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Last active November 13, 2016 11:56
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Learn ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers with a harmonic oscillator

Learn ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers with a harmonic oscillator

Solve some ordinary differential equations (ODE).

Winston is used for plotting, but using Winston takes some time. Github: Documents:

Comparison of some geometric integrators

Comparison of some geometric integrators, Euler, symplectic-Euler, velocity-Verlet, position-Verlet and leapfrog methods.

Package: GeometricIntegrators.jl

examples of usage:

Symplectic-Euler, velocity-Verlet, position-Verlet and leapfrog are so-called symplectic integrators. Test them with h=0.4 and n=10000.

Runge-Kutta method

Runge-Kutta: rk1.jl

Energy is not conserved

Runge-Kutta method is not a symplectic integrator. Confirm that energy is not coserved with h=0.4 and n=10000.


Runge-Kutta method is good for simulations of acceleration: acc.jl

Pretty print

$ LANG=C a2ps --header='Printed by t-nissie' --media=a4 --prologue=color\
  --portrait --columns=1 --margin=3 --borders=off -f 11.0 --pretty-print=julia\
  -o ~/.julia/v0.4/RungeKutta/src/RungeKutta.jl
$ ~/scripts/PsDuplex | lpr -l
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# acceleration of an oscillator.
# Pkg.clone("git://")
# Pkg.add("Winston") or Pkg.clone("")
# Install these packages only for the first time.
using RungeKutta
m = 1.0
k0 = 1.0
k1 = 0.1
omega = sqrt(k0/m)
f = [(t,x) -> x[2]/m,
(t,x) -> -x[1]*(k0+k1*cos(2*omega*t))]
x0 = [0.0, 2.0]
t0 = 0.0
h = 0.1
n = 400
t,x = rk4f(f, x0, t0, h, n)
energy = zeros(Float64, n+1)
for i in 1:n+1
energy[i] = x[2,i]^2/2 + x[1,i]^2/2
using Winston
plot(t, x[1,:], t, x[2,:], t, energy[:])
module LeapFrog
# Implements a leapfrog solver for systems of ODEs.
# Computes the value of the next point in the leapfrog iteration.
# Args:
# f: The array of functions for computing x_n+1.
# x: The current value of the points in the space.
# t: The current value of time.
# h: The step size.
# Returns: The next point in the solution.
function nextPoint{T<:AbstractFloat}( f::Array{Function,1},
q_half = x + h/2 .* map(f_each -> f_each(t, x) , f)
p_next = x + h .* map(f_each -> f_each(t+h/2, q_half), f)
q_next = q_half + h/2 .* map(f_each -> f_each(t+h, p_next), f) # t+h/2 ???
return t + h, vcat(q_next[1:length(x)÷2],p_next[length(x)÷2+1:length(x)])
# Solves a system of ODEs using the leapfrog method.
# Args:
# f: An array of functions defining the system of first-order ODEs such that
# f[i](t, x_n) = x[i]_{n+1}
# x0: The initial point.
# t0: The initial time.
# h: The step size.
# n: The number of iterations.
# Throws:
# ArgumentError: If the length of f is not equal to the length of x0.
# ArgumentError: If n is not greater than zero.
# Returns: The vector of times, and the vector of points produced by the solver.
function leapfrog{T<:AbstractFloat}(f::Array{Function,1}, x0::Array{T,1},
t0::AbstractFloat, h::AbstractFloat, n::Integer)
#Validate that the lengths of f and x0 are the same.
if length(f) != length(x0)
throw(ArgumentError("There must be one function per element of x0."));
#Validate that n is greater than zero.
if n <= 0
throw(ArgumentError("Number of iterations must be positive."));
#Validate that the step size is greater than zero.
if h <= 0.0
throw(ArgumentError("Step size must be positive."));
x = zeros(length(x0), n+1);
t = zeros(1, n+1);
#The first points are the initial conditions.
x[:,1] = x0;
t[1] = t0;
for ii in 2:(n+1)
t[ii], x[:,ii] = nextPoint(f, x[:,ii-1], t[ii-1], h);
return t,x
export leapfrog
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# Harmonic oscillator for a ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver
using LeapFrog
m = 1.0
k0 = 1.0
k1 = 0.1
omega = sqrt(k0/m)
f = [(t,x) -> x[2]/m,
(t,x) -> -x[1]*(k0+k1*cos(2*omega*t))]
x0 = [0.0, 2.0]
t0 = 0.0
h = 0.1
n = 400
t,x = leapfrog(f, x0, t0, h, n)
energy = zeros(Float64, n+1)
for i in 1:n+1
energy[i] = x[2,i]^2/2 + x[1,i]^2/2
using Winston
plot(t, x[1,:], t, x[2,:], t, energy[:])
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#!/usr/bin/env julia
# rk1.jl
# Pkg.clone("git://")
# Pkg.add("Winston") or Pkg.clone("")
# Install these packages only for the first time.
using RungeKutta
# H = p^2/(2m) + k*q^2/2
m = 1.0
k = 1.0
f = [(t,x) -> x[2]/m,
(t,x) -> -x[1]*k] # array of anonymous functions
x0 = [0.0, 2.0]
t0 = 0.0
h = 0.01
n = 1000
t,x = rk4f(f, x0, t0, h, n)
energy = zeros(Float64, n+1)
for i in 1:n+1
energy[i] = x[2,i]^2/2 + x[1,i]^2/2
using Winston
plot(t, x[1,:], t, x[2,:], t, energy[:])
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