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Created December 21, 2023 15:22
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clippy create 10 files in my home directory called importantData[1-10].txt
# Take the text after the "clippy" command as the input
export HELPER="Return only the shell/bash command for the following request, only return the bash/shell that would work if passed to the shell/bash. nothing more. example could be 'list all the files in my home directory' which would return 'ls ~' and ONLY the command 'ls ~', absolutely no other text around it, just the command - the request is for for the following:"
# Send the POST request and process the response
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Extract the "response" and "done" values from the JSON response
part=$(echo $line | grep -oP '"response":"\K[^"]+')
done_status=$(echo $line | grep -oP '"done":\K\w+')
# Concatenate to the full response
# Check if the "done" status is true
if [[ $done_status == "true" ]]; then
done < <(curl -s -X POST http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d "{\"model\": \"mistral\", \"prompt\":\"$HELPER $user_prompt\"}")
# Output the final response, extracting only the command between """bash and """
if $is_done; then
echo $response
echo "Error: Stream ended before completion."
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