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Last active July 6, 2021 16:19
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Automatically deploy appwrite Python functions
"""Deploy API functions to Appwrite.
This script will loop though your ./api folder, get all .py files, then:
- check if this function version has been deployed
- if not, will create or update the function
Functions name will be the name of the file, without ".py".
By default functions have no execution permission, you need to change
it manually.
You should have a .env file with following env variables:
Also make sure /tmp is writable by this script, or change the temporary archive location.
from appwrite.client import Client
from import Functions
import dotenv
import os
import json
import hashlib
client = Client()
print(f"Connecting to appwrite: https://{dotenv.get_key('.env', '_APP_DOMAIN')}/v1")
client.set_endpoint(f"https://{dotenv.get_key('.env', '_APP_DOMAIN')}/v1")
client.set_project(dotenv.get_key(".env", "PROJECT_ID"))
client.set_key(dotenv.get_key(".env", "ADMIN_KEY"))
functions = Functions(client)
os.system("cp ./.env ./api/.env")
os.system("cd ./api && PIP_TARGET=./.appwrite pip install -r ./requirements.txt --upgrade --ignore-installed")
os.system("cd ./api && tar -zcf /tmp/functions.tar.gz ./")
def get_function(functions, name):
"""Return function ID if exists."""
for f in functions:
if (f["name"] == name):
return f["$id"]
return None
def get_hashes():
"""Get the latest hash published."""
with open("./.functions_hashes.json") as file:
return json.load(file)
return {}
def save_hashes(hashes):
"""Save the latest hash published."""
with open("./.functions_hashes.json", "w+") as file:
return json.dump(hashes, file)
existing_functions = functions.list()["functions"]
latest_hashes = get_hashes()
for file in os.listdir("./api"):
if (file.endswith(".py")):
name = file.removesuffix(".py")
print(f"🐍 Function {name}")
hash = hashlib.md5(open(f"./api/{file}", "rb").read()).hexdigest()
if (name in latest_hashes and latest_hashes[name] == hash):
print("ℹ️ No change")
latest_hashes[name] = hash
print("ℹ️ Changes detected, will deploy...")
function_id = get_function(existing_functions, name)
if (function_id is None):
function_id = functions.create(name, [], "python-3.9")["$id"]
tag = functions.create_tag(function_id, f"python ./{file}", open("/tmp/functions.tar.gz", "rb"))
tag_id = tag["$id"]
functions.update_tag(function_id, tag_id)
print("✅ Deployed")
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