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Last active May 13, 2018 16:37
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bullet hell test
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:shooter
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:init
(in-package #:shooter)
(defparameter *window-width* 800)
(defparameter *window-height* 600)
;;; game objects
(defstruct object pos-fn draw-fn act-fn available?)
(defparameter *objects* (make-array 5000 :initial-element nil))
(defun make-object* (pos-fn draw-fn act-fn)
(make-object :pos-fn (lambda (tick) (funcall pos-fn tick))
:draw-fn draw-fn
:act-fn act-fn
:available? t))
(defun alloc-object (pos-fn draw-fn act-fn)
(let ((idx (position-if #'(lambda (o) (or (null o) (null (object-available? o)))) *objects*)))
(when idx
(let ((obj (make-object* pos-fn draw-fn act-fn)))
(setf (aref *objects* idx) obj)
;;; bullet
(defun draw-bullet (pos tick)
(declare (ignore tick))
(sdl:draw-circle (sdl:point :x (car pos) :y (cdr pos)) 10
:color (sdl:color :r 50 :g 100 :b 180)))
(defun disable-on-out (obj pos tick)
(declare (ignore tick))
(let ((x (car pos))
(y (cdr pos)))
(when (or (> 0 x) (< *window-width* x)
(> 0 y) (< *window-height* y))
(setf (object-available? obj) nil))))
(defun shoot-arround (v)
:for deg :from 0 :upto 360 :by 15
:do (let ((obj (alloc-object (let ((dx (* v (cos (* deg (/ pi 180)))))
(dy (* v (sin (* deg (/ pi 180)))))
(x 400)
(y 300))
#'(lambda (tick)
(declare (ignore tick))
(cons (incf x dx) (incf y dy))))
(when obj
(setf (object-available? obj) t)))))
;;; system
(defun init ()
(alloc-object #'(lambda (tick)
(when (zerop (mod tick 34))
(dotimes (n 10)
(shoot-arround (float (1+ (* 1.6 n))))))
(cons 400 300))
#'(lambda (pos tick)
(declare (ignore tick))
(sdl:draw-circle (sdl:point :x (car pos) :y (cdr pos)) 5
:color sdl:*black*))
(defparameter *tick* 0)
(defun proc ()
:for o :across *objects*
:when (and o (object-available? o))
:do (let ((pos (funcall (object-pos-fn o) *tick*)))
(when pos
(funcall (object-draw-fn o) pos *tick*)
(funcall (object-act-fn o) o pos *tick*))))
(incf *tick*))
(defun main ()
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:window *window-width* *window-height*
:title-caption "shooter")
(setf (sdl:frame-rate) 60)
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quoit-event () t)
(:idle ()
(sdl:clear-display sdl:*white*)
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