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Forked from youz/aobench.lisp
Created June 18, 2017 14:19
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aobench CommonLisp ver.
(defparameter image-width 256)
(defparameter image-height 256)
(defparameter nsubsamples 2)
(defparameter nao-samples 8)
;; vector
(defmacro vx (v) `(svref ,v 0))
(defmacro vy (v) `(svref ,v 1))
(defmacro vz (v) `(svref ,v 2))
(defun vadd (a b)
(vector (+ (vx a) (vx b))
(+ (vy a) (vy b))
(+ (vz a) (vz b))))
(defun vsub (a b)
(vector (- (vx a) (vx b))
(- (vy a) (vy b))
(- (vz a) (vz b))))
(defun vcross (a b)
(vector (- (* (vy a) (vz b)) (* (vz a) (vy b)))
(- (* (vz a) (vx b)) (* (vx a) (vz b)))
(- (* (vx a) (vy b)) (* (vy a) (vx b)))))
(defun vdot (a b)
(+ (* (vx a) (vx b))
(* (vy a) (vy b))
(* (vz a) (vz b))))
(defun sq (x) (* x x))
(defun vlen (a)
(sqrt (+ (sq (vx a)) (sq (vy a)) (sq (vz a)))))
(defun vnormalize (a)
(let ((d (vlen a)))
(if (> d 1.d-17)
(vector (/ (vx a) d) (/ (vy a) d) (/ (vz a) d))
;; geometry
(defstruct ray
org dir)
(defstruct (isect (:conc-name is-))
(dist 1.0d30)
(hit nil)
(p (vector 0.0 0.0 0.0))
(n (vector 0.0 0.0 0.0)))
(defun sphere (center radius)
#'(lambda (ray isect)
(let* ((rs (vsub (ray-org ray) center))
(b (vdot rs (ray-dir ray)))
(c (- (vdot rs rs) (* radius radius)))
(d (- (sq b) c)))
(when (> d 0.0)
(let ((dist (- (- b) (sqrt d))))
(when (< 0.0 dist (is-dist isect))
(setf (is-dist isect) dist
(is-hit isect) t
(is-p isect)
(let ((ro (ray-org ray)) (rd (ray-dir ray)))
(vector (+ (vx ro) (* (vx rd) dist))
(+ (vy ro) (* (vy rd) dist))
(+ (vz ro) (* (vz rd) dist))))
(is-n isect) (vnormalize (vsub (is-p isect) center)))))))))
(defun plane (p n)
#'(lambda (ray isect)
(let ((d (-(vdot p n)))
(v (vdot (ray-dir ray) n)))
(when (> (abs v) 1.d-17)
(let ((dist (/ (- (+ (vdot (ray-org ray) n) d)) v)))
(when (< 0.0 dist (is-dist isect))
(setf (is-dist isect) dist
(is-hit isect) t
(is-n isect) n
(is-p isect)
(let ((ro (ray-org ray)) (rd (ray-dir ray)))
(vector (+ (vx ro) (* (vx rd) dist))
(+ (vy ro) (* (vy rd) dist))
(+ (vz ro) (* (vz rd) dist)))))))))))
(defun defscene ()
(list (sphere (vector -2.0 0.0 -3.5) 0.5)
(sphere (vector -0.5 0.0 -3.0) 0.5)
(sphere (vector 1.0 0.0 -2.2) 0.5)
(plane (vector 0.0 -0.5 0.0) (vector 0.0 1.0 0.0))))
(defun ortho-basis (n)
(let* ((v (cond
((< -0.6 (vy n) 0.6)
(vector 0.0 1.0 0.0))
((< -0.6 (vz n) 0.6)
(vector 0.0 0.0 1.0))
(t (vector 1.0 0.0 0.0))))
(s (vnormalize (vcross v n))))
(values s (vnormalize (vcross n s)) n)))
(defun random-real ()
(/ (random 1d16) 1d16))
(defun ambient-occlusion (scene isect)
(let* ((ntheta nao-samples)
(nphi nao-samples)
(eps 0.0001)
(occlusion 0.0)
(p (vector (+ (vx (is-p isect)) (* eps (vx (is-n isect))))
(+ (vy (is-p isect)) (* eps (vy (is-n isect))))
(+ (vz (is-p isect)) (* eps (vz (is-n isect)))))))
(multiple-value-bind (b0 b1 b2) (ortho-basis (is-n isect))
(dotimes (j nphi)
(dotimes (i ntheta)
(let* ((r (random-real)) (phi (* 2.0 pi (random-real)))
(x (* (cos phi) (sqrt (- 1 r))))
(y (* (sin phi) (sqrt (- 1 r))))
(z (sqrt r))
(newdir (vector (+ (* x (vx b0)) (* y (vx b1)) (* z (vx b2)))
(+ (* x (vy b0)) (* y (vy b1)) (* z (vy b2)))
(+ (* x (vz b0)) (* y (vz b1)) (* z (vz b2)))))
(newray (make-ray :org p :dir newdir))
(occ-isect (make-isect)))
(mapc #'(lambda (f) (funcall f newray occ-isect)) scene)
(when (is-hit occ-isect)
(incf occlusion 1.0))))))
(/ (- (* ntheta nphi) occlusion) (* ntheta nphi))))
(defun clamp (f)
(let ((i (* f 255.5)))
(cond ((< i 0) 0)
((> i 255) 255)
(t (round i)))))
(defun render (scene w h nsubs)
(let ((image (make-array (list w h) :element-type 'vector)))
(dotimes (y h image)
(dotimes (x w)
(let ((rad 0.0))
;; subsampling
(dotimes (v nsubs)
(dotimes (u nsubs)
(let* ((px (/ (+ x (/ u nsubs) (- (/ w 2))) (/ w 2)))
(py (- (/ (+ y (/ v nsubs) (- (/ h 2))) (/ h 2))))
(eye (vnormalize (vector px py -1.0)))
(newray (make-ray :org (vector 0.0 0.0 0.0) :dir eye))
(isect (make-isect)))
(mapc #'(lambda (f) (funcall f newray isect)) scene)
(when (is-hit isect)
(let ((col (ambient-occlusion scene isect)))
(incf rad col))))))
(setf (aref image x y) (clamp (/ rad (sq nsubs)))))))))
(defun write-pnm (file image w h)
(with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite :if-does-not-exist :create)
(format s "P2~%~D ~D~%~D~%" w h 255)
(dotimes (y h)
(dotimes (x w)
(let ((p (aref image x y)))
(format s "~D~%" p))))
(defun main (&optional (fn "test.pgm"))
(let ((img (render (defscene) image-width image-height nsubsamples)))
(write-pnm fn img image-width image-height)))
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