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Created September 17, 2018 23:16
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$fa = 2; $fs = 0.2;
r = 4;
w = 50;
h = 155;
cnt = 7;
steps = 8;
space = 12;
function weave(x) = [
for (a = [0 : $fa / 2 : 359.99])
(x + r * cos(a * steps)) * [ -sin(a), cos(a) ]
module ring() {
translate([w - r - 1, 0])
square([2 * r + 2, space / 4]);
module cylinders() {
for (a = [0 : 2 * steps - 1])
rotate(a * 360 / (2 * steps))
translate([w, 0, 0])
cylinder(r = r, h = h);
module weave() {
difference() {
polygon(weave(w + 1));
polygon(weave(w - 1));
module model() {
translate([0, 0, h - space / 4]) ring();
for (a = [0 : cnt - 1])
color([1 / cnt * a, 1 - 1 / cnt * a, 0])
translate([0, 0, a * h / cnt + space/4])
linear_extrude(h / cnt - space / 2)
rotate(a * 180 / steps)
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