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Created December 19, 2011 00:05
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  • ドラゴンランドがまだ平和だったころに撮ったもの?
    • ドム、マンモス、木が全てドラゴンランドの土着の生きモノであれば、そうかもしれない
      • 3種ともウイウイジャンボや、浮遊城砦に居た何かに呼び出されたり、取り込まれたものでなければ
    • スペースハリアー3D以後、スペースハリアー本編以前に撮られたもの、ということになる
  • ドラゴンランドに平和が戻ったあとに撮ったもの?
    • 文章の印象としては、ハリアーは事件解決後すぐにどこかへ向かって旅立ったように見えるが…
      • スナップ撮影のようなものなので、10秒もあれば撮れるはず
  • 「スペースハリアー」は舞台劇/アトラクションであり、タイトル画面は舞台に出ている出演者を写したポスターのようなもの?
    • マーク3版のプロローグでは、ハリアーと敵キャラが、モニタの前に居るプレイヤーに向かって一緒に頭を下げている
    • これは舞台からの挨拶のように見える
    • 舞台劇だとすると、「スペースハリアー」というゲームはスタートレックのホロデッキや、 ディズニーランド等の舞台型アトラクションのようなもので、プレイヤーは一時的にそこに没入する、という設定なのだと考えられる

マーク3版 スペースハリアー

  • プロローグに、ユーライアは "He" とある
  • プロローグのテキストスクロール時のBGMは"Lovers"というタイトルで、マーク3版のみの曲
  • プロローグのバックで、デフォルメされた敵キャラとハリアーが挨拶する
    • 右から出てきて、左に向かい、中央でモニタ手前(プレイヤー)を見て頭を下げ、左に出て行く
    • 出てくるキャラはマンモス、スケイラ(1面ボス)、バルダ(15面ボス)、ドムの4体
  • プロローグの最後 (「Welcome to the fantazy sone」が出てくるところ) でハリアーを含めた全員が出てきて、一緒に挨拶をする
  • これは舞台が終わった後の挨拶のように見える

Space harrier saga prologue

One upon a time there existed a beautiful utopia located far, far beyond the most distatnt galaxy of the universe, called “Dragon Land”.

It was a peaceful world brimming over with life and light. Then suddenly in the space year 6226, a dastardly scheme carefully orchestrated by the evil one was unleashed on this land which had once been a “Garden of Eden”.

Supernatural phenomena became rampant throughout the devastated planet and barbaric and evil creatures could literally be seen roaming everywhere.

Although everything imaginable appeared to have been destroyed on Dragon Land. The only living thing that continued to resist the forces of evil was “Uriah”, a friendly dragon. He was nearly at his wits' end in his unrelenting search for a savior, When lo and behold, a fighter from earth with superhuman ability and physic powers heard his plea for help and arriving on the scene to help save the day.

Now, with the whole universe as your audience. A legendary battle that is surely destined to be passed down to future generations, is about to unfold.

Welcome to the fantazy zone.

Space harrier saga epilogue

The battle has ended in a resounding success. Every single barbaric creature has been eliminated from Dragon Land and the menacing shadow of the evil one can no longer be seen.

Never again will the planet fall victim to the invasion of a mad ruler. Peace has been restored and the land that once abounded with death and devastation will soon become alive and overflowing with greenery and animals of every description.

Yes, the victory was certainly a decisive one. But what of the mysterious flying citadel? Why did it inflict such destruction on Draon Land?... What if its aim was not merely one of carnage. But instead constituted only part of a master plan of intrigue?

With the undying gratitude of uriah, the gallant warrior disappears towards another troubled spot in the universe.

Thus, the first chapter in the “Space Harrier Saga” comes to a close, but not for long.

Up ahead, waiting out hero, is another life and death battle in his never ending crusade to liberate those who yearn to be free.

The end

マーク3版 スペースハリアー3D

  • エンディングでユーライアが出てくる




Harrier, a trainee warrior in the space year 6221, has unexpectedly saved the beautiful white dragon from the electromagnetic wave he was confined in by his brother, a disciple of the devil.

The magnificent creature, once the kingdom's legitimate successor to the throne and whom you will come to know as Uriah in the sequel to this game, pledges his undying gratitude and friendship for the super human rescue carried out single-handedly by harrier, and with our hero aboard, soars off into the sky, content in the knowledge that peace has once again been restored to his planet.


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