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Created January 11, 2023 06:58
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Save t2psyto/be8916110777a5fb68e396676eed47c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HttpServer.ps1.bat. need to exec as administorator
<# : by earthdiver1
@echo off
cd %~dp0
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "BATCH_ARGS=!BATCH_ARGS:%%=%%%%!"
set "PWSH_ARGS=" & call :quote_args !BATCH_ARGS!
Powershell -NoProfile -Command "$input|&([ScriptBlock]::Create((gc '%~f0'|Out-String)))" !PWSH_ARGS!
pause & exit/b
set "BATCH_ARG=" & call set "BATCH_ARG=%%1" 2>nul
if defined BATCH_ARG goto :arg_exists
set BATCH_ARG=%1
if not defined BATCH_ARG goto :eof
rem "&" or ">" or "<" is included
set "BATCH_ARG=!BATCH_ARG:^^=^!"
set "BATCH_ARG=!BATCH_ARG:\"=\\"!"
set "BATCH_ARG=!BATCH_ARG:"=\"!"
set "BATCH_ARG=!BATCH_ARG:'=''!"
shift & goto :quote_args
: #>
try {
$listener = new-object Net.HttpListener
echo "Server is running at port 8888"
function ContentType ($ext)
switch ($ext)
".html" { "text/html" }
".js" { "text/javascript" }
".css" { "text/css" }
".json" { "application/json" }
".xml" { "text/xml" }
".gif" { "image/gif" }
".ico" { "image/x-icon" }
".jpg" { "image/jpeg" }
".png" { "image/png" }
".svg" { "image/svg+xml" }
".webp" { "image/webp" }
".zip" { "application/zip" }
".webp" { "image/webp" }
Default { "text/plain" }
while ($true)
$context = $listener.GetContext()
$path = $context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath
if ($path.EndsWith("/")) {
$path += "index.html"
$filepath = join-path (get-location) $path
$exists = [IO.File]::Exists($filepath)
echo "$($path) --> $($filepath) [$($exists)]"
if ($exists) {
$extension = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($filepath)
$context.Response.ContentType = ContentType($extension)
$rstream = [IO.File]::OpenRead($filepath)
$stream = $context.Response.OutputStream
} else {
$context.Response.ContentType = "text/html"
$context.Response.StatusCode = 404
$content = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("File Not Found")
$stream = $context.Response.OutputStream
$stream.Write($content, 0, $content.Length)
} catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception
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