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Created November 23, 2019 13:49
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######## CAUSAL INFERENCE ########
#Setting up libraries
### Problem 1 ###
# Part A.
# The code in this part tries to find match balance before doing the matching itself.
# It takes the output of “genout”, which calls GenMatch and is thus a weight matrix, to evaluate match balance, even though no matching is being performed by GenMatch.
# Part B
# The arguments passed to the GenMatch function are not the same as the ones passed to Match() later on.
# Specifically, there is no “caliper” argument in Match, which defaults it to NULL, and the “estimand” argument would also be a problem were it not defaulted to “ATT” or if we had another estimand in GenMatch.
# Part C
# Y is defined only as “re78”, without specifying the dataset the variable is in.
# This means that will be a traceback error.
### Problem 2 ###
foo <- read.csv("")
foo2 <- foo[, c(6:8, 11:16, 99, 50, 114, 49, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10)]
# remove 2 rows with missing data (there are better ways to handle missing data)
foo2 <- na.omit(foo2)
# take a peek at the data set (identify the columns)
glm.orig <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty + untype4,
data = foo2, family = 'binomial')
glm.interac <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty + untype4 +
I(foo2$exp*foo2$untype4) + I(foo2$wardur*foo2$logcost),
data = foo2, family = 'binomial')
# Geographic variables were not taken into account in Gary King's model of interest
mean.wartype <- mean(foo2$wartype)
mean.logdead <- mean(foo2$logcost)
# In this case, all variables but wardur (which we plot) are held at their means
# mean.wardur <- mean(foo2$wardur)
mean.factnum <- mean(foo2$factnum)
mean.factnum2 <- mean(foo2$factnum2)
mean.trnsfcap <- mean(foo2$trnsfcap)
mean.develop <- mean(foo2$develop)
mean.exp <- mean(foo2$exp)
mean.decade <- mean(foo2$decade)
mean.treaty <- mean(foo2$treaty)
# Hold interaction terms at their means as well
mean.exptreat <- mean(foo2$exp*foo2$untype4)
mean.durlogcost <- mean(foo2$wardur*foo2$logcost)
# How many wars in the data set had peacebuilding missions?
# mean.untype4 <- mean(foo2$untype4)
# There is only one observation with 'wardur' above 315 months, at 600 months
# We discard the observation as it is an outlier too far from the range of the remaining data
logits <- function(Xs, coef) {
logit <- coef[1] + sum(coef[2:length(coef)]*Xs)
return(exp(logit) / (1 + exp(logit)))
# Create empty vectors to store war durations
# Each vector has a length of 315 as that is
# the maximum duration plotted in King (2007)
wardur.origtreat <- rep(NA, 315)
wardur.origctrl <- rep(NA, 315)
for (k in 1:315) {
Xs.orig.treat <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logdead, k, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 1)
Xs.orig.ctrl <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logdead, k, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 0)
wardur.origtreat[k] <- logits(Xs.orig.treat, coef(glm.orig))
wardur.origctrl[k] <- logits(Xs.orig.ctrl, coef(glm.orig))
original.y <- wardur.origtreat - wardur.origctrl
wardur.interac.treat <- rep(NA, 315)
wardur.interac.ctrl <- rep(NA, 315)
for (i in 1:315) {
Xs.interac.treat <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logdead, i, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 1, 1*mean.exp,
Xs.interac.ctrl <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logdead, i, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 0, 0*mean.exp, i*mean.logdead)
wardur.interac.treat[i] <- logits(Xs.interac.treat, coef(glm.interac))
wardur.interac.ctrl[i] <- logits(Xs.interac.ctrl, coef(glm.interac))
interac_y <- wardur.interac.treat - wardur.interac.ctrl
plot(1:315, original.y, xlab = "Duration of wars in months", ylab="Marginal effects of UN peacekeeping operations",
type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.8), main = 'Causal effect of multidimensional UN peacekeeping operations')
lines(1:315, interac_y, col = "blue", ylim = c(0, 0.8))
legend(1, 95, legend=c("Original model", "Model with interaction terms"),
col=c("blue", "red"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)
### Problem 3 ###
## If we are to only select the variables to be used in problems 3 & 4, we can use the
# the following code to only pick those columns of the dataset
## Find 'uncint', 'pbs2l', and 'pbs5l
# which(foo=='Enforcement', arr.ind = T)
# which(colnames(foo)=='pbs2l')
# which(colnames(foo)=='pbs5l')
## Keep 'uncint', 'pbs2l', and 'pbs5l
foo3 <- foo[, c(6:8, 11:16, 99, 50, 34, 35, 52, 114, 49, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10)]
## Remove rows with missing data
foo3 <- na.omit(foo3)
# Create a vector full of zeroes of the same length
# as there are data points for 'uncint'
Tr <- rep(0, length(foo3$uncint))
Tr[which(foo3$uncint != "None")] <- 1
foo3$Tr <- Tr
### Problem 4 ###
## Logistic regressions
# Check balance for logistic regressions
mbinit <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost),
data = foo3, nboots=500)
# From mbinit, we can see that there is quite a lot of difference in logcost
# between the treatment and control groups, with treatment group wars having more deaths
# There are even more noticeable differences to keep in mind in regard to ineraction terms
# between the human cost and the number of factions in the conflict
glm2l <- glm(pbs2l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost) + Tr,
data = foo3, family = 'binomial')
glm5l <- glm(pbs5l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost) + Tr,
data = foo3, family = 'binomial')
# Below, there are calculations of treatment effect estimates by considering
# the unit-level difference in outcomes obtained by simulating counterfactuals
# This was not included in the table in the responses as it is part of
# last year's answer key and is not my own work, but it is worth it
# to compare the estimates and the coefficients
# Two years
# foo.counter_factual <- foo3
# foo.counter_factual$Tr <- 1 - foo3$Tr
# counter.factuals <- predict(glm2l, newdata=foo.counter_factual, type="response")
# unit_treat_effects <- rep(NA, nrow(foo3))
# mask <- foo3$Tr == 1
# unit_treat_effects[mask] <- glm2l$fitted.values[mask] - counter.factuals[mask]
# unit_treat_effects[!mask] <- counter.factuals[!mask] - glm2l$fitted.values[!mask]
# mean(unit_treat_effects)
# Out[1] = 0.09374585
# Five years
# foo5.counter_factual <- foo3
# foo5.counter_factual$Tr <- 1 - foo3$Tr
# counter.factuals5 <- predict(glm5l, newdata=foo5.counter_factual, type="response")
# unit_treat_effects5 <- rep(NA, nrow(foo3))
# mask <- foo3$Tr == 1
# unit_treat_effects5[mask] <- glm5l$fitted.values[mask] - counter.factuals5[mask]
# unit_treat_effects5[!mask] <- counter.factuals5[!mask] - glm5l$fitted.values[!mask]
# mean(unit_treat_effects5)
# Out[2] = 0.126225
### Propensity Score Matching
glmps <- glm(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3, family = 'binomial')
pscores <- glmps$fitted.values
Y2l <- foo3$pbs2l
Y5l <- foo3$pbs5l
m2lps <- Match(Y=Y2l, Tr=Tr, X=pscores, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, replace = T)
mb2lps <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = m2lps, nboots=500)
m5lps <- Match(Y=Y5l, Tr=Tr, X=pscores, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, replace = T)
mb5lps <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = m5lps, nboots=500)
### Genetic Matching w/o Propensity Scores
X4 <- cbind(wartype, logcost, foo3$wardur, factnum,
factnum2, trnsfcap, develop, exp, decade, treaty, I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur), I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost))
Xps <- cbind(glmps$fitted.values, wartype, logcost, foo3$wardur, factnum,
factnum2, trnsfcap, develop, exp, decade, treaty, I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur), I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost))
genout <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr, X=X4, M=1, replace = T, pop.size=200, max.generations=10, wait.generations=25)
genout2 <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr, X=X4, M=1, replace = T, pop.size=200, max.generations=10, wait.generations=25)
match.nops2l <- Match(Y=Y2l, Tr=Tr, X=X4, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, Weight.matrix = genout, replace = T)
match.nops5l <- Match(Y=Y5l, Tr=Tr, X=X4, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, Weight.matrix = genout2, replace = T)
mbnops2l <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = match.nops2l, nboots=500)
mbnops5l <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = match.nops5l, nboots=500)
### Genetic Matching w/ Propensity Scores
genoutps <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr, X=Xps, M=1,
pop.size=200, max.generations=10, wait.generations=25, replace = T)
genoutps2 <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr, X=Xps, M=1,
pop.size=200, max.generations=10, wait.generations=25, replace = T)
gm2lps <- Match(Y=Y2l, Tr=Tr, X=Xps, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, Weight.matrix = genoutps, replace = T)
gmb2lps <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = gm2lps, nboots=500)
gm5lps <- Match(Y=Y5l, Tr=Tr, X=Xps, M=1, BiasAdjust = T, Weight.matrix = genoutps2, replace = T)
gmb5lps <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty +
I(foo3$logcost*foo3$wardur) + I(foo3$factnum*foo3$logcost), data = foo3,
match.out = gm5lps, nboots=500)
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