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Created March 23, 2020 17:03
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return (
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new ItemSpec(1, 'auto'), //Header
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new ItemSpec(1, 'auto') //Search
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{, i) => {
return (
<$GridLayout onTap={(args:any) => {
alert(`Hey, my username is ${item.username}!`)
}} columns={[
new ItemSpec(50, 'pixel'),
new ItemSpec(1, 'star'),
new ItemSpec(1, 'auto')
]} key={i} style={{
height: 80,
margin: `5 20`,
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background: '#fff',
borderRadius: 10
<$StackLayout col={0} style={{
height: 50,
width: 50,
borderRadius: 25,
background: normalRed
}} />
<$StackLayout verticalAlignment={'middle'} padding={`5 10`} col={1}>
<$Label fontSize={16} textWrap text={item.username} />
<$Label textWrap text={} />
<$Label col={2} verticalAlignment={'middle'} className={`Ionicons size20`} text={IconSet.Ionicons['ios-arrow-forward']} />
<$StackLayout row={2} background={normalRed} />
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