followers\?page=(?<np>[0-9]+)"" class=""section_links"" rel=""me next""", _
+ RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
If _endingFlag Then Exit Do
- resMsg = DirectCast(CreateSocket.GetWebResponse("https://" + _hubServer + _GetFollowers + _cursorQry + page.ToString, resStatus, MySocket.REQ_TYPE.ReqGetAPI), String)
+ resMsg = DirectCast(CreateSocket.GetWebResponse("https://" + _hubServer + "/followers" + "?page=" + page.ToString, resStatus, MySocket.REQ_TYPE.ReqGetApp), String)
If resStatus.StartsWith("OK") = False Then
_threadErr = True
Return resStatus
End If
- Using rd As Xml.XmlTextReader = New Xml.XmlTextReader(New System.IO.StringReader(resMsg))
- lineCount = 0
- rd.Read()
- While rd.EOF = False
- If rd.IsStartElement("screen_name") Then
- Dim tmp As String = rd.ReadElementString("screen_name").ToLower()
- SyncLock LockObj
- If Not tmpFollower.Contains(tmp) Then
- tmpFollower.Add(tmp)
- End If
- End SyncLock
- lineCount += 1
- ElseIf rd.IsStartElement("next_cursor") Then
- page = Long.Parse(rd.ReadElementString("next_cursor"))
- If page = 0 Then Exit Do
- Exit While
- Else
- rd.Read()
+ lineCount = 0
+ Dim scs As MatchCollection = screenNameMatch.Matches(resMsg)
+ For Each m As Match In scs
+ Dim tmp As String = m.Groups("scname").Value.ToLower()
+ SyncLock LockObj
+ If Not tmpFollower.Contains(tmp) Then
+ tmpFollower.Add(tmp)
+ 'Trace.WriteLine(page.ToString() + " : " + tmp)
End If
- End While
- End Using
+ End SyncLock
+ Next
+ Dim pgs As MatchCollection = paginationMatch.Matches(resMsg)
+ If pgs.Count <> 0 Then
+ page = System.Convert.ToInt64(pgs(0).Groups("np").Value)
+ lineCount = 1
+ End If
Catch ex As Exception
_threadErr = True
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