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Thomas Laird t-laird

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30 Day Action Plan - Thomas Laird

30-Day Action Plan Checklist

Action Item Deliverable Status
Establish a shareable calendar (webcal:// (Opens in Mac Calendar App)
Cut off date for a full time position: April 20th, 2018
Monthly/Weekly/Daily goals Monthly: Take a well rounded approach that hits the mark on outreach, daily coding, interview prep and job applications equally. Weekly: Have at least one interview per week of any time (phone, code challenge, in-person). Daily: Spend 8+ hours with specific direction and goals to each hour.
const openHeader = () => {
$('.header__main').on('click', openHeader);
$accentTertiary: #d1d2d3;
$accentSecondary: #f2f2f2;
.header {
.header__header {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 50px;
h4 {
<section class="header">
<div class="header__header">
<h4>HEADER BAR</h4>
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<img src="./placeholder-logo.svg" alt="logo"/>
(function(l) {
const nonHomeUrls = ['/snap-ninja', '/Headcount', '/comp-3', '/Centipede', 'SWapiBox', 'Weathrly'];
for (let i = 0; i < nonHomeUrls.length; i++) {
const urlRegex = new RegExp(nonHomeUrls[i], 'i');
const verifyUrl = urlRegex.test(l.pathname);
if (verifyUrl) {
var segmentCount = 0;
var l = window.location;
const nonHomeUrls = ['/snap-ninja', '/Headcount', '/comp-3', '/Centipede'];
for (let i = 0; i < nonHomeUrls.length; i++) {
const urlRegex = new RegExp(nonHomeUrls[i], 'i');
const verifyUrl = urlRegex.test(l.pathname);
if (!verifyUrl) {
l.protocol + '//' + l.hostname + (l.port ? ':' + l.port : '') +
l.pathname.split('/').slice(0, 1 + segmentCount).join('/') + '/?p=/' +
const selectTab = (event) => {
if (window.innerWidth > 500) {
return selectTabDesktop(event);
} else {
return selectTabMobile(event);
const selectTabDesktop = (event) => {
if ($('active')) { return; }
@import url(',600');
$accentPrimary: #34D1D1;
$background1: #2f2235;
$background2: #3f3244;
$accentSecondary: #f2f2f2;
$accentTertiary: #d1d2d3;
$background3: #666666;
$black: #000000;
$javascript: #F1E05A;
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<h4 class="flexible__card__header">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</h4>
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//from GitPoint's fontsize helper
export const normalize = size => {
if (pixelRatio === 2) {
if (deviceWidth < 360) {
return size * 0.95;
if (deviceHeight < 667) {
return size;
} else if (deviceHeight >= 667 && deviceHeight <= 735) {