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Created April 11, 2014 11:25
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Save t0yv0/10460008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Towards verifying message-passing protocols.
Protocol typically involves two parties, let us call Client and Server,
a number of states and state transitions involving passing of messages.
Client has agency - non-deterministic process in process calculi.
Server is deterministic, but it should handle all possible clients.
Ideally, we would take a DSL for the protocol, and spit out F# code that
makes it easy to construct clients and servers, while verifying that the
protocol is being observed correctly using combination of types and contract
For example, here's a protocol:
op1 -> S1
op2 -> S2
stopS1 -> Stopped
toS3 -> S3
toS4 -> S4
stopS3 -> Stopped
back -> Start
stopS4 -> Stopped
Apparently computation expressions can encode the needed state transitions
for the client. Perhaps here is how the generated code might look for the client.
TODO: do the counerpart for the Server.
TODO: is it possible to do this *without* codegen, just in F# typesystem?
type Start = class end
type Stopped = class end
type S0 = class end
type S1 = class end
type S2 = class end
type S3 = class end
type S4 = class end
type M<'S1,'S2,'T> = | M
let U<'T> = Unchecked.defaultof<'T>
let op1 : M<Start,S1,unit> = U
let op2 : M<Start,S2,unit> = U
let stopS1 : M<S1,Stopped,unit> = U
let toS3 : M<S2,S3,unit> = U
let toS4 : int -> M<S2,S4,unit> = U
let stopS3 : M<S3,Stopped,unit> = U
let back : M<S4,Start,int> = U
let stopS4 : M<S4,Stopped,unit> = U
type Builder =
| Do
member b.Bind(x: Async<'T>, f: 'T -> M<'S2,'S3,'T>) : M<'S2,'S3,'T> = U
member b.Bind(x: M<'S1,'S2,'T1>, f: 'T1 -> M<'S2,'S3,'T2>) : M<'S1,'S3,'T2> = U
member b.Return(x: 'T) : M<'S,'S,'T> = U
member b.ReturnFrom(x: M<'S1,'S2,'T>) = x
type Client =
| Client of M<Start,Stopped,unit>
let doSomething : Async<unit> = U
let client =
Do {
do! op2
do! toS4 1
let! n = back
do! doSomething
do! op1
return! stopS1
|> Client
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