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Last active April 18, 2024 15:20
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Apparmor can be used to limit different permissions for a userspace on side of the kernel. In other words we can decide what a program (... inside a docker container) can do. Ubuntu runs apparmor by default. This Readme targets docker and skips the aa_genprof workflow (see: for standalone applications (Haven't found a way to use it with docker daemon)

To follow these steps you need to install apparmor-utils

sudo apt-get install -y apparmor-utils

Overview Linux capabilities:


Check the status

sudo apparmor_status

create and enable a new profile from scatch

vim my_profile
sudo cp my_profile /etc/apparmor/my_profile
sudo apparmor_parser -r -W /etc/apparmor.d/containers/my_profile

... or use a tool to generate it

A good tool for profile generation:

Force a profile mode

Apparmor profiles can have different modes. We can decide if the profile is active (enfore) or if it just complains.

  • sudo aa-enforce /etc/apparmar.d/my_profile
  • sudo aa-complain /etc/apparmar.d/my_profile

We can check rule violation in logs grep -i complain /var/log/syslog

Docker and Apparmor

On Ubuntu docker per default applies a standard profile called docker-default. As one cannot find this profile readable on disc (See:, this is how it looks like:

#include <tunables/global>

profile docker-default flags=(attach_disconnected,mediate_deleted) {

  #include <abstractions/base>


  signal (receive) peer=unconfined

  signal (send,receive) peer=docker-default,

  deny @{PROC}/* w,   # deny write for all files directly in /proc (not in a subdir)
  # deny write to files not in /proc/<number>/** or /proc/sys/**
  deny @{PROC}/{[^1-9],[^1-9][^0-9],[^1-9s][^0-9y][^0-9s],[^1-9][^0-9][^0-9][^0-9]*}/** w,
  deny @{PROC}/sys/[^k]** w,  # deny /proc/sys except /proc/sys/k* (effectively /proc/sys/kernel)
  deny @{PROC}/sys/kernel/{?,??,[^s][^h][^m]**} w,  # deny everything except shm* in /proc/sys/kernel/
  deny @{PROC}/sysrq-trigger rwklx,
  deny @{PROC}/kcore rwklx,

  deny mount,

  deny /sys/[^f]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/f[^s]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/[^c]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/c[^g]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/fs/cg[^r]*/** wklx,
  deny /sys/firmware/** rwklx,
  deny /sys/kernel/security/** rwklx,

  # suppress ptrace denials when using 'docker ps' or using 'ps' inside a container
  ptrace (trace,read) peer=docker-default,


We can start from this default template for defining more restrictive profiles.

setup the profile

  • sudo cp docker-default /etc/apparmor.d/containers/docker-default-secure
  • sudo apparmor_parser -r -W /etc/apparmor.d/containers/docker-default-secure

edit the profile

  • sudo vim /etc/apparmor.d/containers/docker-default-secure # make changes

for example deny access to read/write to /tmp/a/**

deny /tmp/a/** rwlx,

or deny some linux capability, which is interesting to cut permissions for a root user inside the container:

deny capability fsetid,

After changing the profile we need to reload it:

  • sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/containers/docker-default-secure reload, changes are immediately applied to containers

Use the profile with docker

  • docker run --security-opt="apparmor:docker-default-secure" -d nginx

In case of a violation you will see a denied message in syslog or the containers stdout.

or in docker-compose:

  # Nginx is serving django static and media files and proxies to django and geonode
    image: geonode/nginx:3.x
    build: ./scripts/docker/nginx/
    container_name: nginx4${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}
      - RESOLVER=
      - "${HTTP_PORT}:80"
      - "${HTTPS_PORT}:443"
      - nginx-confd:/etc/nginx
      - nginx-certificates:/geonode-certificates
      - statics:/mnt/volumes/statics
    restart: on-failure
      - apparmor:docker-default-secure

test inside a container

... try to read the user capabilities

apt update
apt-get install libcap2-bin
capsh --print

or try to create a file (see deny example above)

touch /tmp/a/
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