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Last active December 18, 2015 04:28
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module GenericsExperiment
/// Generic property interface. Since F# lacks higher kinds,
/// we cannot write code parametric in `P`, so instead write code with casts
/// in terms of an open type `P<'T>`.
type P<'T> =
/// Implements derivation rules for a certain generic property.
type IRules =
/// Conjunction.
abstract And<'A,'B> : P<'A> -> P<'B> -> P<'A * 'B>
/// Functor (accepting a bijection).
abstract Map<'A,'B> : ('A -> 'B) -> ('B -> 'A) -> P<'A> -> P<'B>
/// Unit instance.
abstract Unit : P<unit>
/// Plumbing combinators. How it works is not important.
type Tool(rules: IRules) =
member this.Const(x: 'T) : P<'T> =
rules.Map (fun () -> x) (fun x -> ()) rules.Unit
member this.Record(x: 'P)(p: P<'P -> 'R>) : P<'R> =
rules.Map (fun f -> f x) (fun x y -> x) p
member this.Field(proj: 'R -> 'F)(pf: P<'F>)(par: P<'A->'R>) : P<('F->'A)->'R> =
(fun (f, g) h -> g (h f))
(fun h ->
let r = h (fun _ -> Unchecked.defaultof<_>)
(proj r, fun a -> h (fun _ -> a)))
(rules.And pf par)
member this.End<'R>() : P<'R->'R> =
this.Const(fun x -> x)
/// For this style, need a right-associative apply combinator, like Haskell `$`.
let ( @- ) f x = f x
/// Example datatype. Details do not matter.
type Contact =
Street : string
Phone : int
/// Derives any generic property on `Contact`.
/// Implementation is boilerplate mechanically determined by the structure of `Contact`.
static member Derive<'T when 'T :> P<Contact>>(rules: IRules, sp: P<string>, ip: P<int>) : 'T =
let t = Tool rules
t.Record (fun s p -> { Street = s; Phone = p })
@- t.Field (fun c -> c.Street) sp
@- t.Field (fun c -> c.Phone) ip
@- t.End () :?> _
/// Another example datatype.
type Person =
Name : string
Surname : string
Age : int
Contact : Contact
/// Derives any generic property on `Person`.
/// Implementation is boilerplate mechanically determined by the structure of `Person`.
static member Derive<'T when 'T :> P<Person>>(rules: IRules, sp: P<string>, ip: P<int>) : 'T =
let t = Tool rules
t.Record (fun n s a c -> { Name = n; Surname = s; Age = a; Contact = c })
@- t.Field (fun p -> p.Name) sp
@- t.Field (fun p -> p.Surname) sp
@- t.Field (fun p -> p.Age) ip
@- t.Field (fun p -> p.Contact)
(Contact.Derive(rules, sp, ip))
@- t.End () :?> _
(* Examlpe # 1 of a generic property: writer. *)
type Writer<'T>(write: 'T -> unit) =
interface P<'T>
member this.Write(x) = write x
module Writer =
let (!) (x: P<'T>) : Writer<'T> = x :?> _
let W (w: Writer<'T>) x = w.Write x
let And x y = Writer(fun (a, b) -> W x a; stdout.Write(';'); W y b)
let Map f x = Writer (f >> W x)
let Unit = Writer ignore
let S = Writer<string> stdout.Write
let I = Writer<int> stdout.Write
let Rules =
new IRules with
member this.And x y = And !x !y :> _
member this.Map f g w = Map g !w :> _
member this.Unit = Unit :> _
(* Examlpe # 2 of a generic property: generator of random instances. *)
type Generator<'T>(gen: System.Random -> 'T) =
interface P<'T>
member this.Generate rand = gen rand
module Generator =
let (!) (x: P<'T>) : Generator<'T> = x :?> _
let G (g: Generator<'T>) rand = g.Generate rand
let And x y = Generator (fun r -> (G x r, G y r))
let Map f x = Generator (fun r -> f (G x r))
let Unit = Generator (fun _ -> ())
let S = Generator (fun r -> string (char (int 'a' + r.Next(0, 25))))
let I = Generator (fun r -> r.Next(0, 10))
let Rules =
new IRules with
member this.And x y = And !x !y :> _
member this.Map f g w = Map f !w :> _
member this.Unit = Unit :> _
/// Putting it all together: the appeal of generic programming is that
/// you define K properties and N datatypes to obtain KN instances.
/// This saves work compared to writing instances manually.
let test () =
let w : Writer<Person> = Person.Derive(Writer.Rules, Writer.S, Writer.I)
let g : Generator<Person> = Person.Derive(Generator.Rules, Generator.S, Generator.I)
let rand = System.Random()
for i in 1 .. 10 do
w.Write (g.Generate rand)
Axiom I S : Type.
Definition P (t: Type) := t -> S.
Axiom s_concat : S -> S -> S.
Axiom s_empty : S.
Axiom i_to_s : I -> S.
Definition p_and {a b} (pa: P a) (pb: P b) : P (a * b) :=
fun ab => s_concat (pa (fst ab)) (pb (snd ab)).
Definition p_map {a b} (f: a -> b) (g: b -> a) (p: P a) : P b :=
fun x => p (g x).
Definition p_unit : P unit :=
fun x => s_empty.
Definition pS : P S := fun x => x.
Definition pI : P I := i_to_s.
Definition p_const {a} (x : a) : P a :=
p_map (fun tt => x) (fun x => tt) p_unit.
Definition DRP acc r := P (acc -> r).
Definition const {a b} (x: a) (y: b) : a := x.
Axiom U : forall {t}, t.
Definition def {a r} (x: a) (p: DRP a r) : P r :=
p_map (fun f => f x) const p.
Definition fld {a f r} (proj: r -> f) (pf: P f) (par: DRP a r) : DRP (f -> a) r :=
(fun fg h => (snd fg) (h (fst fg)))
(fun h => (proj (h (const U)), fun a => h (const a)))
(p_and pf par).
Definition done {r} : DRP r r :=
p_const (fun x => x).
Record Person := MkPerson { name: S; sur: S; age: I }.
Definition app {a b} (f: a -> b) (x: a) : b := f x.
Notation "a $ b" := (app a b) (at level 80, right associativity).
Definition test :=
def MkPerson
$ fld name pS
$ fld sur pS
$ fld age pI
$ done.
Ltac computed t :=
let R := fresh "R" in
let r := eval compute in t in set (R := r).
Definition test_opt : P Person.
Proof. computed test; auto. Defined.
Extraction test.
let test =
app (def (fun x x0 x1 -> { name = x; sur = x0; age = x1 }))
(app (fld name pS) (app (fld sur pS) (app (fld age pI) done0)))
Extraction test_opt.
let test_opt x =
s_concat (s_concat x.sur (s_concat (i_to_s x.age) s_empty))
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caindy commented May 1, 2014

The relevant blogpost is not displaying this gist.

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