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Mr mapple
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0 what's going on guys I'm excited about this right now this is Acer palmatum Gable's glory and these are showing out I mean this is also known as the chameleon Maple and the reason that is is the colors on this are crazy it's like it adapts to everything in its surrounding I mean you've got greens bronzes Reds purples yellow veining this thing is nuts uh definitely one that you should add to your collection Acer palmatum Gables Glory
1 what's up guys we're here with one of my favorite japonicles now this one goes by many names like anatofolium my acoujaku or the dancing peacock maple you can see that's a very heavily divided beautiful large japonicum leaf now this tree it may not be showing it right now but it's got some hidden talents during the fall time you'll see all sorts of colors purple yellow oranges and they are dancing inside that leaf for an amazing fall color this thing really puts on a show during that time and uh I'm surprised we still got a few these are awesome trees make sure to check them out on Mr
2 [Music] what's going on guys I'm Brian here at Mr Maple today we got a really cool Plant we got Acer palmatum dragons tears this thing is really interesting it gives you a nice pendulous almost weeping Habit to a red palmate leaf man it's really cool very heat tolerant I grew this in Oklahoma it'd handle a lot of sun this is a really interesting red Japanese maple that I think brings some great texture and form to the garden [Music]
3 [Music] thank you hey I'm Matt and Welcome to our new series walk through Wednesdays as we continue to provide you guys with regularly scheduled programming here on the Mr Maple show I'm Tim we really appreciate you watching today's video make sure to like subscribe and share walk through Wednesday is one of our favorite things where we get to go explore through greenhouses talk about plants that's what we love doing and I hope you enjoy doing this too get involved in the live chat make sure you share this video with the gardening friends and make sure that you shop on we'd really appreciate it hey guys we love doing walk through Wednesdays whether it's in some of our family's Gardens some of our Gardens here at Mr Maple or some of our customers Gardens and different arboretums we're going to keep providing this walk-through content and also through our greenhouses that's probably one of our most common walk-through Wednesdays we love getting out and showing you what we're passionate about and kind of taking you on a tour through some different areas today we're at Hillstone Arboretum now Hillstone Arboretum gets its name from my uncle Glenn Hill who his former business was Hill stonework as you can see as you tour through these Gardens many may be new to the channel we've covered them a little bit before but there's some amazing stone work around Hillstone Arboretum and some pretty cool plants too yeah the best thing is is that our uncle Glenn has has this beautiful Rock work everywhere and we've been able to sprinkle cool plants all across his Gardens and we've caught it Hillstone Arboretum simply because we've got so many cool plants here from Maples to ginkgos to conifers and many other cool plants all around this place I hear there's some things starting fall color we're here in October so they're not in perfect fall color yet but I think we might get some exciting fall color just starting here at Hillstone Arboretum one example of those really cool plants just sprinkled around is this really large camera Cypress obtusa chairman this is one of the largest ones that I've seen amazing little dwarf Enoki Cypress that has these arm-like effect and at an early age it has a little blue color to it with a little bit of silver in there fun Conifer we love conifers they pair so well with Japanese maples and this is just one example of some of the many cool plants oh yeah this one's close to a 20 year old specimen we got a lot to see here guys let's go ahead and take off into Hillstone Arboretum [Music] [Music] awesome beautiful conifers over here we put these in a tray here it's kind of in its own little Conifer bed first off we've got Nana gracillus here this is a dwarfinoki Cypress love the hanuki cypresses they pair so well with Japanese maples they can handle a little more shade than some of the other uh conifers still want to give them a little bit of sun but they give that small compact habit that extra texture and Evergreen interest out in the landscaping Garden so next up over here we have a really cool Cedar these are Hedgehog now we actually have a pairing of three hedgehogs here together to make it look like one massive plant this is an extremely dwarf Cedar yeah these are really really old specimens of Cedric slobania Hedgehog excellent little dwarf Lebanon Cedar I mean they talk about the Lebanon cedars in the Bible and this is a dwarf compact form of that really awesome little plant gives you a little bit of blue color in there and is a plant that is just so unique very very slow growing again we've got three different plants in here yeah and pretty awesome how we sort of planted this in here I love that they contrast so well and they give a nice low interest so they don't block the window here for my Vivint who loves to watch the birds out here wow so we've got some of my favorite plants in this Garden here from shiranami to one of the largest macaw that's buses you'll ever see the fall color is just starting on this one it is an over 40 year old specimen I love this Macaulay tabuse it's one of the bigger ones in the country and this plant when it lights up in fall color it's just starting on the tenges it just lights up the whole garden it goes with those bold orange Reds and this is a slow growing dwarf I mean this is the same plant that we sell as a two-year plant you know that is a smaller plant I mean it takes a long time to get there it's a very slow growing dwarf and here we see one that has got to this enormous size with that same tightly layering habit this is one of our favorite plants in the garden and it's always a pleasure to come see this tree in the fall yeah it's just starting here there's some ton touches of color going on it's going to be lighting up soon I'm seeing some seeds maybe we'll come back and do a seed collecting video here in the future show you how we do a little bit of that going on but I definitely see some seeds we're going to be collecting on this older macawa yatsabusa specimen and right here is shiranami I mean this is one of our favorite Japanese maples as well this one here just goes through all those crazy color changes and it's just tinging on fall color it will get some yellows oranges Reds Peach Reds all in this at the same time and it's just now beginning I can't we're gonna have to come back and do another video and this is for sure early here in October this one can get some massive Peach colors going on in the fall some really bold Reds I mean it goes through so many different color changes Acer palmatum sure Nami always a crowd pleaser you may say I've never heard of shiranami and that's because well you might not be following us here on Mr Maple make sure you're subscribed to us on YouTube and to our weekly emails we make this thing available it sells out quickly so if you see this on the website make sure you check out really quickly because this is an old classic cultivar from Japan not often found in the nursery trade but we try to make it as available as much as we can here at Mr Maple and it is such a beautiful plant in the springtime all the colors it goes through to the Fall colors it's such a unique style that it's a Japanese maple that really stands out in the garden without the talk about this saying okay here this thing's got great fall color going on this is your classic coral bark Japanese maple I always tell people they're underrated for fall color it's one of the first trees here in the garden getting into that fall color as it emerges you'll get some yellows but you also get some splashes of red almost looks like paint flickered all over the yellow we recently just did some family photography right here in front of this plant because it is really lighting up the landscaping Garden I mean this bright yellow it's one of the trees already showing great fall color out here the thing about sengukaku is the name translates as Coral towers and that's because during the winter months this has bright coral bark so the bark itself gives a bright red winter interest this is a classic Japanese maple but it's still a fantastic one like Matt said it's heavily underrated for its fall color and it contrasts so well being right here behind that macaw going to the orange red and the sheeranami going through the plethora of colors that it goes through I see a really cool Azalea we should talk about this yeah I I agree this is a really cool pretty rare Azalea this is Rhododendron Steno petalum it's also referred to as a spider Azalea yeah the spotter Azalea is pretty spectacular it has these really thin leaves to it almost think of it like a little Blum Japanese maple it's like the lunar lobe Lim Azalea yeah and we offer some varieties like coromo shikaboo and chromoshikaboo white that are said to be hybrids with this plant itself love this plant I believe some people have called this uh Rhododendron macrocephalum but amazing amazing plant that is really rare and not often found in the nurture trade because it's pretty difficult to root and propagate check it out we actually got some flowers going on right now as well [Music] hey guys let's go on down to this area we refer to as The Grotto in our family there's a more normal size from a Coweta boost down there let's go check it out [Music] thank you [Music] as you can see we said our uncle does a ton of rock work Tim actually had his wedding right here on these steps I believe this is where he I never said his with Carla I said I do right here in this very spot with a small family wedding it was an amazing time loved this makawi atsabusa here it's just an awesome plant we've got some Rodeo Japonica so that Japanese Emoto planted down here below and then this makawiatabusa here is more in that 15-year range yeah and slow growing tightly layering habit this is more what a lot of people think of when they think of makawi at the Busa great in these small little patio planners it's excellent because it doesn't get very big very quickly extremely slow growing and this is an excellent Rock planner here that Glenn's built gets a lot of reflective heat here from The Rock we get a lot of little micro climates in this Garden because all the different Rock work this one hadn't quite started its fall color yet but soon it'll be in a blaze orange uh we love macaw that's boost on this channel so we'll definitely be collecting a lot of seed off these looking for some new cultivars there going on makawa we hope you like this walk through Wednesday I mean we wanted to get a little bit of this Garden on camera for you there's a whole backyard we could still go to maybe we'll save that for a future video or maybe even Peak fall color we really appreciate you watching today's video I hope you enjoyed seeing a little bit of the plants and The Rock work there's some cool plants out here just starting fall color again whenever we come back maybe in a few weeks we'll be right in Peak fall color we can hit up that makawa when it's just blazing out there make sure to like subscribe share all those important things it's one small click for you but it means a lot to us we greatly appreciate you sign up for our weekly emails on Mr Maple and our podcast guys take care God bless and have a great day levels [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
4 what's up guys we're here looking for some gems in the freaking greenhouses right now and we stumbled upon one we got Acer campestra Carnival and you can see it's a party going on right now awesome variegation beautiful I love the white variegation on plants and uh this one is definitely one that is uh gonna give you some beautiful color that's going to spice up the landscape and it's just going to give you something that very few other Maples offer so check it out Acer campestra Carnival [Music]
5 hey i'm matt and i'm tim and welcome to the mr maple show today we're at the gardens at blue ridge daylilies and we're going to talk to you a little bit about this awesome plant behind us make sure to like this video subscribe to our youtube channel and sign up for our weekly emails on we had at least 10 new cool trees every tuesday at 10 am so check it out hey today we're talking about the redbud ruby falls now this is a patented redbud that has some amazing colors and is an awesome centerpiece here in the garden this tree is going to leaf out in the early spring actually first it's going to bloom out in the early spring with some bright pink flowers and then you get this lavender dark purple foliage ruby falls makes a beautiful weeping specimen so you want to stake it to its height but it typically reaches about six to eight foot and ten years by equally as wide the thing that's really awesome about this plant isn't just the burgundy foliage but this amazing umbrella habit this weeping habit is very strongly pendulous and it gives a really nice shape in the garden for a weeping redbud those cersei's canadensis it's amazing plant we love it because it sort of gives those same similar shapes they think of with some of the japanese maples but this plant can actually go down to zone four so it's a zone four through nine plant really cool having a red foliage weeping red bud that's going to give you some blooms give you some red foliage but also this wonderful cascading habit which gives a unique texture with these nice heart-shaped leaves now one thing i love about red buds is they're a native plant and this one just has some excellent colors to it you know we're actually here in mid-summer in late june it's almost july tomorrow when we're shooting this and you can kind of see those emerald undertones underneath that dark violet almost deep maroon color and it really just makes a beautiful accompaniment especially as it gets those green undertones in it it's a tree that goes through some amazing color changes but that shape is really what makes this one special now ruby falls was developed by our friends at nc state this was actually in the breeding program of dennis werner and it's just an amazing tree i think ruby falls is a tree that i love to see paired with golden falls that's another red bud that's going to have a similar shape but a bright golden foliage and wow they make the perfect pairing the ruby falls and the golden falls we carry both of them here at mr maple and they just make excellent trees to accompany each other there in the garden this tree is awesome it's definitely a plant you should add in your landscape and garden i think the overall just flowing of this with this red color really adds a lot to landscape and garden so make sure you like this video subscribe to our youtube channel and sign up for those weekly emails because this may be coming out soon to attend at 10 or a fun flower friday near you take care god bless and have a great day
6 [Music] foreign [Music] what's going on everybody today I got a really cool cultivar this is something we hadn't really talked about a whole lot lately we've got Acer palmatum heartbeat now this thing kind of gives you that brighter cherry red color coming out in the spring and then it one cool thing about it is it stays small getting about three to four foot tall in 10 years about that same width also so it's a low cascading mounting form but that fall color as Tim says it it'll make your heart skip a beat with that beautiful red color
7 hey everybody I'm Tim Nichols and mr. maple calm we greatly appreciate you watching our videos please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and sign up for a weekly emails on mr. maple com I'm mad at mr. maple and today we're gonna talk about a really nice red Japanese maple for the garden Acer pomade um fire glue fire glows a nice upright red really gorgeous colors where it gets the name fire glows because it gets some orange red to the backside of the leaf with really really makes it glow whenever the Morning Sun or afternoon Sun shines through it now fire glow is one of our most popular red Japanese maples for its form and size fire glow is gonna have a nice medium-sized palmate leaf it's gonna have amazing spring and fall colors it's one of those Japanese maples that people ask for a red that holds its color all season long and that's what fire glows famous for it's gonna be a bright red in the spring keeping more of a bright red at all summer long and then going to a fiery red in the fall this selection from Italy is a mid-sized upright red Japanese maple typically reaching right around 10 to 12 feet in 15 years making a great quintessential red upright Japanese maple for anyone's garden now Japanese maple in that ten to twelve foot size like fire glow has a lot of uses in the garden this tree is actually popular for container gardening because it's not a tree it's gonna get huge very quickly but it's great for that area where you want to plant something where you want to treat it's not going to be huge this one's in that smaller size frame for an upright red so it's a great candidate for near a porch or near a small area where you want that fiery color and that spring interest on that all summer red but you don't want something gets gigantic now we'll walk up here and zoom in a little bit on this foliage here so you can actually see what the foliage looks like fire glow is an amazing amazing red Japanese maple so we're most popular ones that we do when people come asking often they come ask for the fire glow partly because the name because the name is really catchy easy to remember but also because it's such a beautiful tree if you look on mr. maple calm you can look through some of those photos see some fall color photos some full form photos and that's a great resource for you is you can often go to a mr. maple calm and look through the I didn't see a lot of the photos of the trees throughout different parts of the season hates him while you're there show them the underside of that leaf oh yeah one of the things about fire glow too is the underside of the leaf is very glossy and shiny and this is often what is credited with giving trees such a fiery appearance in the Sun as the underside the leaf has that glossy Sheen to it it reflects through the top of the foliage giving it an even brighter overall appearance it's not really it's not really showing so well here because of the way the light is hitting it in Reverse quite nice as the trees blown in the window you get that kind of glassy undertones of the tree it just gives a really majestic overall look and it certainly Peaks up that red on the color yeah fire glow is a great Japanese maple we should definitely try out in your garden we mail or ship them all across the country these are our typical one gallon size right here and we greatly appreciate you watching our videos yeah definitely check out our videos we're gonna be adding tons of new stuff this is actually our first video with our new audio so hopefully we have some improved audio here for you today and remember as always if you want to support our YouTube channel please order some trees for your garden on mr. maple calm hey we greatly appreciate all your support right now and continued business and definitely check us out every Tuesday we add 10 new trees to our website every Tuesday at 10 so it's Tuesdays at 10 a.m. there's 10 new trees coming to mr. maple that never ends just keep shopping with us there's there's all kinds of fun exciting things on the way we're really excited to show you a lot of the new trees we'll be doing this summer as well greatly appreciate you thinks and have a great day so here we have a close-up of the foliage on Acer palmate M fire globe this is an excellent upright red you can see that photo just kind of medium to large-sized so another upright pal made them these folds will start out a little more maroon and then getting a little more bright red and you'll see here this has at large large full leaf as this tree matures and fills in it really adds a lot of color in the landscape it's really gonna add you contrast really well with a lot of greens and a lot of evergreens and if a lot of different colors in the landscape this will really add that color explosion that color pop that'll really really stand out so fire glow is a great tree for full Sun we do recommend shade and zone 9 this is an excellent tree zones 5 through 8 for full Sun again the species so this cultivar work zones 5 through 9 excellent one for shade they all work great in shade but this is one of our most requested trees for full Sun because of its durability it can definitely handle the heat we do try to keep a lot of these in stock these are our one gallons this is actually just one section of our one gallons but this is our typical size right now on this Acer pomade on fire glow
8 what is going on man this is an exciting time out here at the nursery everything's leafing out looking beautiful today we've got a really cool Plant this is Acer palmatum pave starfish now this is the classic like red color that you love on those Japanese maples but it gives you a really unique Leaf shape to it it's got this cupping downwards on those leaves gives it the little starfish look to the Garden looks like a creature out there man this is like a beautiful red dwarf you can fit this in so many places in your garden definitely add this to your collection today
9 howdy i'm tim and welcome to the mr maple show hey y'all we're in maplewood gardens again with one of the very first graphs of acer palmatum yellow threads i know you're going to be excited about this one it's a fairly new introduction we want to show you one of the larger ones we have and kind of describe what this one does a little bit it's one we're fired up about get excited extra primitive yellow threads has some amazing yellow green color to aluminium strap leaf type i love these types they give so much a fun so much of a fun texture out in the garden and landscape but this one gives you some yellow green color which helps provide some color contrast out there in the garden as well really helps brighten up some spaces especially as the sunlight hits it it's just adding that extra wow factor now jd fairtrees use the terminology leonard loblum now we still classify those in that category it's a great way to look at that strap leaf style japanese maple and get it all into one fitting we love this small leaf liner lobelum that has some amazing colors this one makes a great contrast to other lunar lobelums i mean if you already have a video taki or you know a red pigment this one's just going to knock your socks off next to that it's got that amazing yellow coloration now i do notice that getting this one in some early morning sun late day shade will give you your peak yellow on this one it gets some really cool shades that set it apart from coated oito but that early morning sun will really pick that yellow hints up you actually get a little pink glossing over the whole tree in the early spring but an amazing lunar loblum selection and this one will really give you some nice yellows to oranges maybe a little bit of red in the fall this is a newer introduction by buck holtz and buckles nursery talent bulkholtz has a lot of fun plants to keep coming down the pipeline from the go series to yellow threads and this is one that is very unique very different there's not been a lot of yellow green selections of the leonardo lopez and this is one of the very first to give you a really unique color on this lunar lobum upright now this is an upright that makes a nice mid-sized tree reaching about eight feet in height by about six foot in width in ten years and so you can see this is a fairly new introduction but it's one that's deserving of place in your garden for sure we love telling bucholtz reductions if you hadn't noticed on our nursery we're a big fan of talon buckholz i think the first time we actually met talon in person tim took a poster of his and got him to sign it like he was michael jordan which talon laughed about quite a bit but we still have that because that's our heroes or the plant heroes of the world so he's on our mount rushmore plantsman we're a huge fan of his and we were really excited to offer this yellow threads we're one of the first places to offer it and get to evaluate it we do have one of the larger ones here and we're really excited to get in the landscape and just kind of see what it did for us in person it's a tree we've really enjoyed i think it's an excellent excellent new introduction and one you definitely should be offering and definitely growing in your garden for sure especially if you like that strap leaf style foliage i like this plant it appears to have a nice upright more vase shape but it appears to be a little bit wider than some of the other literal oven selections like bini otaki and so i like it because it looks like it's going to make a nice vase shaped upright and just give you something that fun texture you plant this next to something like a blood good or an emperor one and that large leaf that's really full and dense with that dark maroon color complements this so well with this strap leaf that's just more of that yellow green that yellow green chartreuse that just keeps giving you something throughout the season i just love that yellow check out my video on how to use yellow in the landscape and garden yellow threads is one of those plants to really add a lot of yellow and some extra interest in that garden it gets a really nice soft pink hue over all that yellow too it's almost reminiscent of kind of like a orange dream how it gets that kind of flushing over top of it especially in some early morning sun it really gives it some color contrast this would be a really fun tree to pair next to something like villa toronto if you've seen our video video on villa toronto that's another of the lunar loblum selections that goes through a lot of color changes and would be an excellent tree to see next to us for sure this video is really trying to give you a better understanding of what yellow threads does when you can see a more mature specimen out here in the gardens at maplewood knoll gardens in the landscape and garden in about mid to late april so this just gives you a little better understanding of what you can expect in your garden and landscape we really hope you've enjoyed this video make sure to like this video subscribe to our youtube channel share this video with your gardening friends if you like this video they're probably going to like it as well if you've got any comments post those in the comment section we definitely check those out hey if you made it at this point in the video you better like it you've already got all the way to the end that means you enjoyed it so go ahead and take that extra step give it a like we really appreciate it thanks so much for watching god bless and have a great day
10 hey tim hey matt i got a fever and the only prescription is more mr maple spring cultivar videos and today we've got a great one for you we hope you like this video subscribe it share this with your gardening friends because it's time to get excited we've got some spring garden videos and plants are in leaf so we're super super excited we're here in maplewood gardens next to acer palmatum for cades jackas potus now this is one of my favorite that cecilia folium categories for its apricot to red spring color it comes through with some pink shades and green it's kind of the dr pepper japanese maples there's 32 flavors in this one for sure i love the folium types these angel feather types as i often refer to them as i went whenever we first started collecting japanese maples my goal was to collect every single variety of these angel weather types i could possibly find there's not many of them out there and i said wow and then i started realizing yeah there actually is a lot of varieties out there when i saw this one in new jersey dave ricade had it at a garden event at edson's garden my heart started pounding yeah people laughed at us we paid a pretty good penny for the original one that's actually this tree and i think uh richard bomar and mike wilson laughed at us because we brought it back in a cup holder and it was like the cherished little plant we brought back in the cup holder nobody could get around to bump that little fresh graft this is the same plant this is actually the graph we brought back from that trip this of the cecil folium types is my very favorite i love this one you may have heard us talk about in some other videos about lunar loblum style japanese maples this one jd vertree's had in that cecilia folium category it's another of those elongated lobed leaf japanese maples where the lobes don't touch at the back you know similar to koshimino or hagaromo or even bini hagoromo you may have seen this one in our japanese maple weirdos video we actually talked about it a little bit in that we wanted to get out here in the spring garden and show you what this tree looks like in person it's got some of my favorite shades it's another one of those plants that's really hard to describe the colors because you'll see when you get up close on this one there's a little bit of everything in here there's so many different colors going on from apricot to maroon to shades of emerald green to shades of pink i mean it's so unique and it gives such a unique texture with that cecilia folium where the sub lobes just sort of hang off and it doesn't look like each leaf is actually there i love this style of foliage it gives a really unique texture it looks almost like an upright lace leaf and this is one of those plants that's very unique very different and it's one of those plants that if you have master gardeners they're gonna be like what in the world is that and then you can tell yeah that's a japanese maple it's one of those ones that defies logic and looks so different and unique i i love this style i mean i'm sure you can tell right now but this is one of those trees that just gives some really good colors with a really unique habit it's definitely a japanese weirdo for sure and now a word from one of our sponsors hey if you've got a fever for japanese maples the only cure is more japanese maples we hope you'll check out today's sponsor on mr those guys do over a thousand different varieties of japanese maples there's definitely going to be something you'll want on mr maple dot com so give them a look today now shout out to dave vercade you may have heard us mention that dave vercade named and introduced this plant it's actually named for his daughter jacqueline and an amazing plant i mean we love this one that brigade family has named so many cool plants from conifers to japanese maples there's a huge list of great introductions from that vercade family and this is one of my favorite maples that dave put out there i just love this plant i think we probably helped popularize it we got it early on from them and we started offering it a lot on ebay back in the day so these used to go for a ton of money back in the day since then i think some even bigger like wholesale nurturers have caught on to the how cool this one is and they've actually got it out there in the trade even more but i do feel like we got on it pretty early on so it's kind of our special thing for a minute i i love this plant though it's one that i can't get enough of in the garden i love it for its color and texture it's definitely one that's going to bring a unique leaf shape to the garden and it definitely has a smaller growing sesame folium i mean typically about six foot in ten years this one here was in the container for a while before we planted it here at maplewood knoll gardens and it's a nice slower grower but really has a unique habit so something that can fit a lot of people's garden and you can really enjoy how different and unusual this tree really is hey thanks for making it to the end of our video on acer plumatum for kade's jackets potus if you made it into this far into the video you definitely enjoyed it so go ahead and take that next step give this video a like and share that helps us in the algorithm and we greatly appreciate your comments in the comments section below as always this is just the beginning of the conversation you can continue that conversation and let us know if you're growing brigade's jackass potus or other cecile folium types in the comments section below and remember if this tree is sold out on mr maple dot com make sure to click the notify me button when it comes back in stock we'll send you an email to let you know that this tree is available once again and another great way to find out about this tree becoming available is signing up for our weekly emails on mr we add at least 10 new awesome trees every single tuesday at 10 a.m eastern standard time and we sign up for weekly emails you'll get an email out at 9am that shows the full listing of everything we're listing that day at 10 a.m so you can get prepared and get ready and this is one that doesn't last long on the website so when it comes available don't wait you'll want to check out with it really quickly hey we hope you're enjoying this look at some trees brian's been doing a great job editing our videos we hope you're enjoyed all this new photography on mr too take care god bless and have a great day
11 hey y'all and welcome to the mr maple show i'm tim nichols of we're a small mail order business that mail orders trees directly to your door we do over a thousand varieties of japanese maples so check us out we add at least 10 new trees every single tuesday at 10 a.m so there's always something new and interesting come through the pipeline at mr maple now one of the questions we always get with japanese maples is japanese beetles what do i do about japanese beetles on my japanese maples and this is a question we get every year around this time we like putting out relevant videos that can help you through these processes to understand what should i do what should i make sure that i don't do and how do i get my japanese maples to look beautiful and thrive in my landscaping garden so japanese beetles it's one of those things where they're very regional it's not that the japanese beetles are always very regional but they have regional tastes and so in your area japanese beetles may not be a problem even though there are japanese beetles nearby they may prefer all the hydrangeas they may prefer all the um vegetables and not focus on your japanese maples but in your area it may be that that they've just developed that taste for japanese maples so what do i not do the biggest mistake people have is they start singing up all those bug traps of japanese beetles well what happens is it attracts a lot of japanese beetles into the area because those pheromones attract japanese beetles that come in and while they do take out a large portion of the japanese beetles it may be the case that you're attracting more into your garden than you originally had to begin with because with those beetles comes pheromones the females release pheromones that attract all the males in so when you have dead female beetles with those pheromones you may continue to attract more and more males into the area and they may start munching in other things in your garden as they're as they're coming to those traps so always keep that in mind that if you have just a small problem those traps are made for the large problems i've got tons and tons and i need to get rid of them if you just have a japanese beetles affecting a small number of plants the best thing you can do is pick those plant pick those bugs off throw them into a bucket of water or into a bucket or something that you can put a lid on and take care of those plants now the problem with just doing that is that the female japanese beetles release pheromones on the plants and they're constantly attracting males even after they're gone so the males will come sit down on those plants and munch on those plants while they're waiting for those females to come back and you may have already killed those female japanese beetles so the very best thing you can do is get some soapy water and what you want to do with that soapy water is spray down your plant if you've got a small plant not only the top but also the undersides of the leaves you're trying to wash off that pheromone as much as you can with soapy water not antibacterial soap because that can be detrimental to the japanese maple and if you wash off those pheromones on your japanese maple and you remove the japanese beetles often what will happen is that the japanese beetles that are coming into your area or local environment will find something else to eat on like your vegetables or your hydrangeas because japanese maples while they're one of the things that a japanese beetle may eat on they're not necessarily the favorite they're just something out there that they can eat on and so if you can direct them towards the other uh plants maybe even some of the weeds out in your garden that would be the best case scenario right now on larger japanese maples out in the landscape that may be infested more with japanese beetles with a larger population you may have to take a little more drastic measures using chemicals is always my last resort one because they require ppe that's protection like sometimes they require masks and goggles and gloves and so you always have to take extra steps with that but also putting those chemicals out the environment can affect the environment so it's always my last resort resort but something like triazicide by spectercide which you can find at most department stores like a lowe's or a home depot you can take that and spray that in a hosing sprayer according to what the label says and using the proper protections to protect you from the chemicals and you can spray that across the tree and kill the japanese beetles that are on that japanese maple now after a few days have gone by after you've sprayed the tras aside by specter side out across the plant then you can come back and use a soapy water and spray across that plant as well because you want to wash those pheromones off that those females have been laying to attract the males and once you've done that hopefully it'll start to take care of your japanese maple or japanese beetle problem on your japanese maples and that's a great way to do with your your larger japanese maples so the very best thing you can do remove the beetles if there's a when there's a small problem and wash your leaves off with soap and water and you can literally just take some soap in a bucket mix it up and then spray in a hose and sprayer across your plant and that will do a fantastic job of washing those pheromones off of your japanese maple so it quits attracting more and more of those japanese beetles if you do have a really large problem though those traps may be necessary so those traps are always the last resort and people often pull them out as the first resort and you may be attracting all the japanese beetles from your naval's yard to come munch on your plants before they find their way into the trap so keep that in mind uh i hope this tip i hope these tips have really helped you with your japanese beetle beetles on your japanese maples in your garden if you've liked this video make sure to like it share this with your gardening friends and as always make sure you sign up for our weekly emails on because not only is sharing a great way to promote this channel but shopping on allows us to continue to put out more and more videos that can really help you in your garden and landscape take care god bless and have a great day
12 hey i'm matt nichols at mr and welcome back to another mr maple show video today we're going to be talking about acer palmatum lima gold hi i'm tim nichols and welcome to the mr maple show we greatly appreciate taking time to watch this video please like this video subscribe to our youtube channel if you have any comments in the comment section below please post those as well we definitely check those out and as always make sure you're subscribed to our youtube channel and subscribe to our weekly emails on we had 10 new fun exciting trees every single tuesday at 10 a.m so that's definitely an email you'll want to sign up for so acer palmatum lima gold is a great tree for its color patterns as well this tree is going to go through some really nice changes in early spring it's going to have a bright chartreuse green almost yellowish coloration to it on that dwarf palette and just really good colors it's going to mature to more of a kelly green mid-summer now in fall this tree is going to get to more golden yellows to almost oranges and that's where it gets that golden name as well so some really fun colors on a really small leaf easter pomade in the lima gold is one of the smallest japanese maples that we offer it forms a nice small rounded shaped japanese maple they'll be getting about four to five feet tall by about four to five foot wide in ten years lima gold is such a fun tree because it has really small leaves but that tightly textured habit almost like macaw attaboosa so because of that small size there are a lot of great uses for lima gold i recommend this one for container culture it's a great tree in a container put in a pot put it on the patio enjoy it in different places in the garden have some versatility to move it around because that smaller overall shape and size it's going to lend itself exceptionally well for container gardening now this works outside zones six through nine in the container in the ground in zone five so you wanna protect your pots in zone five um you know from some of those zone five winners typically we say in a container takes it down one zone now because that small foliage this is an excellent candidate for bonsai people often ask what are some of my favorite acer palmatum cultivars for bonsai and lima gold is an exceptional candidate it has very tiny foliage as you can see it's it's a tree that's gonna um look really bonsai-esque on its own without a lot of work so it kind of works for the novelist bonsai person for sure because it's gonna look great even if you don't know what you're doing you're not a bonsai expert it's going to make a great looking plant and that overall small dense habit and color is really going to pop in a bonsai setting now this tree works great in the ground too you can put this out in your conifer garden you can pair it against other small dwarf japanese maples or conifers you know the exceptional bright green foliage is going to look awesome against something like hime sojou or shaina that's a great pairing for these because they're going to be small plants you can even do something like a container shayna and a lima gold container and then have those color patterns to play off of so it gives you a lot of options and it's a tree that just it works well in almost any setting it's a very sun tolerant plant this is one you know in general most japanese maples early morning sun late day shade but this is one that can handle a good bit of sun as well so eastern palmetto lima gold is actually an introduction by dick wolf it was found as a chance seedling dick wolf introduced a lot of great plants like emperor one you see behind me lima gold is one of those trees that he had this one seedling and he gave it to one of our good friends ed shin ed is actually the reason why this tree is in the nursery trade today um you may know him as nj acer he has a beautiful garden of japanese maples in new jersey and because his love for japanese maples and him sharing uh cuttings with plenty of other nursery men is the reason why limo gold's in the nursery trade today it's such an awesome little plant lima is actually named after lima pennsylvania not lima peru as some may uh actually think but lima pennsylvania where the nursery dick wolf of red maple nursery originally resided so here we have an up close look at acer palmatum lima gold we actually have a lot more than this one set but they're spread out a little bit in the greenhouse so we wanted to focus in here on one little grouping of these and just show you something we like about this amazing plant up close i really like the tight textures the small leaves these leaves may be hard to tell how small they are and so one thing we want to do is bring this in here and give an example with this quarter so you see there's a big difference in the size of these leaves than something like makawi atabusa and gives you a good size example so you see these are extremely tiny leaves i mean excellent excellent for bonsai yeah i love that small leaf and that tight texture it really gives this plant something extra we're here in october so these are kind of the late summer flushes that you're seeing now they have a little bit of that yellow color to them that's chartreuse color but this tree is about to go into its fall color and go dormant pretty soon here in our area so pretty soon this will be all lit up with some bright golden yellow but you get a little bit of that splash of some spring color going on right now yeah and the thai dinner nodes on this just make this plant so unique and so different with those tiny leaves it's one of those makawa variants that you know people love japanese princess people love tattoo this is the small leaf macaw i mean this is what it is it has that super tight growth habit very similar shape but with tiny leaves excellent tree for the container garden i can't stress that enough i think that's one of the the best benefits to this is it's a small grower you can put this in a small area area like a fairy garden or a railroad garden and really just give you that appeal of a much bigger plant that small foliage is even going to down scale things even more so it's going to look smaller with that small foliage so it just gives it something extra i think for sure so tim what's your favorite thing about lima gold i love the fact that it has really small leaves but that almost makawa like habit i think this is we've talked about this before one of the most underutilized makawa-like variations in the nursery trailer yeah it's kind of macawa's forgotten sister if you will it doesn't get the appreciation it deserves for the form and texture that it brings um you know kind of reminiscent of kamagata a little bit but with a smaller leaf maybe and uh just really lime green bark lime green everything i mean it kind of has an overall golden appearance to it the fall color is quite exceptional i mean the leaf shape is my favorite thing about this one for sure uh but i think the fall color is uh is really nice i mean it really glows in the garden yeah i like this one it has that exact same tight inner nose that makawi atabusa has and smaller leaves so really while macabre was so popular for bonsai this one should be even more popular because it has the same branch structure the same tight inner nodes but really tighter leaves the first time i saw this one in ed sheen's uh garden it's right there at the entrance way to his house i was just blown away with the plant i think we might have had a graft of it before that but i hadn't saw one in its full granger like that and it was just super cool to see it's it's obvious why it's a popular tree i've actually heard of some people that tell me they like this one better than makawi attabusa which maybe blasts me to some of the makawa fans out there but it is one of my favorite trees and i definitely think it's a tree that's underappreciated a little under utilized in the garden yeah it's great for containers great for small spaces i mean it's a really slow growing dwarf but at the same time small leaves which gives a unique texture i think so too it's one that i think you definitely uh need in your garden if you're a maple collector uh especially for the story in the lineage if you especially if you know ed sheen just a cool cool history to that how it got into the trade um you know all the plants originate from just that one plant and we'll throw in a picture of his plants probably bigger than that now it's probably an older photo of it but we'll throw in a picture of his plant in this video as well hey thanks so much for stopping by and watching another mr maple show we greatly appreciate it uh today's topic lima gold we hope you enjoyed that one definitely check it out on mr there's a link in the description below taking into mr maple we greatly appreciate if you'd like and subscribe that helps us so much but more than anything share this with your gardening friends that's the easiest way for our channel to grow and it definitely encourages us to make more videos when we see that happening so we greatly appreciate that we just want to thank you for all your continued support here at mr maple we've been growing a lot been adding a lot of greenhouses so a lot of fun things to come thanks so much for watching god bless and have a great day if you're still watching at this point in the comment section below comment your favorite dwarf japanese maple and let us know what cultivars you've personally tried to bonsai of japanese maples you
13 guys I know I just did a short on Gable's Glory colors on this thing it's cool I'm gonna put my hand here so you know these things aren't photoshopped I mean this is nuts isn't that crazy love those colors it reaches so unique so different that's some of those pinks right there
14 hey y'all I'm Tim and welcome to the Mr Maple show we love all y'all great viewers out there watching our videos getting involved in the live chat liking subscribing and sharing our videos with your gardening friends we really appreciate that make sure you sign up for our weekly emails as well we had 10 new cool trees every Tuesday at 10 A.M still something you'll definitely want to check out today we've got a question that I'm seeing a lot right now and we'll see more as it gets into the fall why isn't my Japanese maple giving good fall color now there's a number of different reasons for this so we're going to start off with the very first one you may be fertilizing your Japanese maple too much you've heard us talk about Fertilization in fall color before but if you over fertilize your Japanese maple or fertilize too late into the season your Japanese maple may be too active which means it has more chlorophyll in the leaves and during that time of the season if you have more chlorophyll in the leaves you may not get as good a fall color as if you cut off the fertile fertilization early in the season and allowed that plant to harden off and that's really what's going to give you some of the best fall color now another thing that gives you better fall color is having a plant that's starting to get established and grow larger young plants don't give as good a fall color as plants that are older and more mature out there in the landscape so as your plant matures gets its roots set out that's going to help it produce better and better fall color every year why is that well the Japanese maple is going to be able to take water and nutrients up more efficiently so that's also one of the reasons why if your plant's Roots can get wet and allowed to dry out and get wet and allowed to dry out you're going to get better fall color during those times if your roots of your plant will can get wet and dry out going into the fall if you have a very hot dry fall coming into it your plants May start to drop leaf early and that happens sometimes and when that happens you don't get as good of fall color as when that plant roots can have adequate moisture and the plant can produce good fall color some other things that may cause your Japanese maple to not produce good or great fall color is some issues you may have so one you may be dealing with something like powdery mildew if you have powdery mildew on your leaves while it's going to drop off in the fall and you're not going to have something that causes permanent damage check out my full video on powdery mildew with Japanese maples you know it's something that may cause a temporary damage to the leaf but not to the plant overall but that may also cause temporary damage to your fall color so that means that your tree may not produce as good a fall color if you have powdery mildew we've got some steps on how to treat that with fungicide in our video on powdery mildew with Japanese maples so go check that out you can treat your tree if you were showing powdery mildew so that you can have good fall colors of Japanese maple the other thing that can cause an issue are spider mites spider mites come on during the summer and start sucking this moisture out of the leaves of the plant and I've got a whole video on how to treat your spider mites and if you're starting to see trees leaves start dropping early in the summer you may have spider mites there's some easy ways to see if you have spider mites again check out that video on spider bites but the main key thing is making sure that you have a Japanese maple that's healthy that's getting established out there in the landscape and you're going to have good fall color there's not a Japanese maple out there that produces poor fall color so if you're having not good fall color it could be one of these things if you're plant not being healthy it could be the fact that your plant's too small it's trying to get established it could be that you're over fertilizing your Japanese maple which may cause other issues besides just not good fall color so do watch out for over fertilizing and lastly the other thing that may happen to cause a Japanese maple to not have good fall color is your weather patterns you may have some weather patterns such as a hurricane that comes through right as the plants are about to start going into fall color heavy winds blows off all the leaves off the tree that definitely happens you know that's something that we can't really control but the good thing is is that that's just a chance occurrence doesn't happen every single year the other thing that you got to watch out for is early Frost now early Frost can happen when the cold weather of the winter starts coming in earlier in the season before the plant has a time to start making us changes in the leaves to start turning to fall color now we have some early Frost sometimes and sometimes if you have a really early Frost where you have a cold spell that comes in right before the plant's really starting to turn into fall color you may have an issue where that the leaves on the plant get frostburned and actually fall off before the plant has a chance to go to fall color so it could just be an environmental factor that you have typically what happens in nature is that the the cold weather starts to come in at a slow pace and as that happens the plant starts changing to fall color and starts going through the whole process as that cold weather comes in and that's really what gives you good fall color is that slow progression into the cold and if we get a really quick cold spell that comes in you may not have as good a fall color but I'll tell you the best thing you can do is have a Japanese maple that's healthy with good roots and make sure that that plant is getting established out there in the landscape you're avoiding some of those issues that we talked about with spider mites and powdered mildew and you're making sure that that plant's Roots gets adequate moisture as it's going into the fall and you're going to have your best luck with fall colors with Japanese maples so we really appreciate you watching today's video make sure you like subscribe and share and I hope this video helped you understand a little bit why you may not be getting good fall color and help you understand how to get better fall color going on uh in the future years take care God bless and have a great day
15 guys let's talk about one of the most popular Japanese maples in America today we're talking about Acer palmatum blood good this is a red upright Japanese maple that gives you some awesome color in the landscaping Garden gives you some really nice red color in the spring in the summer and the fall color goes to a really bright red if you want to add some color in your landscape a blood good Japanese maple is a great way to go
16 [Music] hey guys check out this color contrast growing on between these two sets yellow here is Acer palmatum Dragon Master a weeping Ryerson style and the red and pink over here is Acer palmatum Shanae which is brewing Japanese maple what a fun pairing together as you can see these yellows intense pink and reds together [Music] excellent colored contrast all here within Japanese maples
17 hey i'm matt and happy tuesday and i'm tim and today we've got an amazing preview for our 10 at 10. hey we've got the 10 at 10 on o2 2 2 22. so get excited brian bet me i couldn't get that right so we've got some amazing plants here today to talk about so first up here on our tenant 10 for o2 222 22 we have macaulay at sabusa so macaulay etsabusa is a classic japanese maple if you follow mr maple or you follow our youtube channel you're probably no stranger to this one it's one of our favorite plants it's often nurserymen and experienced people about japanese maple's favorite plant me and some always like to ask when we meet older nursery men and women or even just some of the authors what's your favorite japanese maple and probably the most reoccurring answer would be makawi etc yeah it's a classic little dwarf japanese maple looks almost animal-like almost like shingles on a roof with that green leaves if you don't have one of these a garden you need it it's a classic and it does great in containers or great in small spaces yeah it's a very heat tolerant maple you can definitely check out our full video on macaulay at sabusa i think we've done two the second one has better audio we keep trying to upgrade our audio but an excellent tree there's a beautiful specimen that's in our hillstone arboretum too so if you ever get a chance to tour that garden you're going to want to see that it's about the third biggest one i've ever seen so it's a really cool plant second biggest one i've ever seen in person so amazing small dwarf we can't say enough things about macaulay etsaboosa always one we want to keep on the website so we're excited to get that one back in the mix and again these are the sizes we have currently at 02 22 22. if you're looking at this later in the year they could be smaller or they could be larger but this is what we're currently offering yeah so some great sizes on these two again this is the uh the first one up on today's 10th 10 the makawi at sabusa next up we have pinus silvestris moussa yeah we often joke and call this one the yellow penguin we don't really change any names of plants here at our nursery but you know we offer green penguin a lot and this is the perfect accompaniment to that great small shape to it but golden yellow especially in those winter months yeah so it's a great because it pairs so well because you've got that green it looks just like the green penguin and then like matt said as those winter months approaches it gets that golden color giving a contrast against if you had a green penguin planted out there it check out our video we've got a whole video just on mostera it's one of our favorite dwarf conifers and i think that's one that can grow great in containers great for little fairy gardens and if you want a yellow christmas tree around christmas you can put some lights around it as well it's one we've talked about a lot but it's one that's normally one of our most popular conifers here at the nursery as well so next up on the table we have a full moon maple for you we have autumn moon yeah this is a classic a little known fact this is actually an introduction by jd vertris the guy who wrote the book on japanese maples he has a few introductions and this is one of his more popular selections but yet people don't give them credit for this introduction at maplewood nurseries yeah awesome sizes on these it's a little slower grower so it's going to get some beefy one gallons here i love this plant for the color changes you know you get some great flushes a new growth that really accentuates this plant and some excellent orange to reds in the fall as well people love the full moon maples on the moon you're going to need to make sure you give it some protection from the hot afternoon sun i often say sometimes auto moon and arium it's best to put them in a pot find where they're really half in your yard and then you can plant them and make sure you've got good drainage and these are plants that really give some dynamic colors with the autumn moon this is one that's really just going to give you a lot of really unusual flushes that really stand out especially on that full moon leaf one of my favorite things about this one is if you can give it you know when the container like he was saying so you can have a little bit more diverse changes to it if you can give it some early morning sun especially in that early spring you can really get some crazy almost like orange shades on this one too that are quite nice so next up we have acer palmatum binikawa this is one we recently did a video on on winter interest part two and this is a classic coral bark japanese maple a little bit shorter than sangukaku but still gives you some bright red coral bark yeah we typically list this one as the medium-sized winter interest coral bark it's an excellent plant it's one my dad was growing for a long time so it's one we've actually probably done the most of of several the coral coral bark types benny meaning red and then kawa meaning bark describes it very well for what this one does and it's a great grower for us we've had good sun tolerance on this one as well for the south and while this one can handle good sun tolerance it's we really like it because it's a coral bark selection that can often give you red coral bark in more shaded locations and in our uh shaded cold frames we actually get great coral bark on it where some of the finger crackers and other things you need to give them a little more sun to peak that color so next up on our table we have another spring interest tree this is acer palmatum bini mako i like to pick some of these up to kind of show them a little bit again these sizes are indicative of now february of 2022 but an excellent tree bunny mako is really really nice in that spring garden i mean it's one that's going to leaf out with some really vibrant pink reds you know this one like the sojou and cinder sojou is very popular for bone size so it's an excellent tree with those small leaves that's going to give you just a flaming on fire bonsai in the early spring goes great in the landscape as well but always popular for that with that small foliage everyone sees the spring color and they think it's in fall color yeah and it has great fall color as well but that spring color is just so electric that it's one that's really going to be like a flowering shrub in the spring and give you some amazing amazing color in the spring it does go green during the summer and it lights up again during the fall with some bright bright bright fiery red to get in the fall and so this is going to be one that's going to give some dynamic color and when it's when it's in bloom when it's in the spring or the fall it's going to be one of those wow factor plants that just add so much to the landscape and garden it's one that almost doesn't look real especially in the early spring garden you know i mentioned it for bonsai but it looks great in the landscape medium-sized plant but it's one that is just a spark of color in that spring garden i like it for that more pinkish red i think that's what kind of separates that one from some of the other shin de shojo styles yeah definitely so next up we have a selection by talon buchholz this is one called acer palmatum eye candy this one's always popular every time we list it you know we get some snickers about this one you know eye candy uh being a name and it's spelled i k a k-a-n-d k-a-n-d-i so uh a fun play on words there too with it uh not a japanese word but a play on american word there eye candy is excellent for that that reticulated what you like about hikaseyama and one of like the most i would say exuberant styles of that it's a really flashy form yeah it's gonna be one that just really gives some really nice pink colors in the spring and it's so intense pink that it really just adds something extra to the landscaping garden i find with this style of irrigation with any of the hickasyamas if you can leaf them out slower you'll get the most intense colors so often leafing them out in a greenhouse they're a little more muted get these outside in your landscape let them leaf out natural you'll get the most wow factor in that spring garden you've probably seen our video on fertilizing japanese maples and we talk about fertilizer in the early spring this is actually one that we often will wait till it leafs out to fertilize because if you fertilize it too much in the early spring you actually get more green color rather than the pink colors great plant though i love that style variegation you know it doesn't ever revert so you don't have to worry about it being one that's going to lose its variation but certainly leafing out slowly will give it its best colors for you now next up we brought another ginkgo here in the mix we have ginkgo biloba american one of our favorite ginkgos you know we always joke that sounds like the way some of my redneck friends say america but it's actually a dutch lady's name if you've seen the peve series by piet vergelt uh this would actually be his wife's name but it's definitely somewhere in his family american is a dwarf witch's broom that's a really nice compact shape i would say one of our more popular dwarf ginkgos we do yeah we love this one just simply because it has that perfectly rounded shape almost every time as it as it develops and we love this plant because it just is a everything you love about a ginkgo being that it's salt tolerant pollution tall heat tolerant uh amazing school bus yellow fall color but in a dwarf form excellent candidate for a container garden so if you're looking for a ginkgo for a big pot this one has a real rounded bubbly appearance to the foliage makes an excellent accompaniment in a container garden so next we've got thuga vanhuey smith and if you've seen our variegated conifer video this is one that's just super electric and is an employee favorite here at mississippi yeah beat our employees to this one we're gonna list them this tuesday so be ready for that it's a fun one the colors are quite exuberant on this batch uh really really nice coloration to these it's a variegated conifer that's going to catch your eye for sure it does grow fairly well for us it's in that six to 12 inches of growth but i typically listed it closer to that 12 inches of growth a year even yeah and this is one that we're i mean it's a shocking plant whenever it comes to the bright bright yellow variegation and this is one that you want to make sure you give good drainage and you want to give it full sunlight the full sunlight really picks up the variegation and the green foliage and you really get the best growth out of it when you give it more sunlight i love this plant i'm planning to put i might you may have heard me mention it in our variegated conifers video but i'm planning to put this in a backdrop to some purple uh reticulated forms of japanese maple i haven't quite decided yet what i'm going to put in front of this i'm thinking about maybe a wave leaf now maybe the original purple curls or something like that something that's going to go in front of us maybe even a celebration i really hadn't quite made my mind up but i'm going to put some pink or purple in front of us to really play off that color pattern i think it's going to be the perfect backdrop for that plant so hybrid sheriff's aluminums yeah next up we have a purple umbrella uh probably saw our video on hybrid sure solid ones we did a really fun hybrids video on that this one i love you know the spring color doesn't even look real i mean it's almost got a reticulated look to it especially in shade in the early spring forming a really really dark purple yeah selected by crispin silva shout out to chris bean amazing selection here that is really makes that larger umbrella-like leaf with the purple leaf and that's where it gets the name of that purple umbrella is that deep red color can get when you put it in that in the in full sun and amazing plant and check out our hybrid tourist autumn video if you hadn't uh we've got a huge assortment of videos so if you're just checking in for this 10 10 video check out all of our other videos too because we've got so many fun things we try to make some videos that are fun exciting for us and hopefully fun exciting for you too brian's been doing such a good job of editing we've been trying to get content out to you almost daily so i think we've been hitting almost every 9 a.m right now so check us out at 9am for these live premieres you can often chat with me tim or brian in those live premieres and often all three of us are right there discussing things and then last up we have the nebula here yeah nebula you might have seen it in new ghost part one yeah this is a reticulated variegated type that really gives you some really nice nebula like colors to the reticulated variegation we really see the intricacies and the etching in each leaf where the veins are yeah we talked about it in that video about nebula but we were at a science center and the guy was actually looking at a nebula when we were talking about this and so it really just was kind of cool to see that and it was like wider in the center and then darker on the outside of the nebula and it really just gave it some kind of poetic meaning i thought to this tree because you can kind of see that in the leaf uh really unique reticulated one of the ones were kind of thrown in that new ghost category but a show stopper and one of the fan favorites for sure whenever we listed it it always sells out pretty quickly yeah and i really hope you enjoyed this 10 10. these are only 10 of the 20 items getting listed on this tuesday so there's 10 other items that we're not talking about that you have to check out whenever it lists at 10 am or if you get that email you'll get a notification saying here's our 20 plants that are coming out so it's really the twenty at ten on o2 two two twenty two if you really wanna get technical but we hope you enjoyed this quick look kind of some size examples of what we have again these sizes are indicative of february of 2022. if you're watching this a year from now they may be slightly larger or slightly smaller we hope you enjoy this kind of quick look at these definitely like subscribe and share you hear me say it a lot of our videos but the best way to support our channel is shopping on mr maple dot com and we hope you'll do that later today at the 10 at 10 but also sharing our videos so we greatly appreciate that as well take care and god bless have a great day
18 hey i'm tim and welcome to the mr maple show happy tuesday y'all we've got a 10 at 10 for may 3rd of 2022 so we hope you're excited uh you know you're seeing this premiere at 9am we premiere all these videos at 9am but we're bringing video content to you every single day so make sure not to miss out on that content by liking and subscribing to this youtube channel today we have that tenant 10 coming to you and as always we actually are adding more plants this year too to the tenant 10. so there's gonna be 20 plants but these are 10 plants to preview and some of our favorite highlights for this tenant 10. so uh coming up to you first here on the table we have one of the heat seekers series now this is one of the most commonly sought after one of the most hotly sought after ones the heatseeker series this one is hot tamale yeah this is a selection by mossy oceano he found it as a a chance ceiling at world maple park from an asteroid over anam that we got to go and see there where were maple park and he had a code name on it of nakahara benny b it got in the united states on the name nakahara benny in fact we got it under that name and we thought that was the cult of our name and he said no no no that's just a code name we asked him if we could put hot tamale on it became hot tamale and we actually have nakaharabini a which became hot sauce yeah we didn't want any confusion there yano said if you're gonna be offering this i would prefer that you put distinct names on them so with hot blonde already being one of our most popular trees we decided to develop that heat seeker series we have more plants to go in this but for right now that heat seeker series is hot blonde hot sauce and hot tamale hot tamale after hot blonde might be the next most popular one it's the pink spring new growth yeah exceptionally heat tolerant it grows very well for a lot of people a lot of people down in texas say this plant is just amazing for them super heat tolerant good fall color and this is a plant that i think you're going to really enjoy i think we've got 10 really amazing plants here we've got 20 plants getting listed and if you want to sign up and figure out uh what the other 10 emails are you can sign up for our weekly emails on or you can go to at 10 a.m when those plants actually list yeah so there's always something new and fun happening that one's actually going to get greener as you see now when it hardens off the growth the new growth and the whole plant in the early spring is a bright pink so you kind of get that pink accents over the green and like tim said an exceptionally fast grower if you've seen anybody talking about hot blonde it's going to be similar in growth rate it's likely to acer olivier x palmatum so we put that x in there it's a chinese maple crossed with a japanese maple gives you that exceptional heat tolerant characteristic at world maple park so who knows what it hybridized with which pound medium it hybridized with but it's definitely got some palmatum characteristics to it and this is such a cool plant we heard rumors of it in japan we had to track it down and it's such a cool plant so awesome i think you're going to really enjoy it we actually have two more under evaluation for that heat seeker series too so there'll be more to come uh for now it's hot blonde hot tamale and hot sauce but there may be some more hots in the future coming to that heat seeker series so next up we've got some really cool plants these are makawi atabusa seedlings that showed orange red or chocolate color in the early spring we set them aside we evaluated them further we selected probably one or two of our favorites but the rest are amazing too we just can't keep them all we want to keep them all but we can't yeah these are always popular we sold off all the greens already we wanted a lot of bronze and other colors but these had the best colors from the group i mean some of the others had colors too but these had the most shocking amazing colors of the entire group and we these are sealants so they're great for bonsai these are not grafted we collect hundreds of macawa seedlings if not thousands every year we go through them looking for unique traits these ones didn't make the mark for cultivar status so we didn't decide to name one of these that's how we got the cultivar red panda so that was one of these kind of a sister seedling to several of these awesome colors though you're going to get some colors that are comparable to mystic makawa some colors that are comparable to some of the cultivars you've seen out there they're red it's a grab bag of colors as they are getting more green this time of the year but uh we decided to quit waiting on these we were going to hold them and evaluate them another year but we decided hey let's go ahead and get them out there to folks let them have some fun with these two they're great color patterns and most of these are a little greener right now but there are some as you can see here that still have some orange color this layer some of these right now are more colorful than our mystics and our bazingas and everything yeah so i mean you know you're going to get some japanese princess-like colors or something it's going to be orange to reds to bronzing it's not going to be your typical green macaw in this set it will distinguish itself by having something a little bit different we do separate the greens every year out and so these are the ones that make the cut as a green makawa they're something slightly different and something more interesting and we didn't separate as many of the bronzes yeah so there's a lot of bronze and some orange bronze in this last grouping that we listed these are just some wild spring colors great because some of these were neon pinks and oranges so these are going to be excellent for bonsai 2 not being grafted i'd like to reiterate their seedling trees so they're not a cultivar set they're not grafted there will be some variants in each of these but you're going to get a really cool unique plant with every one of them yeah next up we've got an awesome plant acer palmatum cotabuki this is a pink a very pink type of a arena style and it's probably one of the most pink varieties of them all and anything i like about this style is it doesn't revert so if you ever see branches that are green give it a light pruning it'll push out back with often with variegation and if you prune it in late february you can often get pink swirling in the bark and even more variegation across the tree yeah really cool plant kodabuki is one of the most bright pink variations of that original style variegation excellent tree you know not one of the larger ones it kind of stays a little bit smaller than some of the oregano types it's probably one of our most sought after of yeah i think it's you know the name and everything encompasses exactly what you want with this one but it is one of the flashiest pinks especially in the early stages and codabuki is a japanese drama in japan and so it makes sense that the plant would be pretty dramatic with its color for sure for sure now moving down the table we've got another very popular one this is acer palmatum mila now below is always heavily sought after shout out to alan lefoux who's probably watching i know he has a meal in his garden this was an introduction by our friend dick vandermatt we did a full video on mila so definitely check that out this is an awesome japanese maple that's not as popular i wouldn't say not as popular not as common in america yeah but it should be it's an excellent plant that once you get this from the garden it is a show stopper the colors are unreal they're hard to describe uh as we talked about in the video check out the video we did on this like matt mentioned uh easter palmetto miele it's just got some orange reds with some emeralds in there with some chartreuse that just make this plant a shock and awe yeah we're standing beside one of the first ones in the country in that video and you know we're trying to discuss what color this actually is because it's got so many colors in there there's hints of yellow in the sun there's hints of pink there's tons of red it is a remarkable tree that i've started to get it more and more into production because every single season it's drawing my attention so when i go in there and every single season late summer fall spring i'm always going man that looks awesome well that gets to be one we're heavily producing i mean so biela's a show stopper for that for sure now this is one that i love and this is one of our introductions from the area 51 collection this is acer palmatum dragon master yeah don't wait on this one there's a lot of folks waiting for this one to come back in stock uh we probably made some hearts drop putting this one in the video today one of our most popular inductions we'll ever do this one is a intensely yellow ryusen it's more durable than orange dream but think of this as an orange dream x-ray using for its color patterns it goes through some amazing shades early spring is knock your socks off color it's got a much larger leaf than golden falls so it's going to have a more um you know more i would say orange dream size leaf to it so it's got a longer larger leaf too a little more rounded yeah now these will be like where i use them they'll get as tall as you stake them they're very popular for hanging baskets or for staking them up i tend to stick them up to about five to six feet and then just let them weep down from there but they're very shapeable so just like ryusen we actually call this series we have a series just like the heat seekers our second series we ever came out with is our pendulous treasures collection and several of our introductions or introductions that were exclusive to us early on from japan are in that series and dragon master is probably the gem of that series it is the most popular one of that uh this and hot blonde are always our most popular inductions we've done yeah and the colors on this are just out real unreal you want to make sure you give us some protection from the hot afternoon sun and hotter climates but this is just one of those plants that just gives you some electric yellow so morning sun afternoon shade will really pick up the colors on this just like it does with orange dream and uh definitely a hardier plant it can handle a little more sun than orange dream for sure but it's so yellow you want to give it some protection from the hot afternoon sun a great container plant a great hanging basket plant yeah there's so many unique ways to grow this honestly i find this one to be the premier weeping yellow race and there's several of them out there so far i haven't seen one i like better than this for its color and distinction i think it is it's the premier one in my mind and if you want this to be a taller tree and just take down uh tweet down more dramatically just check out our staking video you can stake these up and then let it cascade down from that point and such an amazing for me it like you said it's the best of the weeping yellows yeah it's it's uh an exceptional plant uh you know if you're after dragon master i would be ready at 10 o'clock these will be very popular a lot of nurseries buy these up they're they're very popular anytime somebody sees these they do try to get their hands on them so if you're after the dragon master i would uh there's a good number but i wouldn't i wouldn't wait now next up we have another popular one this is one little margie this is an excellent tree named after margie jenkins yeah it was found on margie jenkins a lot and uh named by dawn shadow yeah yeah little margie is the name put on it i have seen it sold in the name jenkins which is incorrect be the same plant though but little margie excellent dwarf compact form you know think of this one in terms of like your keohimes for their style a little bit different border too it's going to be a very purple border to it it's a little different style overall but it's going to be in that heme style format yeah and this is a plant that's extremely heat tolerant it was found in the deep south at margie jenkins nursery in louisiana yeah as a chance seedling and uh a great container plant and i think most people love this plant it's probably one of our most sought after yet under utilized of those types i'll tell you who's popularized this treat with his amazing photos is alan uh alan castille these uh he loves his plan i think every time we offer it he buys at least three to five i'm sure you're gonna have to compete with alan for this one he loves this plant uh shout out to allen he's such a good friend of the nursery but uh he loves little margie and i know it's one that he always is posting great photos of too it just makes a nice rounded canopy real slow growing dwarf and really an excellent uh dwarf japanese maple with some good color and then this is probably one of our most popular ginkgos ginkgo biloba snowcloth yeah this is the showstopper ginkgo i mean this this one is a very unique form it is uh my favorite variegated ginkgo it's heavily intensely variegated with that white flushing we actually originally got this tree from barry yinger from japan under the name frosty we did identify that they were the same plant so it was our top secret thing for a few years we're like oh it's frosty we're gonna just rock the world with us when no one's ever seen this and it did get out there from another source the same the same plant under the name snow cloud that was already out there that way so we never introduced it as frosty but if you ever see frosty same exact plant amazing variegated ginkgo though this one has everything you could want a variegated gingko it doesn't revert so uh you know if you have some years that are lesser put it in a different condition this tree is going to have some awesome variegation though that bright white on green is probably the most striking of any ginkgo yeah i love this plant it's just one of those colors it just gives that that cloud-like variegation which is perfect perfect description for this and uh check out our video on ginkgo care we've got a great video on that you always want to lime ginkgo and they do want more sunlight to really get a full density uh to the the tree as well but this is one of those plants that just gives you just such a white unique color and a ginko it's probably one of our it's the most stable variegation yeah it's it's one of our more popular gingkos for sure it's a little dwarf or two in that six to seven foot kind of range and uh just an excellent plant you're gonna love this one it's another one that the nurseries buy up everybody loves this one when it gets listed so some good sizes in these two as you see on these one gallons so be ready for that one now another unique plant here too we've got general pulaski this is a a really interesting english oak so it's that corsey's robert zero pulaski these are light to leaf out so they'll actually get a lot denser in this uh this plant too they start very very slow so you can watch our video on when plants leaf out but these are very late when the leaf they will actually dense up all the way down my wife likes to describe trees in terms of fruit and vegetables and this one looks almost like a cabbage head now i have a really nice one of these in my yard it's probably 12 feet tall so you wouldn't mistake it for cabbage at this point but it's a it's a really weird funky plant i mean it's almost the shishi gashira of the oak world if you will it's got that unique twisting contorted habit um it's always highly sought after it's slow growing at first but then it does tend to get out there a little bit once it gets going yeah these here are two to three-year graphs so i mean they are extremely slow growing but it's such a beautiful super unique yeah once you get them established though they do fill out kind of good good a good bit mine's probably right around 12 feet now yeah and the one we've got on the bank is probably seven to eight feet yeah and it's been there for what at least ten years yeah yeah and so it's it makes a nice mid-size it's not a giant oak like people normally think of oaks by any means there's definitely a dwarf in the oak family i mean dwarf is always relative to the size of the mature plant yep and uh it's a beautiful plant though this is one that is so highly sought after it's one of those plants when people see it in the landscape especially in our garden when people doing tours they're like what the heck is that then they're so shocked it's an english oak and it's kind of just got this interesting you know it's a it's a really dark green color to it too that makes it really unique in the landscape best way to describe it for your maple people is it's the shish you can share the oak world you know exactly what i mean then if you're a maple person but i like it just because it's so unique and different anytime you get a plant that stands out from the crowd that really makes something special this is one of those plants and that's one of those plants that's fun to plant in the garden for sure so next up we've got acerbergerianum michael steinhardt this is the yellow super yellow of the trident maples yeah probably the best yellow we've introduced a few uh this was a dawn shadow introduction michael steinhardt is one of the most intensely neon yellow trident maples tridents are always popular for bonsai the grass clean up extremely well these are actually grafted but they clean up so well and i would love to see a great bonsai donut michael stein art this is a fairly fast growing tree but i mean it is neon yellow and it keeps that throughout the spring the summer the older growth can get a little green but it is still remarkably yellow i have about a 12 foot of these in my garden as well and it is a show stopper even late june i love this plant because it's a yellow that can handle more sun this is a plant that don had growing out in the the jackson winchester area a large tree just growing in full sun intensely yellow really not showing much burn once it got established and just a beacon of yellow color i love the color yellow dragon master michael stein right i mean you name it the yellows add so much to the garden check out our video on adding using yellow in your garden underrated fall color too it's a nice orange with some splatters of just like dark orange and red in there as well excellent fall color tried at maples fast growing you know very heat tolerant you're going to love this plant if you're a japanese maple fan very easy to grow and probably the best yellow of any yeah out there now last up but certainly not least we have winter orange this is an orange bark variety from canada that has exceptional bright orange bark now as you can maybe see on this one in this time of year but this is the least colorful bark time so the bark will get intensely orange especially in those winter months when they're flushing out new growth in the spring the saps high em they're actually their least orange but it's gonna get some amazing orange colors to this yeah this is one that i love because this is the most orange of any of the coral bars yeah it's distinctly different i mean it really has a place because you've got yellows and greens and reds but this one is orangey orange i mean it it fits the bill perfect yeah and this one gives you just some really nice winter interest i think we did a video on this in winter interest part three yeah and uh check out some of our winter videos if you really like those bark colors but this one is i think by far the most orange of any of the acer pomades yeah heavily sought after for that reason for sure too great yellow fall color but what you're going to love this one for is that spark of winter orange and that winter garden you're going to have an intense orange right there get it out somewhere you can go and take photos of it enjoy it that winter garden it's a spark of color when everything else is kind of drab and our 10 attends this year have really been super popular i saw alan lefoux and the mr maple friends group on facebook he posted a photo or a meme of cars racing by and said these are the plants going out right out of these 10 which do you think is going to be the one that sells out the quickest we've got good numbers on all these there's a lot of these so it's hard to guess uh oh you know i don't know it's hard to say there's a lot that now you know people ask that all the time like oh my gosh these sold out we are constantly working to increase our numbers and get these in larger supply for you so they don't go out too quickly now we we don't make any secret about when we list really cool new plants so our 10 at 10 is every 10 a.m on tuesday that's eastern standard daylight time be ready at 10 a.m it's the best time to find really cool plants so of these post in the comment section below which you think is going to sell out the quickest and also keep in mind we've got our mr maple open house coming up on memorial day you'll want to go ahead and get your uh hotels booked for that sunday to monday because we're going to have a bunch of cool plants there available here at mr maple you can come shop in person if you want to pre-order anything online you can use the code mr maple pickup no periods no spaces all capital letters check out with that and that is for pick up at the mr maple festival specifically yeah so don't use that if you're in california and you're not showing up we will call you and charge you shipping jody will say hey you're not showing up to the festival and if you want to pick up another day besides the mr maple festival we might not be open in person so you might not be able to come visit but if you want to pick up another day we haven't got another coat for that so don't use that code for just a regular pickup but for pick up on memorial day itself the mr maple festival you can use code mr maple pickup all capital letters no spaces that goes in our discount uh code section takes away any shipping and you hit apply once you hit apply you see that shipping costs come off and you go ahead and purchase those trees for pickup at the mr maple festival itself so if you see something like say dragon master that may sell out before the actual festival this gives you folks attending a chance to go ahead and tag one we'll put your name on it have it here save with your name on it in the pickup area at the mr maple festival we're really excited about this event coming back we haven't had our maple festival in almost three years now this will be we were coming up on the fifth annual so i think this will be the fifth one actually because we took three years off but it's an amazing event uh it's busy we we had 550 people last time in the rain i wouldn't be surprised if we had a thousand people at the event this year it's gonna be very popular we're gonna have a food truck we have a band we have some really fun stuff planned for you have garden tours and as always some really fun plants and the coolest part about the band we've got coming is it's jess and shawn and kate who work here at mr maple so if you've seen the video videos we do on uh our employees when jess and sean talk about their band bad rabbit that's gonna be our our band that's here playing so you can actually see some of the mr maple employees doing what they do outside of work yeah we've got carolina aces food truck coming too i'll probably do another hype video soon for the event just because i'm pretty excited about this but we've got some good food some barbecue you know awesome music if you like southern rock and just classic rock and just all around amazing music bad rabbit's great you're going to love them we're going to have so many fun things planned for this day i think you're going to really enjoy it that's going to be coming up memorial day so that's the actual monday of memorial day so plan on being here then we'll be open nine to five that day that'll be our first official day open this year and we'll see about days after that but for right now that's our only planned day open so while we've talked about the mr maple festival i know you're booking your hotels don't forget at 10 a.m there's not just these 10 but 20 items getting listed these are going to sell pretty quickly so remember that when you add it to cart it doesn't save it it only saves it once you purchase the plant tags it it has your name on it then and make sure to check out quickly you got to be quick on the draw because some of these plants sell out quickly and i always like to reiterate these sizes are indicative of may and 2022 so if you're seeing these dragon masters this is very typical for what we have this time if you're watching this video two years from now maybe slightly larger or slightly smaller but this is very indicative of what we have during this time frame in may of 2022. hey we hope you enjoyed this video we greatly appreciate you watching our premieres but definitely check out our regular videos we're launching a new video every single day at 6 00 a.m our premieres for the tenant tim come at 9am so you can kind of get a little preview of what's going on before that 10 at 10 launches we like to premiere those and just stay tuned we've got some really big stuff coming on the mr maple show and i hope you've enjoyed all the maple content we're putting out we've got trees and leaf so we're trying to put out as many cultivar videos as possible and get as many of those recorded so you can see these plants in their spring color all year long or as long as we can hey we're also giving away a hundred dollar gift card yeah yeah i forgot everyone should tell them about that since it's a premiere video but yeah we're coming in on 10k subscribers so we're giving away a 100 gift card now you have to be in the united states to enter to win and but to win all you have to do comment on a video any video mr maple gift card and you have to share a video and make sure you subscribe to our youtube channel make sure you like the video too that you're commenting on and that helps us in the algorithms but it also helps you to win a chance to win a mission gift card every single video is going to be a chance to win so what we do is we randomly select a video we look at how many people said mr maple gift card that video we're gonna randomize that number and we're gonna pick winners and we just really appreciate you liking subscribing as we hit 10k it's gonna be uh pretty soon we're getting there quick this time and it's not just the new videos it's the old videos too last time people want uh some people won t-shirts simply because they were the only people that commented on a really old video on a really old video that was mr podcast and so we're doing the mr maple gift cards now so make sure you're saying mr maple gift cards and you can comment on all the old videos as well just make sure you like those videos and you're subscribed to our channel hey thanks so much for watching our 10 10 video take care god bless and have a great day
19 hey guys Matt Nichols at Mr Maple here if you're looking for a red lace leaf for a heavy shade condition and you want it to hold its color look no further than red filigree red filigree laces it's sometimes called as an exceptional dwarf finely dissected red that holds its color even in dark condition
20 all right so here we go with Acer palmatum Oregon Sunset we've got a nice set of these right here and they're going off just look at that beautiful red kind of Plum color on that new growth popping this is a nice dwarf getting about seven feet tall in about 20 years it gets wider than it does tall beautiful orange to Red fall colors on these just had to get this on camera today and let you know about this cultivar add one of these to your garden beautiful
21 hey i'm matt at mr maple and i'm tim with mr maple and welcome to the mr maple show thanks for clicking on this video today we have a very fun one for you it's part two to japanese maples with amazing variegation we greatly appreciate you taking time to watch this video please like this video subscribe to our youtube channel and sign up for our weekly emails on mr maple dot com we have over a thousand varieties of japanese maples at mr maple and every week we add 10 new exciting trees at 10 a.m eastern standard time so that's definitely an email you'll want to check out these are japanese maples with amazing variegation part two yeah part one was really well received we've been doing a few of these series where we talk about some different plants and kind of compare them a little bit it's a fun way to talk to you about japanese maples even out of leaf obviously we're a little colder right now now we're shooting this video in january of 2022 so any of the cultivars we talk about these will be exemplary of the sizes during that time frame a year later they may be larger or smaller but this is kind of indicative of what we have right now we've actually picked out another assortment of interesting variegated japanese maples that we want to talk to you about today each with their own unique qualities and characteristics from a dwarf reticulated variegation splash pink and white red on red variegation to even a variegated full moon type almost these are going to be plants you're going to really love i really hope you enjoy this video so our first maple today is acer cebuldianum kumoinishki this is a variegated full moon maple type many often consider the sebold animals full moon like because they have that rounded leaf like a nation share a solonum or an acer japonicum kumoinishki is that rounded leaf but with lots of great variegation to it yeah it's a very unique style variegation kumo anishi has a swirling and i mean a dense swirling of white through all that creamy green it makes it a really unique color pattern it's one that's almost i mean tiger striped to the eye i don't even know a good way to describe it the best but it's like a lot of intense swirling in a different format than you think of with you like a rita knownishkey style variegation and so you get that big green leaf but with that white swirl all across the leaf it really was almost like a milky kind of swirling variegation to it that gives it something very unique and something very different especially when this tree goes to yellows and oranges in the fall yeah you'll still have that lighter color uh contrasting with the darker colors the greener part of the leaf is going to get to more of a reddish orange so it's just exquisite on that fall color as well you know what you think of for sybolde animals with fall color this is going to have that acer c eboleanum nishki goes through some great color changes you know you're going to keep that variegated part being the lighter colors with those darker colors on the greener part of the leaf it is an exquisite tree i mean cboldy animals are often highly sought after just for their form and texture add on top of that this one's a variegated selection it makes it a plant you're going to want to have in your collection we were growing this tree for quite a while we were actually in japan and got to go to kobayashi mamiji inn and they were like hey check out one of our coolest new things and we were excited to see it but realized pretty quickly hey we've already got this this is a cool plant being the maple geeks we are we have to check out everything new everywhere and uh yeah it was acer uh subaldianam kumoyaniski there their nursery as well so it was just fun to see that connection to that being something they were excited about at their nursery as well that was new and interesting and it was kind of crazy because it was introduced in japan yet someone had found its way to make it to the united states and we'd already got one before uh we went to japan and when we went there they were bragging about it we're like yeah we already have that so it's kind of shocking that we could get something that quick something new and exciting that's really really special because there's not another variegated full moon maple like it yeah the sea of oldie animals are very cold tolerant very durable this is a unique one that you're going to like in your garden if you like those larger rounder leaves it's a must have there's not many variegated plants in that category of maple with the larger leaves the sure solders the japonicums and the uh the sea bullet atoms and the pseudocyaboltiums this is one that's extremely stable i think it's a very strong style variegation and so it gives it a very unique quality i think it's just one you're really gonna enjoy in your garden for sure i also like the fact that it leafs out later which helps for later early frost in the early spring whenever you have something that we leaves out a week or two later than the rest that's that much more time you don't have to worry about that fresh tender growth getting hit by frost so next up we have a very exciting variegated plant it's uh i would say it's probably one of the most popular releases every time we put it back on the 10th 10. it's one that tends to just make a big splash acer palmatum noel now this is essentially a variegated shin de sojo so it's going to have everything you love about sindasojo with some variegated like cyclical swirling in it so it gives it that that unique variegated form of bright pink over top of that like bright like bright bright spring color of cinder sojou so you're gonna get that like bright intense red with pink and white hints on top of that yeah i think this is one of the more showy plants because you get that such intense color of that that red but then you get pink in that and when you do that that contrast really just gives something extra it really makes it really almost uh shocking to see that whenever you see that colors yeah this was found as a sport on ashinda sojou by our friend john o'brien and danby connecticut at o'brien nursery shout out to john he's a good friend of ours and just a great selection i could be wrong but i believe the name was given to it because of one of john's dogs that was named after i know one of the first times i ever saw this plant was at dennis dodge's place we were visiting the lake great dennis dodge and dennis rarely left his house but he could show you anything on the internet like you could go in his basement and the guy could show you like this one guy has the coolest skydopetus in turkey that does this and like so he knew his way around the internet he was showing us photos of trees from our special releases and i don't know who i've shared that with i don't know if i can put the picture online yet i was a little like wow how'd you do that so he was a little reluctant to tell me the source at the time he kind of made it he played loose and with the idea that it might have come from overseas but really good friend of ours dennis dodge uh what a fun treasure to go see for plant collecting but i i reminisce on going and seeing this the first time with him when i saw it for the very first time and and this one is a really special plant that red on pink variegation really gives it something extra that i think yeah being a christmas name too with noel it's kind of perfectly colored i mean it's uh you know bright bright bright red with that pink and on top of it which fades almost like a creamy color mid-summer and it just it gives a hint of that christmas flare to the tree especially uh you know in leaf it's an amazing color pattern i think you're going to love this one in your garden it's certainly a special plant it's going to stand out pretty much against anything you put it up against as far a color pattern wise pair this with a you know a lime green or a yellow and the colors are going to be you know out of this world matt was trying to get me to put this tree on a 10-10 around christmas but i already had the 10 10 plan and so i was like well maybe a few weeks later so this one's coming to you very soon if you're watching this video if it's not already on a tenant 10 and i think it's one that you're going to really enjoy i totally missed the marking we got we got irish bell and we had irish lace on st patrick's day we dropped cupid on valentine's day i'm like come on you got to get noel and like christmas cheer there's a whole christmas carol we could have a whole little themed christmas party there but didn't work out this time because it was already done but we wanted to get this one out there it's a hint if you're seeing this it's either on the tenant 10 already or coming to one very soon next we have a tree that has some amazing variegation it is acer palmatum kodabuki this is a tree that is has pink and white swirls all across it this one is particularly selected because it has more paint to the variegation than white and so you'll see a lot of pink on those new growth flushes one thing we've learned about this style of irrigation is to give it uh to cut it back during late february or early spring to let those new growth flushes really flush out with even more variegation yeah right before that that leafs out the ideal time for that slightly pruning this i believe core calls the color group that that swirling style to it um will really intensify the variegation even stronger that upcoming season so that's a that's a little nurturing trick to get even better colors on these now the new growth is going to be spectacular on this in fact the old growth on this one's even very strongly variegated it's a plant i haven't seen revert before either a really strong style variegation overall what this one brings is that intense pink you're gonna get some white and some green in there as well but the pinks are just superb on this they're very very bold and it's going to be an eye catcher for that reason for sure yeah kodabuki is one of the newer selections from japan and every time it's released it flies off the shelf here at mr maple because it's so unique with that super pink variegation to it other things we talked about ways to keep its variegation really well give it some protection from the hot afternoon sun because it's got so much pink and white in it it'll actually burn a little bit if you give it too much sun also you want to avoid fertilizing this with high amounts of nitrogen the more fertilizer and high amounts of nitrogen you give this the more green you're going to encourage in the leaf and if you stay away from that nitrogen you can really get a lot of those pink and white swirls and you can really promote a lot of growth simply by that pruning we talked about earlier yeah that's really true of any of our variegated japanese maples lower on that nitrogen the better your colors will be that late day shade will actually typically bring about the most color we like early morning sun to pick some of the colors up and make them more vibrant so in a perfect scenario you have early morning sun late day shade on most variegated japanese maples but certainly some that can handle this one this one here in western north carolina and our zone 6b we can do this one in full sun with great success but you're going to get more pink and white the more that late day protection you put on it it's an exquisite tree a little smaller overall in its size this one's a little shorter a little denser than some of the other upright variegated forms which is nice as well but i think it's one you're definitely going to enjoy in your garden so next up here on the table we have uh you know a really nice plant this one is acer palmatum shigenohoshi now this is actually a japanese introduction by sucasa maple nursery and it has some amazing reticulated variegation it's another one that has that etching throughout each leaf yeah sukhasana maple has become a good friend of ours yataka tanaka is he's like us but in japan and he loves the differences between the plants he loves going in and having all these different varieties and he really enjoys variegation this is one that he introduced that is a small dwarf reticulated type but it also has extremely jagged edges on the leaves which makes it really stand out from other varieties he's been incredibly kind with us with information too our first trip to japan we had contacted him and he had said unfortunately i don't think i'm going to be able to meet with you like we were literally getting on the plane and saw it and we were like oh man he's one of the coolest places to go see sucasa maple has so many interesting introductions and when we visited with yano san jano said oh he would love to meet with you the problem was he wasn't able to get a translator that day and i said do you mind reaching back out to him and letting him know that if we provided a translator would he be interested in seeing us and oh my gosh he was so gracious he said yes of course and he probably sat down for several hours with a white board and just explain some of his introductions the names the meanings and it was just that wealth of knowledge that you can't get unless you sit in person with somebody like that it was a gorgeous plant and it was something that was super cool to see the original on you know tim and i are plant geeks so we like to go and see the very first of everything it's part of our gotta catch them all strategy as we like to go to the very first one and just document seeing it because it's a really cool thing if at all possible source that is our original source and it truly is a dwarf reticulated type much smaller than a lot of the ghost series it's going to be much smaller than things like reticulatum and tsukatsu sawa shikino hoshi will end up being about four to five feet tall by four to five foot wide in ten years you want to give it some protection from the hot afternoon sun to really get that etching that reticulated variegation to show longer throughout the season but the green veins and the white creamy variegation make this tree a true pleasure on a small dwarf reticulated ghost type yeah it truly is very unique in that that size is smaller and denser than most other articulated types and i think the bark actually has a little something to it too it's normally more of a lime green which looks pretty cool when it first leaves out with that white i've seen it you know be almost more golden yellowish too late in the season before it gets into that fall color even but just some great color changes one that's going to really stand out the leaf is a little more rigid too than many of your reticulated forms so it kind of has just its own little unique snowflake style foliage to it as well and i think it's just a solid introduction and one we're happy to offer here at mr maple so we've got a wide range of variegated japanese maples here um you know from the larger leaf the pink on red kind of one of the brightest pink versions of that reno style and then a reticulated form tim out of this grouping what would you say your favorite is in this this whole group out of this group i would probably have to go with this is always a hard difficult question yeah it's a put you on the spot question um i'd probably go with noel just because that red on pink variegation speaks to me i like the extra flash you get red and then on top of that it's super super variegated and then during the summer you get green with cream variegation i think that's one that's just going to always add that extra umph in the garden and people are going to say what in the world is that because they've seen red but they hadn't seen red like that with variegation that's a solid choice i would say that's probably the customer's choice although it may be kodobuki i'd have to look at the numbers both of those tend to fly off the shelves pretty quickly whenever they are released but that's a solid choice what's your favorite map gosh it is a hard one and it would probably be a toss up um i like to see the originals i've seen the original both these two i would probably lean a little more towards shige no hoshi just i really like how the leaf is different on it i like how like jagged is around the leaf and also like how compact it is i just think it's unique um you know it's a perfect one to pair with something like a maggie siguri because of that both being dwarf compact forms from japan one being that bright green reticulated one being that bright purple reticulated um i you know if i if you put me on the spot today i'd probably say shiggy no hoshi uh if you twisted marm tomorrow i might i might pick noel but i like a lot of these a lot so yeah i like chicken hoshi too i mean the fact that it's such a small uh dwarf type really adds a lot to a shade garden i mean it's gonna it's gonna go really well in there and give something around your hostas and other plants that really stands out and something brighten up those darker plants yeah exactly but it's also going to be one of the ones you really don't see in the nursery trade that often because it is a slow grower so a lot of nurserymen takes longer to finish yeah a grandma ghost that's going to be a faster grower yeah yeah that's a great point it is a little bit more rare because of that slower overall speed it's uh uh but i i like you said that's a perfect point i was actually about to say the same thing is that it's perfect to brighten up that spot in a really dark a dark garden so it's going to bring some color um and and really perform well even in heavy heavy shade you're still going to get what makes that one cool in heavy heavy shade where you do want a little bit of sun with noel to pick up those pinker colors yeah i don't necessarily know if it can handle full sun and super hot climates but you can give more sun like with this one to really peak that red color like you're talking about yeah and uh probably a little afternoon shade would probably hold that shin de soto like red color longer throughout the season yeah yeah but uh it could definitely probably out of this grouping probably handled the sun the most out of any of these now along with that talking about climates these all work zones five through nine uh most of our japanese maples work zones five through nine we do have a unique one in the group the soboli anima here is particularly cold tolerant tim mentioned earlier that it leafs out a little bit later and that's a great quality too especially being here in western north carolina it kind of protects us from those late frosts but i think kumoinishki has something really unique in that it is a ciaboldianum so it does kind of go on the fringes there being a little bit more cold tolerant than your average japanese maple yeah some people say that sabol denim can go down to zone four b which is half a zone colder than a typical acer palmatum and uh it'd be interesting if anyone has experience with that put that in the comments section below i'd love to know about where you live and if you're growing any of these plants that we're talking about here today for sure for sure let us know in the comment section below your favorite japanese maple from this grouping um we'll go back over them again we've got the kumoinishki the noel the kodabuki and the shiggy no hoshi so just let us know which is your favorite of this group have you grown these before in your garden and if so what are your experiences hi i'm brian and mr maple thanks for watching our video today so we hope you all enjoyed brian in some of our recent videos uh brian recently moved here from his oklahoma garden and is with us at mr maple now and you're about to start a north carolina garden pretty soon now i asked brian he actually didn't grow any of these in his oklahoma garden which is quite surprising with your 250 plus cultivars you had i don't know how you missed many so we've managed to pick out five trees that brian wasn't growing previously so i have to ask based on that of these trees brian which one would you most look forward to growing in your north carolina garden well i think the the shige no hoshi is definitely one that's on my radar now especially hearing you guys describe it and i would really like to see that glowing out in the shade garden i'm always about the reticulated japanese maples they're some of my favorites so that's what i think i'd probably add in my garden first that's an excellent choice you know i didn't i neglected to bring up earlier that that's a great candidate for container gardening as well that and kotobuki they're smaller overall shapes make them an excellent candidate for that container garden make sure you have good drainage on your pot you can actually watch our video on growing japanese maples in containers as well but that makes an excellent candidate for that container garden and a perfect can i think because of the colors for like a fairy garden or a fairy container garden really fun way to grow that one hey we hope you've enjoyed our videos we hope you enjoyed adding brian to some of these new videos he's been doing an excellent job editing these so give them a shout out in the comments below about that too if you notice it's getting more professional looking it's this guy making us look better here so we greatly appreciate that so make sure you like and subscribe to our channel and uh we really appreciate you guys checking everything out that we're doing lately we hope that you're enjoying these series where we're breaking down these different cultivars and bringing more attention to them hey we greatly appreciate that and if you do enjoy these videos sign up for our weekly emails on mr maple we had 10 new exciting trees every single tuesday at 10. so there's always something new and interesting coming if you're watching this video there may be currently some of these on the website some of them may be in future releases uh just depends on the time frame where you're watching that so it's definitely going to be something you're going to want to be a part of if you hit that email notification you're always going to find out first what's new every tuesday at 10. thanks for watching our latest video god bless and have a great day
22 hey y'all and welcome to the mr maple show i'm tim from we're on a mail order business in western north carolina that ships directly to your door we produce over a thousand varieties of japanese maples here on the mr maple show we do a lot of exclusive plant content all about these rare and interesting plants especially japanese maples and one thing we like to do is answer these questions we're getting in our emails recently we've been getting some questions about powdery mildew what is it well powdery mildew is a white fungus that goes across a plant's leaf in certain environmental conditions and that white fungus can actually go through and it starts to damage the leaves of the plant now powdery mildew it's it's an issue that we see in certain environments every single year and so it what it does is it just damages the foliage for the rest of that season now there's some things that cause that and some of the things that cause are often environmental factors one is high humidity and a lack of air flow and if you can find a way to put a plant in a situation where it has a little more air flow you may not get that that powdery mildew on your japanese maple now the other thing is is powdery mildew affects plants that are slightly stressed so if you're getting a plant that's constantly got it and you think it may be slight environmental but that fungus goes to the plants that are more stressed so if you can figure out what's causing that stress is your plant getting waterlogged do you have a bowl of water underneath your a potted japanese maple do you have is your plant uh buried too deeply you know all these things can contribute to having that powdery mildew so check out our video on why is my japanese maple dyeing go through that video and if you do that you may start to see what factors stress japanese maples and if you reduce those stress sometimes you will rid completely of the powdery mildew now powdery mildew is a fungus that can spread so it could happen on certain ones in your collection and then spread to your other ones once that fungus has gotten established so often if you can treat for the powdery mildew you can start to wipe it out before it starts to spread and again this powdery mildew isn't something that causes permanent damage typically it's something that basically causes foliar damage and aesthetic damage for that year so what do you treat with well you want to treat it with a light fungicide something like a zero toll something that we've used in the past and what that does is that goes through and basically washes off that fungus takes care of that fungus i've heard of some people using copper fungicides i'm not familiar with those so i can't speak to those but people have attested to using a copper base fungicide and it working extremely well when you spray the zero toll across the plant don't worry what's going to happen is the spots that are that are heavily affected by the fungus will actually turn brown that's perfectly fine what you're doing doing is you're causing the fungus to be cleansed and you're causing it to not spread anymore and again that isn't killing the plant what it's doing when you apply applies to the recommended rates on the zero tall is it's killing the fungus and what you're seeing when you're seeing those brown spots is where the fungus has already damaged the leaf it's not something that's actually a result of the xerotal itself so do keep that in mind but if you treat for it which you don't have to that's the good news is if it's just on a small level you can actually leave it untreated wait till next spring and if it's just a weird a weather occurrence in your area the following spring you'll leaf out your plants will be fine and you won't have to deal with it again if you do start seeing it over and over again start to check your environment is the plant slightly stressed and when you treat you can wipe out this problem that people commonly see on japanese maples i hope this video has really helped you on dealing with powdery mildew in your garden and on your japanese maples make sure to like this video share this video with your gardening friends take care god bless and have a great day
23 howdy y'all and welcome to the mr maple show i'm tim it's my brother matt we're the maple guys here at mr maple dot com the maple brothers we do over a thousand varieties of japanese maples mail order directly to your door make sure to check out mr maple dot com hey today we're talking about the first tree we ever put a name on here at mr maple many of you may know mr maple is what people call my dad so when we started doing this business we changed it from nichols nursery which is where dad was found all the tailgates around western north carolina for over 40 50 years starting in the early 70s and he grafted this seedling and we wanted to put a name on it eventually so we actually named this one jade dragon so the topic of today's video is acer palmatum jade dragon this is such a fun little dwarf very slow growing this particular plant here was probably planted about 2002 2003 and so as you see it's a very slow growing very dense dwarf japanese maple with really tiny leaves and we planted it as like a large 10 gallon so it was actually a really old plant when we planted it i would estimate this tree at being well over 30 years old i know that bob jackman who is good friends with my father found this tree in the 90s as a seedling here in hendersonville north carolina it was found under a uh acer primatum shishi gashira and originally robert jackman wanted to name this roja yatabusa and robert jackman yeah and we made him realize that it was combining names that sounded spanish roja meaning red and yatabusa meaning dwarf this is not a red dwarf right and so we convinced him into calling it jade dragon which is an excellent name for this little dwarf jade dragon i think in many cultures a jay dragon is a gift that they give to someone to commemorate a special occasion and we figured that jade dragon being this has this nice green color to it could be a gift that people give to friends on special occasions now this one's been exceptionally popular for bonsai it is that deep emerald color so it lends itself really well to that jade name as well but this one works really well as air layers and rooted cuttings for bonsai the original one here is a graft but this one is very popular amongst our customers who are into bonsai keep in mind this one right here is an over 30 year old tree so it's going to stay very compact and dwarf and give you a very dense full habit to it so bonsai enthusiasts love this one it's why when it comes up on mr maple it sells out very quickly so when you see this on and it's already sold out make sure to click on that click the notify me button plug your email in there and you'll be notified when this tree becomes available again because this is one that sells out very quickly likely when you're watching this video it's one that will be sold out currently on the website i was at a garden center one time in new york and the guy knew who we were so he was kind of joking around because tim and i came through and and we were looking at plants and he said hey i've got a really cool one you probably don't have and he said here's jade dragon i was like actually i put a name on that one myself so it's kind of funny how some of your plants get out there and make their way around but this was the original plant from the area 51 collection this is actually why we call it the area 51 collection there was a equally old plant to this in a in our greenhouse we went to a garden show we came back and dad said guys i sold that big jade dragon for 75 dollars and i mean it was a 20 plus year old tree at that point and from then on out we said hey we're locking the doors for the area 51 we need that one for grafting and so you know it's one in one out on area 51. nobody comes in or out of the really rare things that we need to propagate from so that kind of gets us the chuckle there but yeah our original tree and actually where the area 51 name comes from and so this is our very first introduction through mr maple uh this is one of the very first in the area 51 collection and this is a tree that if you get a chance try to get it because it's a really cool tree to have as a container or put in a small space in your yard because this is a true dwarf yeah my father norman nichols he kind of self-taught himself to graft a little bit he started growing japanese maples in like 72-ish maybe even a little bit before that but that's around the first time that he had officially a nursery so he was growing seedlings for many years in the late 80s and early 90s he kind of taught himself to graft and one of his friends robert jackman around town was the other guy who had jd vertree's book and he was all fired up about japanese maples him and mack were some of dad's you know original japanese maple friends before the internet they would sit here on our parents porch and just talk japanese maples you know for hours because they they just enjoyed this kind of thing and dad was the one guy in the area that could graft so they were they were off to the races with uh you know grafting cultivars and finding new things and this being a seedling that robert had found my dad was really excited to get it grafted for him and uh it's one we've treasured here in our garden just seeing an older specimen of it for sure now this tree is going to leaf out a very very dark dark green it gets some lighter tufts to it so the newer growth can actually have a little bit of that reddish pink new growth to it excellent durability this tree can actually handle full suns zones five through eight zone nine you want to give it some late day shape now matt was talking about those groups of friends that love japanese maples i'm sure many of you all have those too a great way to find people like that is joining the mr maple friends group on facebook that's a great community of people you can share all the cool trees you've got from mr maple and your love of japanese maples by posting photos commenting and really getting involved there on the mr maple friends group on facebook yeah the porch here on maplewood knoll my parents house that was the original mr maple friends group dad would get around here with some of his buddies and discuss japanese maples and this was probably the first tree to come to fruition from from their collecting and just friendship here just so many guys would get around and discuss trees and like i said dad was the original grafter of that group so he had a buddy who could get it grafted and get it out there speaking of if you've got a cool plant a cool seedling send it to mr maple questions if you think you've got something cool that should be introduced might be something that gets put in the area 51 collection introduced through mr maple we'll of course give you credit if you've got any cool seedlings make sure to send some photos to mr maplequestions jody will send those to us and say hey tim matt check these out what do you think of these we actually find great plants that way for sure all the time that's how gold diggers came about j-dragon a lot of great plants come from customers in different areas finding really cool plants so make sure to let us know about that we'd love to see what you've got hey if you enjoyed this video on jade dragon let us know in the comment section below that's a great forum for discussion we always make these videos but it's just the beginning of the conversation you can continue that conversation in the comments below and hey if you enjoyed the video please exit through the gift shop and check out mr take care god bless and have a great day
24 if you like acer japonicums raise your hand all right we're all tree geeks here today we're talking about one of our favorite trees acer japonicum taki nogawa welcome to the mr maple show i'm tim it's my brother matt and we do mr a mail-order business out of western north carolina small family business where we ship over a thousand different varieties of japanese maples that we produce at mr maple directly to your door today we're going to be talking about acer japonicum takenogawa now japonicums are some of the most popular japanese maples that we do here at our nursery they really have that essence of japan they almost look tropical they have the larger overall foliage they're in the same family as acer palmatum so they graft under that acer palmatum understock but they look something almost otherworldly especially when they get into that fall color that can be quite amazing asus japonicum taken ogawa has a very rounded leaf you see why acer japonicum is often referred to as a full moon japanese maple that's because the leaf on a lot of the japonicums are more rounded well taking agawa has one of the most rounded leafs of any of the acer japonicum selections so it really displays that to its fullest effect and aesthetics are some of our favorite japanese maples they just look so almost tropical in their nature and they really give such an essence of japan because when you're in japan and you see these things out in the wild it really just it's truly amazing now we describe this one as a larger leaf tree because it's much larger than many of the other japanese maples now the leaves are not going to be as big as say emmett's pumpkin or vita folium it's kind of that mid-size between maiku jaku and vodafolium but it has that very rounded appearance to it like tim was saying this one is a selection of a japanese maple but one of the things i like most about it is it reminds me of the wild acer japonicums that i saw when hiking in the mountains in japan and it reminds me that it has that same cupped kind of look to it and it just brings that essence of japanese mountains to me i love that about it and often times when you're seeing mountain ranges or photos of japan that have that amazing colors they're definitely the acer japonicums that are lighting that up so this tree is going to leaf out in the early spring a bright lush green we're actually here in mid-june shooting this tree here in my garden in zone 6b in western north carolina so we actually have this one a good bit of sun in western north carolina most areas if you can give this one some late day shade the foliage is going to get even a little bit bigger for you yeah and by giving it a little bit of that little bit late day shade they'll really get some larger size to the leaves on the acer japonicum types and that's one of those things that just really make this tree show off even more is these larger leaves the leaves are a little bit thicker if you feel them they're almost leather like the branching will often be a little bit thicker as well and the aesthetic ponicum takonogawa is one of the ones we really love of the acer japonicum selections here at mr maple hey this one's going to have that early spring green like i was saying more of a kelly green mid-summer one of the most prominent features about the acer japana comes that red tassel flower so these are going to have a red tassel flower to them in the early spring but forget all that because the season when you're going to get all your cameras out and go nuts over this thing is the fall in the fall you know this one's typically a very bold orange for us but it's not uncommon for it to be orange red and yellow it goes through some amazing color changes i love it because it typically gets a really nice bold orange here in the landscape here at my place but with japonicums you get the full spectrum of fall colors even on one tree and being they have a thicker leaf sometimes that'll translate as even longer in fall color so you get a consistent fall color especially when you have a specimen out in the landscape but one that a fall color that lasts for a longer period of time than other japanese maples the japonicums are amazing we look can't get enough of japonicums and asian japonicum talking to galway is no exception hey my daughter carolina she just finished preschool this year but they had to bring some leaves to school day and i think this one got more comments than anything of course i was the right dad to ask to bring some different leaves to school with over a thousand varieties of japanese maples so we had our nice little assortment there i think that actually this is probably back at thanksgiving i think they actually built different uh turkeys out of our japanese maple leaf so i have to look for that but takedogawa became the base of all the turkeys it was probably everybody's favorite leaf just for that big round shape to it and by far the most popular leaf and to bring a leaf to school so if that counts pretty thing your kids are going to love this when they say hey bring a cool leaf it's just got a fun shape to it it's really unique i love that large roundedness to it but this is just to begin the discussion on talking to gawa if you'd like to talk more about this tree do it in the comments section below that's where we continue those conversations and we love that interaction with you guys we've got a great community there in the youtube on our youtube channel in the comment section definitely get involved there if you want to post photos go to mr maple friends group on facebook it's a great way to get involved and share a lot of your photos of your japanese maples and the trees that you may have gotten from mr maple hey i went to a dolly parton thing recently and she said to exit through the gift shop so i'll tell everybody to make sure to exit through the gift shop and check out mr maple dot com when the video is over we greatly appreciate your support god bless and have a great day
25 hey guys people often ask why I call Golden Falls the Weeping cat server form here I have a cat Surah and a golden Falls you can see how close these trees are in that early spring interest but completely different in shape the cat server is going to make a nice upright tree and the golden Falls is extremely weeping
26 what's going on guys today I've got another awesome cultivar this is Acer japonicum uh Abby's weeping Abby's weeping is a really nice lace-leaf version of that japonicum leaf that you love it's huge man it gets some nice blushing on the edges of that just look at the way those leaves are dissected all the way out to the edges beautiful weeping cascading form to this Acer japonicum Abby's weeping
27 good morning everybody this is Brian with Mr Maple today I'm letting you guys check out this awesome set of Japanese princess we've got some really good sizes coming on here getting ready for spring
28 what's going on Maple folk this is Brian at Mr Maple uh today we've got a beautiful set here of Acer palmatum kamagata really cool little dwarf love how the leaves are very pointed and serrated on the edges some nice spring color going on here just wanted to show you guys this Acer palmatum kamagata
29 so today I've got a really nice little seedling from macaw yatsabusa this is going to show some slight variances from its original parent plant it's getting some really nice colors on the seedling from makawi atsubusa coming soon here at Mr maple
30 hey I'm Zeb employee of mr. maple today Matt and Tim we're going to talk about the Asia problem a damaged wood hi Matt Nichols at mr. maple calm today we're going to be talking about a certain item dissect them Edgewood this is a really fun lace leaf with a lot of color changes hi and I'm Tim and mr. maple calm we greatly appreciate you watching this video please like this video subscribe to our YouTube channel if you have any comments please post those in the comment section we definitely check those out and as always sign up for our weekly emails on mr. April calm we had 10 new fun exciting trees every single Tuesday at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Tom that's going to be a email you want to be a part of if you're not growing a Sur problem a temed wood in your garden you should be it's a really fun tree it's when I first saw it our friend Ed Chin's garden you may know him online on many different forms as nja sir there's some beautiful examples of the one in his garden we've got a lot of pictures we've taken over that of the years in this presentation as well so definitely check those out I love Ed Wood for all the many colors it goes through Ed Wood is a lace leaf so it's again a low cascading umbrella but it's going to give you some really intense color changes this tree leaves out more purple than red so you're gonna get a bright purplish color and that low cascading umbrella the stems on edgewood are a bright yellowish green which really accent that deep purple really well so right off the bat even though itself and early spring the colors are really cool so it's deep purple with bright green accents in there the fall colors are excellent so some people actually call a street edgewood golden but edgewood is the original name the fall color is one of the most electric golden yellows of any of the lace leaves which is quite interesting that it changes from that dark purplish color to a really really nice golden yellow in the fall yeah it goes from those yellows to orange in the fall with some really really electric colors edgewood or Edgewood oranges some people call it or Edward golden is such an amazing amazing plant I love it because it gets right around three to four feet tall by about five to six foot wide it has a very nice cascading umbrella habit you'll see here on our edge woods that we have available right now they're grafted up about anywhere between six inches and twelve inches a little bit higher graft allow them to cascade down an umbrella off of that really nice sweeping form that's going to accentuate provide a lot of great color that contrasts like I said in the spring summer and fall and even contrasts with itself with those red leaves on the green stemming so with that great habit and size again more of a lace leaf overall there are a lot of fun uses for that it's gonna have that low cascading umbrella so it's gonna look like a small umbrella in the garden which gives it a ton of good uses this is a great treat for the conifer garden this actually does good in sun zones five through eight you want to give it shade in zone nine this is an excellent tree for Sun though this makes an excellent container garden plant for sure because of that smaller overall stature so you get those dark purples and pull them around the garden in the container these work great in the container zone six through nine so in zone five you want to plant in the ground or protect your containers in the winter but an excellent tree for so many uses and one that pairs extremely well with other Japanese maples I like putting this you know because the color is so different being a a dark almost more of a purple color than a maroon in the garden I like pairing it with a lot of the greens so put this next to your waterfall put this next to some of those chartreuse is in the spring it's really gonna pop and show out next to some of those so an excellent tree to pair next to waterfall or Seki mori or various because those color complements are gonna really look unreal and you're gonna see how different this color is than one like say tamuka yama or garnet you're gonna see how different this is more of a dark burgundy I'm not dark burgundy dark purple in the color and Edgewood is such an amazing plant if like Matt said edge chin is one of our good friends and he was sort of our first link to Dick Wolf Dick Wolf was at Lima in Lima Pennsylvania had red maple nurseries it actually went and purchased some of the original plants that he had in his garden and amazing garden if you ever get a chance to visit it some of those original plants came from Dick Wolf and so ed sort of our connection to him and we've got some great photos that adds lettuce use of this in fall colors throughout the seasons at Ed's place Dick Wolf actually found this is a tree that was growing at Edgewood Cemetery it is very very popular just because it's so unique different with amazing fall color and Dick Wolf introduced it into the nursery trip hey let's take an up-close look at a certain item Edgewood and show you why this one is such a cool color palette so here we have an up-close look at a certain item dissect on Edgewood I love how this one is just really a dark purple color it gives it a really unique color in the landscape I think it stands out among a lot of lace sleeves it's a very unique habit I really like you can see here what I was describing earlier that chartreuse stem too it gives it a really interesting habit you're gonna get even more of that bright chartreuse on the new growth and especially in sunlight it's a dark dark purple with a bright chartreuse green stems and you'll see if it even almost has a little bit of a green eye to it down in the center which really just accentuates that that dark red foliage and that green stemming such a fun plant with such amazing colors especially that bright bright yellow to orange fall color but mostly I like the spring color let's say I like the fall Kelly hey thanks for watching our quick look at Ace or pomade um dissect them edgewood a really fun tree with a lot of great uses in the garden this is gonna be a tree that adds a lot of great color with a very nice sweeping habit and a very dynamic fall color yeah I love it for that spring color because it really shows out with a lot of dark purple I think it's one of the most fun purple laceless we do for sure and I love it because the fall color because it's so starkly different from its spring color I think we're getting to a Twix argument here this is a great tree you're gonna love in your garden for sure so definitely stay tuned to the end of the video you'll see some different pictures of that throughout the season we're still doing our giveaway so comment on any of our videos I dig Japanese maples for a chance to win one of those Japanese maple t-shirt that's all the way until June 1st that's June 1st 2020 you can comment on any video I dig Japanese maples every submission that you comment on every time you comment on a video on YouTube that is the time you're entered into submission so every single video we have from the month of May to April you can actually comment on each one of those videos to get another submission so a winner will be picked you have to be subscribed to our channel to win and then comment and we'll go through and the more times you comment the more chance you have to win we greatly appreciate it if this was popular we're definitely doing some more giveaways this was just our thank you for 1000 subscribers giveaway hey hit our Bell if your first time watch or two that Bell will give you ivar notifications here on YouTube we greatly appreciate you like it and share our videos with other gardeners as well yeah and like matt said please sign up for our weekly emails on mr. maple calm 10 do fun trees every single Tuesday at 10 a.m. uh it's something that we work really hard on and we really hope that you enjoy Hey thanks have a great day and God bless if you're still with us don't forget to comment I dig Japanese maples on any of our videos to be entered to win our free t-shirt thanks for watching you
31 [Music] guys we got an emperor one right here it's an awesome red upright extremely heat tolerant at least out later than other selections great selection for the landscape pair that with something yellow like a dragon master and you have an excellent excellent contrast and some amazing color out there in the landscape a weeping Dragon Master with some bright yellow with an upright Emperor one that's a landscape I want to see [Music]
32 [Music] what's up guys we're back with a Shira song sure sawing them Bronze Age you can see this one's gotten a lot of sun so it's starting to show that nice red color almost like a fuchsia pink I'd say but this you can expect some nice bronzing during the springtime and then as we continue through to fall time you'll get some really nice yellows and oranges now this is one that we have a hard time keeping in stock even our employees they want it they want this people that work here want this tree they're trying to take them we got Tim Matt's got to try to keep them off of them and you can tell why I mean look at this that's a beautiful veining on that tree that really awesome contrast of that super light green to all those colors the Reds that bronze and that yellow and oranges foreign
33 guys Acer palmatum Rhode Island red this is a dwarf blood good type that really has a nice rounded shape some bright red spring colors if you give it some sunlight great container plant but it's an awesome plant when people are looking for like a blood good Japanese maple but also a dwarf all three that makes it rounded shape all by itself
34 hey guys Sean here with Mr check this out Brian and I are walking through the greenhouses and we came across this Acer palmatum cotton candy and we both said whoa look at that look at those colors on that absolutely amazing and I said you know what I don't know anything about cotton candy and Brian said well you know what I'm not too familiar myself this is a brand new cultivar brand new and that's why we don't know anything about it so we had to look it up man and I'll tell you what oranges and reds in the fall color great mid-summer colors to it best to keep it in shade to get those called the afternoon shade to get the best colors out of it but look at that cotton candy it looks like cotton candy
35 hey y'all I'm Tim welcome to the Mr Maple show we're here in early October outside of Hillstone Arboretum my uncle's home and garden and I'm standing with you right next to a large ginkgo tree it's almost Ginkgo season as fall is almost here and when fall Hits very shortly this can go beside me will turn to a bright golden yellow lighting up the landscape giving a good contrast with the twombly's red Sentinel that we turn to a bright red right over there now today we're going to do one of our gardening 101 videos and today's video is why is my Ginkgo not growing make sure to like this video subscribe to our YouTube channel and sign up for weekly emails on Mr we had 10 new exciting trees every single Tuesday at 10 A.M Eastern Standard Time and make sure you look through our full catalog on the on our YouTube show the Mr Maple show we've got a large assortment of cultivar highlights and gardening 101 questions that will hopefully help you learn more about Japanese maples ginkgo's and other rare plants and how to grow them so today is why is my Ginkgo not growing we often get this question and there's a couple things behind this so the first thing with growing ginkgo's why they might be growing slower is the alkalinity of the soil ginkgo's love lime so you want to make sure you give it some lime so that can help that Ginkgo get established and take up water and nutrients more efficiently if you give a ginkgo lime to adjust for the pH of the soil that'll definitely help people often say how much lime do I give it I've never over aligned a ginkgo so if you throw a cup full a full Solo cup full of lime around the base of a ginkgo that'll definitely help that plant get established better and take up water fertilizer and nutrients more efficiently when do I do this we do it in the spring in the summer and also in the fall for the first two to three years as this plant is getting established once the ginkgo has gotten established and started getting a good growth rate to it you may not need to continue to do this but in more acidic soils this is extremely important and helps your Ginkgo Get Growing people often say ginkgo's a really slow growing online and there are different cultivars of ginkgo's some ginkgos are dwarfs and very slow growing and some ginkas are supposed to be fast growing and if a ginkgo's alkalinity of the soil for a fast-growing type is more acidic instead of more alkaline it will be much slower growing so by giving this Ginkgo more lime and allowing it to take up water and nutrients more efficiently that Ginkgo is definitely going to grow faster now the other tip for ginkgo's why is my Ginkgo not growing fast is making sure you're giving this Ginkgo plenty of sunlight you're going to need at least four to five hours of sunlight on that Ginkgo where that Ginkgo can really have its full density and the proper growth rate for that cultivar if you put a ginkgo in a more shaded location where it won't be able to get much sun it's going to be much slower growing than a ginkgo that's in more sunlight so that's definitely one of the tips with ginkgo's an understanding why my Ginkgo is growing slowly if you give a ginkgo sunlight and you give a ginkgo some lime those are definitely some tips that definitely help your Ginkgo you get established and grow faster now one thing to remember that line is not fertilizer itself you're going to need to add fertilizer to this in the spring not during the fall so that the ginkgo can actually get a lot of growth coming out so right as that Ginkgo is leafing out is a great time to fertilize your ginkgo's so keep that in mind lime is not a fertilizer fertilizer should be used with your lime so that it can give nutrients to that Ginkgo and it can take it up properly with the lime and start growing faster for you you know I really hope this video has helped you understand a little bit of why your Ginkgo might be growing slowly ginkgos are great plants out in the landscape and we love them for so many different reasons if you like this video and you want to learn more about growing ginkgo's check out Mr we have a huge assortment of ginkgos on Mr go to Mr Maple click on Ginkgo and you can see that some of the ginkgos we currently offer on Mr also if you want to learn more about caring for ginkgo's check out our Ginkgo care video we've got a whole video just on caring for ginkgo's that might help you further on growing your ginkgo trees in the landscape and garden thank you all so much for watching today's video make sure you like subscribe and share and I hope you have fun this Ginkgo season in the fall enjoying the bright yellow fall colors and if you did if you're not enjoying them this season get a gingo from Mr Maple and you can enjoy them for Life take care God bless and have a great day
36 hey y'all I'm Tim from Mr a mail order company in Western North Carolina that ships directly to your door with a thousand varieties of Japanese maples and other neat plants today we're going to talk about that last part other neat plants the cool Plant we're talking about today is osmanthus fragrance yenby this is a really cool it's a a Sweet Olive that is variegated so you get everything you love about sweet olives those augmented fragrance that just provide those fragrant blooms that you can smell from 100 feet away sometimes you get that on a plant that's variegated now I remember seeing this plant years ago at Dr Creech is down at SFA Gardens this is an amazing amazing plant I also saw this plant at Ted Stevens I'm not sure if there's different clones of this variegated form or if different people have brought it back from different places but this plant is simply amazing I love it because this gets to be a nice Evergreen that's an upright makes a really nice tree shrub and then it blooms as Ted Stevens says in every month that has the letter r in it January February March April it October November December it's always blooming and those blooms on this one is a really nice white and the blooms happen really close to the stem and on this plant particularly you don't notice the blooms as much as you notice the variegation because this plant is variegated year round and this plant here has pink New Growth that comes off of it with a little bit of red at first and it fades to a green and then a green on white and this margin variegation on osmantis Yin B swing we is spectacular some leaves when they're first leafing out can be almost completely pink this plant is one of those plants that just grows on you more and more and the more you see this plant the more and more you love this but if you love variegated plants you'll definitely love this from the get-go because it's so unique and so different it's a plant that was extremely extremely rare in the nursery trade and we've been trying to get it in numbers more and more so you'll see it available on Mr because we're making a priority to make this plant available because it's so cool and so different but you won't find it many other places right now because it is so unusual and so different and not very common but this makes a great great Tree on the landscape right now this is the size of our three gallons at Mr Maple and we're in a late June almost July of 2022. if you're looking at this a different time it could be a different size but we've got some really nice three gallons of Envy schwang Wei right now and took a while for me to learn how to say that because this is a Chinese selection of a uh fragrant tea Olive and so it takes a little bit of saying it you wouldn't be Swang we had to hear a lot of the experts say it over and over again but this is such a beautiful plant that I think you'll really enjoy in your garden I've seen a lot of people use this as screens I've seen a lot of people use this as a specimen plant in their landscape and this is a plant that just keeps putting on lots of pink and white variegation that you can enjoy so it's something you can plant up close I like to do that because you can really enjoy the variegation but don't worry even if you plant this plant far away you'll still be able to enjoy that sweet fragrance that the sweet olives are known for such an awesome plant I I love osmanthus fragrance for all that it brings to the table and this is a plant that brings that and more like osmanthus fragrance can grow in Garden zones 7 through 10. and it can actually push zones a little bit on that if you use environmental factors like planting a little bit of shade that can give some protection from the frost in the spring but also some protection from wind because these can be more affected in windier locations now osmantic fragrance is an easy plant to grow and it's one of those plants that is an amazing just plant out there in the landscape this particular variety yenby schwangwi can reach about eight to ten feet in height by about eight to ten foot in width in 10 years so it can really make a really nice size plant out there with a lot of really good fragrance in your garden and Landscape make sure to like this video subscribe to our YouTube channel and sign up for our weekly emails on that's a great way to support Mr and if you're not shopping with us make sure you're sharing our videos because that's another great way to support all the hard work that we put on here at Mr Maple take care God bless and have a great day
37 foreign [Music] howdy y'all and welcome to the 10 at 10. I'm Tim and this is my brother Matt howdy partner guys we're Mr we ship directly to your door we do over a thousand fries of Japanese maples and today we're listening 10 new trees actually 20. tender trees on the table we'll be talking about today at 10 A.M Eastern Standard Time there'll be 20 getting listed sign up for our weekly email you'll find out about the full listing if you do that guys I was recently watching a post in one of our groups where somebody was selling a tree on eBay what even the right tree there was Nakamoto weeping this is what they were trying to sell and it was over it was close to 500 dollars 401 gallon we've got it back on the 10 at 10. knock a komodo weeping Acer palmatum the 400 year old tree and uh much cheaper than 480 only four hundred and twenty dollars on Mr no no much cheaper than that on Mr maple nakakamoto weeping is a classic and really I say classic it's a selection from over 400 years ago it's at a temple in Japan Matt and I had the privilege and honor of going and getting to see this plant and it just twists and contorts and it has that cascading habit with a really gnarly trunk for only 10 easy payments of forty dollars that's insane like what are you doing people quit getting outbid on Terrible Things shop the 10 at 10. knock a komodo weeping phenomenal point though this is a piece of maple history it is a tree that is durable up to sun in zone eight uh work zones five through nine great Japanese maple to be growing you can put this out and in 400 years it'll look exactly like the Naka Kubota weep in our pictures but it's an incredible point road now guys this has an incredible fall color a lot of our photos are in fall color because when we went and visit the original tree at the temple in Japan it was in fall color this is the mother plant down the line there's jiroshidari Ryu send and so many other cool plants I mean an amazing plant nakakamoto weeping foreign guys next up we've got Acer palmatum hubs Red Willow hubsworld Willow is an awesome winner low blim style Japanese maple uh I love those strap Leafs this is a really fun multi-stemmed one that I really like the colors on it's a very dark overall red and it makes it awesome pairing with something like yellow threads if you've ever seen us offer that one before hubs Red Willow is a classic it's because that multi-stemmed approach it also works great in container gardens because it stays a little smaller than something like video talking now I have some people seen some people offer this is just Red Willow in the original Dick Wolf catalog by Red Maple nurseries it was under the name hubs Red Willow and that's Hub Hubb apostrophe s hubs Red Willow awesome lunar lobe selection I mean this is a cool Plant this gives you that bamboo-esque feel out there in the landscaping Garden all right guys check out this eye candy you talking about me no bro sorry I'm talking about the tree Acer palmatum eye candy I can't use the selection by Talon buckholts it's a pink in the spring we've got a full cultivar highlight on this tree we did a Maplewood Gardens go check it out you can see this tree with that bright bright pink color in the spring this one uh is a phenomenal tree for its variegation now one little tip is leafing this one out slowly if it leaps out very quickly like in a greenhouse they tend to be a little bit more green now if you leave this one out slowly in the landscape put it in a shadier spot you can get some phenomenal colors on this one one great thing about this tree is it doesn't revert so you're not going to lose that variegation but leafing it out slow will lead to the optimal coloration guys get an eye candy in your garden it's something you'll go check out each and every day pairs well with this next one here Acer sure Asylum Sunny now guys this is one of my favorite oranges in the spring this one I like so much it's a Seedling from Jordan and I think what sets it apart from Jordan is if you give it some early morning sun you can get some phenomenal bold orange Shades in that early spring it's one of the most Orange plants in my garden in the early spring awesome colorations think of like a win oyama X sure Asylum Arium I mean that's kind of what you get with this plant I mean an amazing Shira songs from excellent spring interest and then after that orange color goes away you've got yellow and you know how I love the color yellow contrast so well out there in the landscape and garden for a full moon Acer shirazam this one is one of my favorite yeah it is a great plant to be growing I do recommend a little late day shade on Sunny this one's gonna work zones five through nine definitely shade in that hotter zone eight and Zone nine uh but if you can give it early morning sun late day shade you're going to pick up that spring orange protect that late day that hottest part of the day from the late day sun and uh really a fun plant to be growing another way I like to grow these is in a big patio planter put this in a big blue or purple pot the colors are going to be insane all right guys we've got Acer palmatum Wildfire guys this one's a wildfire in your garden it gives you some crazy bark colors from yellows to Orange to Reds towards the tips on the bark itself and then in the fall you get some really nice yellows to oranges in the fall guys the reason this one's so popular is the base is yellow and then it gets darker as you go up so you get more orange medium growth to redder tips it looks like a wildfire there in the landscape I'm a huge fan of this one it's been a very durable core bark for us we typically only list the coral bark zone six through nine but this one's been exceptionally durable and I've noted a lot of people tell me they had great success with this in high heat areas I know Lee Todd said this is one of his favorite ones for Oklahoma so a very durable plant there great fall colors you can get some oranges to almost Reds in this one a little bit sometimes in fall color awesome upright coral bark interest makes a great pairing within your traditional core bark Maples but it stands out all on its own guys awesome core bark selection great tree just to pair out in the landscape with almost anything and then next Acer palmatum shironami one of our most popular trees I think uh one time I was walking through the gardens and we were on Growing a Greener World with Joe lample and we were shooting some b-roll this is back before we do it we had YouTube channels but we weren't doing as much daily YouTube content and we were just shooting some b-roll we're walking through some trees and Joe lample's like what's this and I start talking about shironami well all that made it into the episode so we weren't prepared for the influx of orders for Acer problematum sure Nami it is always popular I think the TV show made it even more popular it goes through some of the craziest color changes it's one from that 1700s but it's one that should still be popular in every Maple collector's Garden today guys give Sharon Nami some sunlight you get some pink New Growth the thing goes to kind of an orange color the thing goes to kind of a yellow green color then to a green and then in the fall you get yellows oranges peaches and reds I mean it's a light wave of color and this is such an amazing plant out there in the landscape it has a unique shape and the fact that it has that semi-pendulous habit where it goes up and the branches sort of arch outwards but this one's one that's going to set out fast today so keep in mind when you add it to your cart it doesn't hold it for you make sure you check out really quickly because this one will be selling out today great plant again one from the 1700s but it's back and we like to keep those things going here on Mr Maple we love some of those traditional plants uh sure Nami it is amazing for those color changes it really goes through so many different color changes I'm a huge fan of the fall color sometimes I've had it reach like a like a pink apricot in the fall uh it keeps changing the whole season and uh lovely tree to be growing great size range on it in that mid-size range zones uh five through nine Acer palmatum sheeranami do I see a second yellow plant on the tennis another yellow plant guys we got Asian Prime made them yellow Cascade awesome ones we've got these uh unstaked guys we've had a lot of people wanting to put these in hanging baskets this one is one of the best yellow weepers for that butter yellow color you get some really soft like intense butter shades on this one especially mid-summer uh you can get a little Sun bleaching going on in this one even if you give it early morning sun late day shade and a little bit of that sun bleaching going on and it makes for a really interesting color pattern yeah for a weeping style this one here really gives you some of that light yellow so you don't get out of many other plants contrasts so well with so many cool plants out in the landscape pair this next to a hubs Red Willow you're going to get something that has a very airy feel to it in the hubs Red Willow with a very full dense weeping style completely different colors completely different habits and tectors out there in the landscape and garden yeah I'm a huge fan of this one a great plant to be growing the landscape probably gets uh underrated honestly I I would say this is one of my favorite new Maples yellow Cascade we have some massive ones out there beside the entrance way to our office and just it's a really great plant to be growing you can stake these up much like ryucin you can get these about as tall as you want by staking them an easy way to grow these is to stake them up to about five to six feet tall and then let them weep down from there we leave these unstaked so you can kind of play with your own shapes create what you want with these they're one of the most malleable Japanese maples you'll ever grow all right guys back in stock we've got Lillian's Jewel guys Lillian's Joel one of the best Pink on red variegates that has a very uh irregular variegation a lot of those irregular variegations are very unstable Lillian's jewel is by far the most stable of any of those selections these are Peak variegation going on right now um you can get a really nice one from Mr Maple we've got you know just intense bright pink swirling on the red right now uh it's a great time to pick one out because they're in leaf you can get a premium looking one I'm a huge fan of this tree uh you've heard us talk about it at length on our Channel introduction by Dell Loucks of Dell's Nursery there Jonathan Savage his grandson helped find this one one of Dell's last introductions there at his Nursery uh really a phenomenal plant we used to sell these on eBay and they used to bid up to upwards of like 250 bucks now you can't control those eBay prices but you did get the right thing when you got it from Mr Maple so excellent paint to be growing Acer palmatum Lillian's Jewel here's another good one to pair with uh that yellow Cascade and there's three weeping kind of styles on here we've got Acer palmatum Dragon Tears and what Dragon Tears does is what this one does it has a really nice arching outward habit as it continues to go upwards yeah I would almost compare the shape a little bit to moriyama it's semi-pendulous so it does put up a central leader but a lot of those branches will weep down from there I tend to stake it up and just let it get wide it's a very unique Japanese maple uh Brian loved this one in Oklahoma because it was exceptionally heat tolerant and you've got some really nice pink red New Growth going on top of that in the Heat this one works zones five through nine I do recommend shade on any Japanese Maple and zone 9 but it's exceptional heat tolerance Acer palmatum uh dragon tears and Dragon Tears is a fun plant we've got a full Cult of our highlight from Maple Street in Hendersonville so go check out that video where we go talk about this tree with a specimen out in the landscape all right last but not least we got a big big tree here to add to the table these are some of our two gallons some ginkgo biloba Magyar guys Magyar is a phenomenal Ginkgo this is a male selection with a very nice upright conical Habit to it and that conical habit makes it fit in smaller spaces very dense very full and then that bright School Bliss yellow fall color great fall color on this one as you know ginkgos have very typical fall color this one is a distinctly male form I recommend giving your ginkgos at least four to five hours of Sun for their best growth rate and you've heard us say it here a ton on our Channel but lime near ginkgo's something like a two gallon like this two to three tablespoons around this tree even several times a year is going to increase the alkalinity and increase your growth rate a good bit excellent starter sizes for ginkgo biloba Magyar now guys we've got 10 trees we talked about there's 20 getting listed today at 10 A.M sign up for our weekly emails and you'll figure out the full listing of 20 before so you can prepare at 10 A.M so you can check out fast a lot of these plants today will sell out fast so we always let people know check out fast because the don't they don't our website doesn't hold it for you until you actually check out if you haven't your cart it can sell out while it's still in your cart guys if we earned it and you're new here make sure to hit that Bell first off that's better than subscribing you'll get all of our daily content we provide here on the Mr Maple show and if you're one of our regulars thumb wrestle that like button go ahead and smash it thumb wrestle it down get a good pin we appreciate you guys tuning in every single week in that live chat you guys are so much fun in the live chat you inspire us to keep making content and we greatly appreciate it take care God bless and have an awesome day thank you [Music]
38 hey everybody welcome back to the mr maple show i'm matt we've already done a video on orange dream but we want to do an update and talk a little bit more about this one we love this plant we've got some excellent sizes in it right now we love orange dream because this plant is amazing you know i love the color yellow this plant really gives that out in the garden now orange dream leafs out in the early spring with some bright orange that's where it gets the name from especially if you're giving it some early morning sun it can get some really nice tangerine bright orange colors to it that often fades to a butter yellow with bright pink over top of it now if you can give it early morning sun late day shade you can get the premium amount of orange to yellow on this one too and a lot of great new growth it's definitely a tree though in all zones i would recommend protecting from that hot afternoon sun because if you give it too much sun you may burn the leaves but if you give it morning sun with afternoon shade this plant is going to give you that butter yellow that just lights up the landscape with just amazing awesomeness this plant here will end up getting about eight to ten feet tall in ten years it gets a very dense habit to it which makes this plant an awesome plant to contrast out there in your landscape and garden against your reds your greens and when you put those yellows out in the landscape and garden they really bring out all the colors throughout your entire garden yeah definitely enjoy this one it makes a great container plant can also do great in the landscape siding is crucial for this one as you don't want it in a lot of sun so a container is a great way to kind of move it around and play with it orange dream is a selection from jira deli nursery in italy that's the same nursery that brought us great classics like jordan and summer gold now this is a beautiful tree that goes through some amazing color changes and it makes a great pairing with really anything in the landscape but do be conscious of that late day sun the more protection typically the better colors on this one acer palmatum orange dream is just one of those plants that just gives that electric buttery yellow color out there in the garden it always looks like it's just lighting up wherever it's put this is a plant i've always enjoyed seeing out in every garden and it's one of those plants that just continues every single season to have something different with a little bit of orange with a little bit of yellow a whole lot of yellow and a little bit of orange again in the fall hey we're shooting this video in actually august of 2022 so these sizes are indicative of what we have in august of 2022 on our one gallons some great sizes we want to get these on camera for you they have awesome colors for this time of year in august too and so i think it's one you're definitely going to enjoy if you don't mind take a second like subscribe and share to our youtube channel that's the best way the second best way to support us the best way shopping on mr maple and the second best way is subscribe to our youtube channel take care god bless and have a great day
39 guys people often ask how Macau yesterday and tattoo are different the Leaf's a little more serrated but tattoo is much slower growing so it's more dwarf and miniature Japanese maple than makawi at tabusa awesome it's an awesome little Japanese maple to add to your container garden there's also a tree for those great small spaces
40 howdy i'm tim and welcome to the mr maple show and i'm brian at mr maple we greatly appreciate you guys click on another one of our videos and today we're going to cover five tips on how to become the ultimate japanese maple collector we're japanese maple collectors ourselves that's how we ended up with over a thousand varieties here at mr maple dot com and brian is a collector from oklahoma that joined us here at mr maple so we know one or two things about being collectors of japanese maples so we're gonna go through five tips on starting your japanese maple collection and being that ultimate japanese maple collector that will really help you with growing japanese maples tip number five buy them all from mr maple no tip number five is uh consider your gardening zone japanese maples are good zones five through nine the majority of the varieties some of the coral bark varieties are zoned six through nine so that's something to consider but when you're looking for a japanese maple to go in your garden you need to look and see are you zones five through nine check out the usda hardiness map that's a great way to start absolutely so if you're sitting there thinking i really need to add a japanese maple to my garden the first thing you should do is go to mr the second thing is is do some research every variety has some characteristics and different things that will allow it to grow better in different zones different climates so that's one of the most important things to have a successful collection in your garden is to understand how you can put each plant in the right place in the right setting in order for it to grow the best ability so tip number four japanese maples grow in a variety of conditions some love a shaded situation some can handle full sun situations almost all types can handle morning sun and afternoon shade depending on your gardening zone and where you're at and so that's the probably i say is the number four tip is to consider what your sunlight conditions are in your garden to figure out where you can grow japanese maples yeah one of the things as we all know is everybody's garden is going to be different some people are going to have different sunlight conditions there more shade more sun something in between there so the ideal condition for japanese maples is to have morning sun and afternoon shade but we know that sometimes that's not always available in everybody's garden so the best way to understand what you can plant is to do your research on that there are many different varieties that prefer to have that shaded areas like a variegated or reticulated style and then you have those that can be further out in the sunlight like a cereal yeah so japanese maples can grow in a variety of sunlight conditions so that's one of the top things to consider is sunlight when growing a japanese maple collection and trying to start out your collection and figure out where you can grow japanese maples in the landscape and garden the number three tip is consider your space when you're growing a japanese maple japanese maples there's so many different varieties so many different sizes the one thing you want to consider is figuring out which tree fits best in each space yeah you know and when you're first starting your garden it's easy to kind of forget about that because you're just happy to be planting and so you're going out and you're planting one here you're planting one here and before you know it you've ran out of room so you know one of the biggest things that i learned when i was collecting my maples was is to give them space and sometimes that space feels like it's a little too much it's a little spaced out but they're gonna grow and they're going to fill out that space and it's important to remember that because early on it may look a little sparse but as things develop and things mature you'll realize just how much space that plant needed yeah i always start out the bare bones with some of the larger growing varieties give them plenty of space and then in between i start filling them up with your dwarfs your weeping varieties and that can really add into a japanese maple collection really quickly and make a beautiful landscape like we've got at maplewood knoll gardens and that's a great way to do it the pro tip on uh what do you do when you run out of space what do you do when you run out of space brian well i ran out of space so i know all about this i never really thought that i would grow japanese maples in pots or containers because i had so much space well eventually that space right out and i thought well i guess i'll have to try my hand at growing in containers so that's a great way to kind of get around when you start to run out of space you have the flexibility of taking these plants in containers and moving them around different locations putting them in areas where you may not want a giant tree there or even you don't really have the space for it but you have the flexibility to move it around and flex with the other things in your garden yeah gardening in containers gives you the flexibility to bring your garden out to your pool your deck to extend your garden out into new places where you didn't think you could grow things before but the thing to always keep in mind when you're growing containers good drainage and remember that those that plant in the container is relying on you to take care of it so it does require a lot more care but once you become an avid japanese maple collector it's one of those things where you go to any japanese maples collector's garden and they've got tons of their favorite plants in containers right up next to their door of their house just so they can see them coming and going uh all the time so that's that's a good pro tip for uh the starting out japanese maple collectors don't worry you'll eventually get to containers all right so now we're at tip number one this is the number one tip for you to be the ultimate japanese maple collector pick your favorite plants go through figure out which trees really speak to you and really pick those out and then when you follow those other tips on the space size containers you can find a japanese maple for almost every spot in your garden we did an interview with mark wethington recently he said japanese maples are the flavor of life because there's so many different varieties and there's so many trees to select through that you can really add something unique in interest to any spot in your garden and landscape yeah you know many times you're going to ask yourself or maybe you'll ask someone i just don't know what to start with well it really comes down to personal taste there's so many different varieties there's definitely one that's going to speak to you in some way i i come to realize that that there were certain varieties that i just had to have it when i saw it when i saw that that leaf structure or that the way it was shaped it just spoke to me as an individual and i thought i got to have that in my garden so the number one tip is is to realize that there's a japanese maple for everybody out there and i know you'll find one especially here at mr because we got thousands of varieties available here at our website yeah with japanese maples it's one of those things we when you get one they're just like potato chips you can't have just one and so you'll end up getting another and another and so pick the ones that really speak to you pick the ones that you really like go through our website check through all the different photos often on our website you'll see three photos in the beginning but if you click the arrow button beside the photo you can go through and see 70 80 photos on some varieties and so you can really start to understand what that japanese maple will do and what that japanese maple will develop into when you pick those japanese maples that's something that you can cherish and understand and grow in your garden and it helps you become more and more passionate about it it's kind of funny when someone starts out with japanese maples i remember when brian first started ordering and then he would get more and more and more and then your wife francis started ordering that's right and so she'd be ordering when she liked while brian was ordering ones that he liked and so it it turns into a little bit of obsession but it's one of the obsessions that you can really enjoy in your landscape and garden yeah you know it's a very fulfilling thing to watch plants grow and you know sometimes uh this is another just kind of an extra insider information here sometimes you think to yourself you know i'm just ordering a one gallon it's going to take forever for it to get to the size where i can really enjoy it but before you know it i'm telling you time will go by and you'll think man i'm glad i ordered that then because now look at this beautiful plant you know there's so many varieties that maybe i passed on because i couldn't get them in a bigger size and and then three years later i was thinking and if i would have just got that plant then i'd have a three-year-old plant at this time so it you know it's just kind of one of those things you learn and you grow in your collection and i'm just glad that we could talk about this today yeah and often people will say when's the best time to plant a japanese maple that and the best time was you know yesterday or last year right but the best time to plant a japanese maple is today i mean even starting out with a one gallon japanese maple we do so many rare varieties that you may never find some of these varieties in larger sizes and so when we offer them in a one gallon it's often best if you're a collector to go ahead and start off with that one gallon size get it before it sells out and uh once it sells out then you're always kicking yourself in the foot to say that gum i should have bought that plant when it was available so uh we greatly appreciate you all watching this video i hope this is a great uh video for y'all just starting out your japanese maple collections uh we try to do some things to help you inspire some confidence this one is hopefully gonna understand a little bit of the collector's journey and uh make sure you like this video subscribe to youtube channel and sign up for our weekly emails on mr maple we really appreciate you guys watching have a great day and god bless
41 hey guys welcome to the Mr Maple show I'm Wesley and I'm Tim and today we're bringing you our top five flowering plants here at the Cox Arboretum in Canton Georgia so get excited we're going to talk about five plants that flower here at the Cox Arboretum known for their flowers and it's going to be on some amazing top five plants make sure you like this video subscribe to our YouTube channel and sign up for our weekly emails on Mr we had 10 new cool trees every single Tuesday at 10 A.M but we also add 10 new fun flowering plants every single Friday at 10 A.M too so if you sign up for weekly emails you'll get both of those number five today we are standing right here in front of core lopsis Piccata Golden Spring I love this plant what do you like about this plant uh I I honestly like it throughout the other uh coralopsis this gives you just a brilliant yellow color that the others don't yeah I know right Mr Yamaguchi in Japan found this as a chance Chinese winter Hazel with this yellow color it's been known under the name of coralopsis Piccata ogon or coralopsis focata Arya and the leaves just put on some amazing display of that yellow in the spring in the summer it turns even more yellow in the fall it may even get some orange bronze colors across this too when this goes to its peak fall color it's something really great about this is this is going to give you some really good interest into that late winter early spring mid to late March with the the blooms that hang down it's just absolutely beautiful in the landscape yeah one of the things about the core lopsis they have these blooms that just hang down and almost like a string like fashion and it just gives them that's what where they get the name of winter Hazel is because of that winter bloom in that late winter you know it's also one of those plants that's great for pollinators in that time of the season because there's not a lot else blooming in that late winter time frame love coralopsis picata I mean and then I love even more coralopsis picata ogon also known as Golden Spring I mean such an amazing plant it's going to get about five to six feet tall five to six foot wide in a 10-year time frame a great specimen to be used out in the landscape something that can add that yellow flash of color in the landscape too you know I love the color yellow amazing plant out here at the Cox Arboretum number four so next up we have a styrax japonicus yes we're talking about a Japanese Snowbell Japanese snowbells are so famous because they're fragrant they have these bells that hang down from them and have this amazing blooms that just hang down off of the branches this particular one has a white Bloom we're talking about styrax japonica's fragrant fountain and this is really just a a an awesome tree very heavily heavily pendulous and weeping uh and honestly probably one of my favorite things about it is the level of fragrance that you get from this tree yeah this one has an extreme fragrance to it not only does it have an extreme fragrance that you can smell from a distance when those blooms are blooming but it also has an extreme weeping habit I mean this plant is a slow growing starex japonicus with an extremely cascading habit I do recommend taking this plant and staking at an early age to get it up to the height that you want it and then the secondary growth that comes off this during the summer has some of the most heavily cascading branches of any of the styraxes I mean the shape on this and the texture this provides out in the landscape is amazing but then like you talked about the fragrance is amazing too yeah and so this is an amazing plant it's a selection bar good friend crispy and Silva many of y'all may know some of his introductions Mystic macawa sir happy I mean some amazing plants and this is definitely one of them definitely one of our top plants that flower here at the Cox Arboretum number three hey guys we're here uh next to a osmanthus heterophilus hariyama I love this plant I know you do too Wesley what do you love about this plant really my attraction to it whenever I first seen it come into the the nursery was the growth habit and like the little plumes of foliage that you get and it was like you know what that almost looks like a shishi shagira but a totally opposite tree yeah for sure this definitely is a really cool osmanthus heterophilus if you really like osmanthus heterophylist go check out our video on our top five hetero osmanthus heterophilus our top fives false Hollies that we have at Mr Maple amazing plant I love hariyama I mean the the leaves themselves are extremely spiky and this should not surprise a lot of people because this became as a chance seedling from sasaba which is a very spiky selection already but this one has even more ornamental and even more spikes on each and every single leaf I mean an amazing little plant I love this plant because it looks like little throwing stars I mean it looks like something looks like little swords out there and they definitely have some nice uh pokes to them so if you've got a kid that's trying to to sneak out every night when they're not supposed to you can always put an osmanthus heterophilus uh hariyama underneath their window that'll really help keep them from climbing out their window at night but an amazing amazing plant the thing that's really cool about this too is they have some really fragrant blooms so when this thing blooms in November I mean it says white blooms next that are real close to the branches they're extremely fragrant I mean so you get an amazing habit all the way around when it comes to hariyama love this plant a great tree for the landscaping Garden extremely ornamental and a great companion plant for Japanese maples for sure number two yeah we're walking through here there's so many amazing trees in fall color this one hadn't quite hit fall color yet but wow what a specimen we couldn't help but stop and showcase this rare cornice Coosa cornice Kusa lust Garden weeping sometimes labeled Elizabeth lustgarden this is a heavily cascading one of the most cascading Chinese dogwoods I love the Chinese dogwoods because they are more resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose than the cornice Florida's and here we've got a weeping specimen behind us yeah this beautiful tree is here in like Tim said Canton Georgia so it's handling that full heat here the South it's actually got a little bit of overstory here but wow what an amazing specimen again this is that Chinese dog with the cornice Coosa one of my favorite weeping forms Lost Garden weeping here in a few weeks this is going to be a magnificent bright pink red fall color it is a beautiful tree throughout the spring now you're actually going to get some amazing flowers on this as well during the summer this one has some really large white blooms to it and it'll coat this it'll look almost like a dress it'll be so white that's one of the things why people love this plan is because you can get on these weeping branches just coated in those white blooms a great way to do this plant is to take this plant and stake it up that's what he's done here where it's got some height to it and allow it to Cascade down from there that makes this plant you know such an amazing plant in the garden extremely ornamental as nature because you get blooms you get something that can give you good fall color and you get such a unique habit with cornice Coosa Elizabeth lust Garden or lust Garden weeping who doesn't want a weeping Dogwood I mean this is everything you love about the elegant Dogwood but with a weeping Habit to it it makes it look so ornamental here in the landscape it really has such a presence here in the garden I mean I love the overall peel this one gives this one's a very mature one it's one of the larger ones I've seen so a gorgeous specimen of this I can't wait to see this either In Bloom or in fall color I bet this tree just stops traffic number one so we're here in the Cox Arboretum we're chasing the sunlight it's getting dark here soon but this ogon nohana just brought the brightness to the Shady spot in the garden our friend Ted Stevens brought this gardenia back from Japan and gave it the trademark name golden de Bloom so you may see you know that name as well ogon nohana is the original name from Japan love this plant because it gives you some yellow out there in the landscape definitely brightens up this dark space here it's a yellow variegated gardenia it's also double blooming white flowers that are extremely fragrant so it's got a little bit of Best of Both Worlds you've got a fragrance adds to that extra spot in the garden there's not a lot of plants out there that add that extra fragrance in the ornamental Garden you've got blooms which is amazing double and then you've got variegation and then those variegation is yellow which you know is my favorite color it really deserves a spot in your garden this plant will end up getting about five to six feet tall by about five to six foot wide in ten years so it fits in a lot of good places in the garden it really adds a lot in almost any space you put it yeah we're here in the Cox Arboretum famous for conifers this one certainly adds a splash of color here in the Conifer Garden it really brightens up a darker spot here in the garden and really just adds some interesting colors gold doubloom really highlighter yellow and I love that that green eye to it it really adds something interesting for variegated plants and this is a great specimen of it too this was a nice sized one we couldn't walk by this and not stop and talk to you about this one because I mean wow look at this specimen I love oganohana golden doubling this is just a great plant from every aspect and just an amazing plant all around I really hope that you try this plant out in your garden it's a plant that can grow in zones 7B through 10. uh our website list is an eight but you can definitely grow it in 7B very hearty plant in those phones that really performs in the landscape almost every time hey if you're a pirate or a gardener somebody like subscribe and share that's a great way to get our Channel out there and sign up for a fun flower Friday and a 10 at 10 where gold doubloom may be coming to you soon take care God bless and have an awesome day
42 foreign [Music] Tim and I teach the ABCs of Japanese maple propagation we recently did a full podcast you can listen to us in long form break this down it's going to be on the audio format but we're adding some visuals here in this video today now there's going to be three videos with this we're going to break this down by the a the B and the C today's the a section yeah and so we've got Advanced planning that's what a is it's one of the most important things when it comes to grafting before we go any further though smash that like button share this video with regarding friends and make sure you subscribe to the Mr Maple show on YouTube we'd really appreciate it now today's video on Advanced planning this is one of the most important steps if you don't do this step right your grass won't take so really pay attention to this everyone always focuses on the next one the blades in motion sometimes called the Blades of Glory but Advanced planning is one of the most important steps because if you do this one right you're going to have further success so guys there's a few key components here in this section this is the advanced planning this is the a section there on the ABCs of Japanese maple propagation today we're going to be going over some tips to give you the best results for grafting from timing to healthy rootstock to how long the tree should be grown in the container to letting your root stocks dry out to sign wood selection these are the things that fall into advanced planning for grafting I hope you liked today's video I think these will be very informative whether you're going to get deep into grafting or at a hobbyist level we hope this gives you a greater success rate so timing is one of the most important things when you're grafting your Japanese maples the reason that's important is you want to make sure that these trees are actively in a growing stage that way these trees will be actively healing and if they're actively healing you're actively getting a very good success on your grafting now we're here in early February and the way we can activate these trees is by placing them on a heating mat so we're going to place these in the heating mat here in a minute and what it'll do is it'll activate these roots and start drying them out and get these plants in that growing stage that's exactly what we want for good success now here at Mr Maple we're doing winter grafting and everything we'll be talking about today is primarily based on this winter grafting mode there'll be some key indicators we'll be looking for in the next few weeks to see if these trees are in that active stage and if we get it at the right time and timing is critical we're going to have good success so now we're going to take these trees and go put them on that heating mat [Applause] so here you can see we've got our heating mat here we've got our kinbar heating system right here and what this is doing is this is gauging the temperature of these pots heating these roots we want to keep it about that 55 to 60 degrees on the roots and it'll keep these roots actively growing and we'll come back and check these in a couple weeks it's essential to have very healthy root stock you want to be grafting to you know very Superior healthy trees by grafting to weaker trees we're only creating a weaker growing graph so you want root systems that are well developed in the pot you want trees that have been in the container for at least two years so they have a good healthy root system and they filled out the entire container now oftentimes what we graph to are in these small band pots like this we like to leave a tree in this size container for at least two years so it develops a full root system in there and you want a good healthy root stock like these are these are very robust and healthy looking we've actually cut them back once and we'll go back and cut this again when we're grafting to it but the key is that we're not grafting to disease or or just kind of wimpy rootstock we want stuff that's very robust and got good growth to it now Tim put these on heat they've activated just a little bit we're at the earliest stages of some white rooting there's not a ton going on here yet but what we're looking for are white microfibrous roots going on in here and as these trees start to get more white rooting just a little bit started right here they're getting the active stage where they heal very very quickly now a common mistake during this stage is over watering one of the benefits of the bottom heat is that it's going to dry these trees out a little bit you want to water before you bring them to the stage but you want your trees steadily drying out right now that's going to decrease the sap so you don't have a lot of bleed out on your Scion it's also going to keep them from leafing out even quicker so you don't want to be watering very heavy because that will create a longer healing period the little bit drier will actually give you a much easier place to work for that graft Union and it's going to make things a lot easier and it's just going to give you a better overall take if they're not super wet so when you're grafting it's extremely important to have healthy Scions and that sounds extremely simple but what that means is that you really need healthy plants that you're collecting Scions from and the reason I say this is because often nurture men will say this plant's about to die I want to graft it and propagate it and while you may be able to increase Vigor sometimes sometimes what happens is the plant has a viral buildup in the tissue that you're then propagating as well so you want to make sure that you have healthy plants that you're propagating from that sounds extremely simple but I've seen it done time and time again when people propagate from unhealthy plants and create more unhealthy plants now one thing to keep in mind too is that trees outside May face extreme weather so if you have plants that are outside you may have saw some fresh new growth coming on late in the summer and get excited about your Scion Source only to come out there and look at the new growth and then realize you had some late frosts that then cause damage on that new growth and you may not have the best signs that you thought that you had one thing to keep in mind is that plants that are say in a cold frame or something like that will often have the very best Scion sources the other thing that's great about some of those plants inside is that they're young plants young plants produce the most fresh new growth older plants often produce more and more twiggier growth unless they're constantly pruned so you can always prune your plants to give you healthy Scions but you also can use young plants and that's one of the things here about Mr we actually ship over a thousand different varieties of Japanese maples in one gallons and often those one gallons have a lot of fresh new growth that would be perfect and ideal for your grafting hey guys that concludes the A's of the ABCs of Japanese maple grafting now stick around you're going to want to come back for B that's going to be part two to the series and that's going to be the blades in motion or blades and Glory section we'll show you how to make some detailed Cuts if you want a deeper dive also definitely check out our full podcast on how to graft now we really hope that you've enjoyed this video on Advanced planning when it comes to grafting this is one of the most critical steps when it comes to grafting again a lot of people focus on B but you got to have a before you have b or you're not going to have any success yeah I often let people know when you go to some of the major production nurseries that b stage is some of the more unskilled lesser paid labor at the nursery and that a and that c those are the guys making the big bucks those are the guys with degrees and Horticulture that know exactly how to get everything perfect so if you can master your a and your C the other parts are easy take care God bless and have a good day
43 here we have a really nice set of Acer palmatum macawa yatsabusa these are leafing out for the spring look at that bright green color
44 hey guys check out this Acer palmatum dissectum filigree I love the reticulation in this lace Leaf it's one of the few lace leaves that have a ghost-like reticulated veining to each Leaf give this one some shade it's an amazing plant
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