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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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define ["msgbus", "apps/lp/list/views", "controller/_base" ], (msgBus, Views, AppController) ->
class Controller extends AppController
@lpEntities = msgBus.reqres.request "lp:entities"
heatmaps = msgBus.reqres.request "lpheatmap:entities"
@layout = @getLayoutView()
@listenTo @layout, "show", =>
@heatMapRegion heatmaps
@show @layout,
entities: [@lpEntities, heatmaps]
newRegion: ->
msgBus.commands.execute "new:lp", @layout.newRegion
newSimpleRegion: ->
msgBus.commands.execute "new:lpsimple", @layout.newRegion
view = @getPanelView()
@listenTo view, "new:lp:button:clicked", =>
@listenTo view, "new:lpsimple:button:clicked", =>
# filters
@listenTo view, "filter:date", (date)->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:filter:date", date
@listenTo view, "filter:id", (id)->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:filter:id", id
@listenTo view, "filter:port", (port)->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:filter:port", port
@listenTo view, "filter:type", (type)->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:filter:type", type view
heatMapRegion: (coll)->
view = @getHeatMapView coll
@listenTo view, "filter:date", (date)->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:filter:date", date view
view = @getTitleView() view
lpRegion: ->
lpView = new Views.LPList
collection: @lpEntities
@listenTo lpView, "childview:lp:item:clicked", (child, args) -> "lp:item:clicked", args.model
@listenTo lpView, "scroll:more:lpitems", ->
msgBus.reqres.request "lp:fetch:more" lpView
getPanelView: ->
new Views.Panel
getTitleView: ->
new Views.Title
getLayoutView: ->
new Views.LayoutView
getHeatMapView: (coll)->
new Views.HeatMapView
collection: coll
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