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! function(a) { | |
"use strict"; | |
var b, c = a.Base64, | |
d = "2.1.5"; | |
"undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && (b = require("buffer").Buffer); | |
var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", | |
f = function(a) { | |
for (var b = {}, c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; c++) b[a.charAt(c)] = c; | |
return b | |
}(e), | |
g = String.fromCharCode, | |
h = function(a) { | |
if (a.length < 2) { | |
var b = a.charCodeAt(0); | |
return 128 > b ? a : 2048 > b ? g(192 | b >>> 6) + g(128 | 63 & b) : g(224 | b >>> 12 & 15) + g(128 | b >>> 6 & 63) + g(128 | 63 & b) | |
} | |
var b = 65536 + 1024 * (a.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (a.charCodeAt(1) - 56320); | |
return g(240 | b >>> 18 & 7) + g(128 | b >>> 12 & 63) + g(128 | b >>> 6 & 63) + g(128 | 63 & b) | |
}, | |
i = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g, | |
j = function(a) { | |
return a.replace(i, h) | |
}, | |
k = function(a) { | |
var b = [0, 2, 1][a.length % 3], | |
c = a.charCodeAt(0) << 16 | (a.length > 1 ? a.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8 | (a.length > 2 ? a.charCodeAt(2) : 0), | |
d = [e.charAt(c >>> 18), e.charAt(c >>> 12 & 63), b >= 2 ? "=" : e.charAt(c >>> 6 & 63), b >= 1 ? "=" : e.charAt(63 & c)]; | |
return d.join("") | |
}, | |
l = a.btoa ? function(b) { | |
return a.btoa(b) | |
} : function(a) { | |
return a.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g, k) | |
}, | |
m = b ? function(a) { | |
return new b(a).toString("base64") | |
} : function(a) { | |
return l(j(a)) | |
}, | |
n = function(a, b) { | |
return b ? m(a).replace(/[+\/]/g, function(a) { | |
return "+" == a ? "-" : "_" | |
}).replace(/=/g, "") : m(a) | |
}, | |
o = function(a) { | |
return n(a, !0) | |
}, | |
p = new RegExp(["[À-ß][-¿]", "[à-ï][-¿]{2}", "[ð-÷][-¿]{3}"].join("|"), "g"), | |
q = function(a) { | |
switch (a.length) { | |
case 4: | |
var b = (7 & a.charCodeAt(0)) << 18 | (63 & a.charCodeAt(1)) << 12 | (63 & a.charCodeAt(2)) << 6 | 63 & a.charCodeAt(3), | |
c = b - 65536; | |
return g((c >>> 10) + 55296) + g((1023 & c) + 56320); | |
case 3: | |
return g((15 & a.charCodeAt(0)) << 12 | (63 & a.charCodeAt(1)) << 6 | 63 & a.charCodeAt(2)); | |
default: | |
return g((31 & a.charCodeAt(0)) << 6 | 63 & a.charCodeAt(1)) | |
} | |
}, | |
r = function(a) { | |
return a.replace(p, q) | |
}, | |
s = function(a) { | |
var b = a.length, | |
c = b % 4, | |
d = (b > 0 ? f[a.charAt(0)] << 18 : 0) | (b > 1 ? f[a.charAt(1)] << 12 : 0) | (b > 2 ? f[a.charAt(2)] << 6 : 0) | (b > 3 ? f[a.charAt(3)] : 0), | |
e = [g(d >>> 16), g(d >>> 8 & 255), g(255 & d)]; | |
return e.length -= [0, 0, 2, 1][c], e.join("") | |
}, | |
t = a.atob ? function(b) { | |
return a.atob(b) | |
} : function(a) { | |
return a.replace(/[\s\S]{1,4}/g, s) | |
}, | |
u = b ? function(a) { | |
return new b(a, "base64").toString() | |
} : function(a) { | |
return r(t(a)) | |
}, | |
v = function(a) { | |
return u(a.replace(/[-_]/g, function(a) { | |
return "-" == a ? "+" : "/" | |
}).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g, "")) | |
}, | |
w = function() { | |
var b = a.Base64; | |
return a.Base64 = c, b | |
}; | |
if (a.Base64 = { | |
VERSION: d, | |
atob: t, | |
btoa: l, | |
fromBase64: v, | |
toBase64: n, | |
utob: j, | |
encode: n, | |
encodeURI: o, | |
btou: r, | |
decode: v, | |
noConflict: w | |
}, "function" == typeof Object.defineProperty) { | |
var x = function(a) { | |
return { | |
value: a, | |
enumerable: !1, | |
writable: !0, | |
configurable: !0 | |
} | |
}; | |
a.Base64.extendString = function() { | |
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "fromBase64", x(function() { | |
return v(this) | |
})), Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toBase64", x(function(a) { | |
return n(this, a) | |
})), Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "toBase64URI", x(function() { | |
return n(this, !0) | |
})) | |
} | |
} | |
}(this), this.Meteor && (Base64 = global.Base64), | |
function() { | |
"use strict"; | |
var a, b, c = [], | |
d = 1e3, | |
e = {}, | |
f = {}, | |
g = {}, | |
h = {}, | |
i = {}, | |
j = "migamecenter", | |
k = "__msg_type", | |
l = "__callback_id", | |
m = "__event_id", | |
n = "dispatch_message/", | |
o = function() { | |
return b = document.createElement("iframe"), b.id = "__miGCJsBridgeIframe_setResult", b.style.display = "none", document.documentElement.appendChild(b), a = document.createElement("iframe"), a.id = "__miGCJsBridgeIframe", a.style.display = "none", document.documentElement.appendChild(a), a | |
}, | |
p = function(b) { | |
b && (c.push(b), a.src = j + "://" + n) | |
}, | |
q = function() { | |
var a = JSON.stringify(c); | |
c = [], r("SCENE_FETCHQUEUE", a) | |
}, | |
r = function(a, c) { | |
void 0 === c && (c = "none"), b.src = j + "://private/setresult/" + a + "&" + Base64.encode(c) | |
}, | |
s = function(a, b, c, f) { | |
if (a && "string" == typeof a) { | |
"object" != typeof b && (b = {}); | |
var g = (d++).toString(); | |
"function" == typeof c && (e[g] = { | |
cb: c, | |
ctx: f || this || window.JsBridge | |
}); | |
var h = { | |
func: a, | |
params: b | |
}; | |
h[k] = "call", h[l] = g, p(h) | |
} | |
}, | |
t = function(a) { | |
a && s("android.showLog", a) | |
}, | |
u = function(a, b, c) { | |
a && "string" == typeof a && "function" == typeof b && (f[a] = { | |
cb: b, | |
ctx: c || this | |
}) | |
}, | |
v = function(a, b) { | |
var c = f[a]; | |
"function" == typeof c.cb && c.cb.apply(c.ctx, [b]) | |
}, | |
w = function(a) { | |
if (a) { | |
var b, c, d, g = {}; | |
switch (b = JSON.parse(Base64.decode(a)), b[k]) { | |
case "callback": | |
return c = e[b[l]], "string" == typeof b[l] && "function" == typeof c.cb ? (g.result = c.cb.call(c.ctx, b.__params), delete e[b[l]], void r("SCENE_HANDLEMSGFROMCLIENT", JSON.stringify(g))) : (g.__err_code = "cb404", void r("SCENE_HANDLEMSGFROMCLIENT", JSON.stringify(g))); | |
case "event": | |
return d = f[b[m]], "string" == typeof b[m] && "function" == typeof d.cb ? (g.result = d.cb.call(d.ctx, b.__params), void r("SCENE_HANDLEMSGFROMCLIENT", JSON.stringify(g))) : (g.__err_code = "cb404", void r("SCENE_HANDLEMSGFROMCLIENT", JSON.stringify(g))) | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
x = function(a) { | |
return i[a] | |
}, | |
y = function() { | |
v("sys:init", {}), v("sys:bridged", {}) | |
}, | |
z = function() { | |
"onhashchange" in window && (window.onhashchange = function() { | |
s("hashChange", { | |
hash: window.location.hash | |
}) | |
}) | |
}, | |
A = function(a, b, c) { | |
a && a.id && (g[a.id] = a, b && b.call(c || this)) | |
}, | |
B = function(a, b, c) { | |
a && (h = a, b && b.call(c || this)) | |
}, | |
C = function(a, b, c) { | |
a in g && (delete g[a], b && b.call(c || this)) | |
}, | |
D = function() { | |
return i | |
}, | |
E = function() { | |
i && i.env && i.env.isDebug && F() | |
}, | |
F = function() {}, | |
G = function(a) {}, | |
H = function() { | |
u("sys:init", function() { | |
window.JsBridge._hasInit || (window.JsBridge._hasInit = !0, s("get_session_data", {}, function(a) { | |
i = a, E(); | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgeReady"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
})) | |
}), u("sys:bridged", function() { | |
window.JsBridge._hasInit || z() | |
}), u("download_loading", function(a) { | |
var b = a; | |
if (b && b.length) | |
for (var c, d, e = 0, f = b.length; f > e && (c = b[e], d = g[c.id], d); e++) { | |
var h = d.ctx || this; | |
switch (c.status) { | |
case "start": | |
d.start && d.start.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "pause": | |
d.pause && d.pause.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "wait": | |
d.wait && d.wait.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "download_complete": | |
d.downloadComplete && d.downloadComplete.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "install_complete": | |
d.installComplete && d.installComplete.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "downloading": | |
d.downloading && d.downloading.call(h, c.progress, c.current_bytes); | |
break; | |
case "remove": | |
d.remove && d.remove.call(h); | |
break; | |
case "fail": | |
d.fail && d.fail.call(h); | |
break; | |
default: | |
d.process && d.process.call(h) | |
} | |
} | |
}), u("uploading_media", function(a) { | |
var b; | |
b = h, b.cb && b.cb.call(this, a) | |
}), u("sys:refresh", function(a) { | |
s("get_session_data", {}, function(a) { | |
i = a; | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgeRefresh"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}) | |
}), u("sys:pause", function(a) { | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgePause"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}), u("sys:resume", function(a) { | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgeResume"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}), u("sys:abort", function(a) { | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgeAbort"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}), u("sys:back", function(a) { | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgeBack"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}), u("sys:position", function(a) { | |
s("get_session_data", {}, function(a) { | |
i = a; | |
var b = document.createEvent("Events"); | |
b.initEvent("JsBridgePosition"), document.dispatchEvent(b) | |
}) | |
}) | |
}; | |
window.JsBridge = window.JsBridge || function() { | |
return o(), H(), { | |
version: "1.0.1", | |
invoke: s, | |
on: u, | |
env: x, | |
debugTime: G, | |
pushItemInDLMap: A, | |
shiftItemFrDLMap: C, | |
pushItemInULMap: B, | |
log: t, | |
_init: y, | |
_fetchQueue: q, | |
_handleMessageFromClient: w, | |
getSessionData: D, | |
_hasInit: !1 | |
} | |
}() | |
}(), | |
function() { | |
var a = window.clientApi = {}, | |
b = function(a) { | |
var b = typeof a; | |
if (!("function" === b || "object" === b && a)) return a; | |
for (var c, d, e = 0, f = arguments.length; f > e; e++) { | |
c = arguments[e]; | |
for (d in c) hasOwnProperty.call(c, d) && (a[d] = c[d]) | |
} | |
return a | |
}; | |
a.showToolBar = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("showToolBar") | |
}, a.hideToolBar = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("hideToolBar") | |
}, a.copy = function(a, b) { | |
if (a && "string" == typeof a) { | |
var c = { | |
txt: a | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("copy", c, b) | |
} | |
}, a.openBrowser = function(a) { | |
var b = { | |
url: a || window.location.href | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("openInBrowser", b) | |
}, a.enableDebugMode = function(a) { | |
window.onerror = function(b, c, d, e) { | |
if ("function" == typeof a) return void a({ | |
message: b, | |
script: c, | |
line: d, | |
column: e | |
}); | |
var f = []; | |
f.push("额,代码有错。。。"), f.push("\n错误信息:", b), f.push("\n出错文件:", c), f.push("\n出错位置:", d + "行," + e + "列"), alert(f.join("")) | |
} | |
}, a.download = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.pushItemInDLMap({ | |
id: a.gameId, | |
start: a.start, | |
pause: a.pause, | |
wait: a.wait, | |
downloading: a.downloading, | |
downloadComplete: a.downloadComplete, | |
installComplete: a.installComplete, | |
remove: a.remove, | |
fail: a.fail, | |
ctx: a.ctx, | |
channel: a.channel, | |
from: a.from, | |
trace: a.trace, | |
type: a.type | |
}, function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("download_start", { | |
id: a.gameId, | |
packageName: a.packageName, | |
channel: a.channel, | |
from: a.from, | |
trace: a.trace, | |
type: a.type | |
}, b, c) | |
}) | |
}, a.pushItemInDownLoadMap = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.pushItemInDLMap({ | |
id: a.gameId, | |
start: a.start, | |
pause: a.pause, | |
wait: a.wait, | |
downloading: a.downloading, | |
downloadComplete: a.downloadComplete, | |
installComplete: a.installComplete, | |
remove: a.remove, | |
fail: a.fail, | |
ctx: a.ctx, | |
channel: a.channel | |
}, b, c) | |
}, a.downloadPause = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("download_pause", { | |
id: a.gameId, | |
channel: a.channel | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.downloadContinue = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("download_continue", { | |
id: a.gameId, | |
channel: a.channel | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.downloadInstall = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("download_install", { | |
id: a.gameId, | |
channel: a.channel | |
}, function(d) { | |
JsBridge.shiftItemFrDLMap(a.gameId), b && b.call(c) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.openGame = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("open_game", { | |
id: a.gameId, | |
packageName: a.packageName, | |
channel: a.channel | |
}, function(a) {}, c) | |
}, a.initPageByNativeData = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("init_web", { | |
gameList: a.gameList | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.initPageByClientData = function(a, b, c, d) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("init_web_by_type", { | |
type: a, | |
param: b | |
}, function(a) { | |
c && c.call(d, a) | |
}, d) | |
}; | |
var c = function(a) { | |
var b = !1, | |
c = function(c) { | |
b || (b = !0, a(c)) | |
}, | |
d = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); | |
if (!d.length) return c(); | |
var e, f, g, h, i = {}, | |
j = !1; | |
for (f = 0, g = d.length; g > f; f++) e = d[f], "none" != e.style.display && "hidden" != e.style.visibility && (i[e.src] || (i[e.src] = 1, h = new Image, h.onload = function() { | |
j || this.width > 290 && this.height > 290 && (j = !0, c(this)) | |
}, h.src = e.src)); | |
i = null, setTimeout(function() { | |
j || c() | |
}, 1e3) | |
}; | |
a.videoPlay = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("video_play", { | |
url: a, | |
title: b | |
}, c) | |
}, a.showMenu = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.on("menu:show", function(b) { | |
a && a(b) | |
}) | |
}, a.share = function(a) { | |
var b; | |
if (b = "string" == typeof a.title ? a : { | |
link: document.documentURI, | |
desc: document.documentURI, | |
title: document.title | |
}, a.imgUrl) return b.img_url = a.imgUrl, void JsBridge.invoke("share", b); | |
var d = function(a) { | |
a && (b.img_url = a.src), JsBridge.invoke("share", b) | |
}; | |
c(d) | |
}, a.inputTxtByNative = function(a, b) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("submit_input_txt", { | |
content: a | |
}, b) | |
}, a.nativeRequest = function(a, b) { | |
if ("" !== a.url && "" !== a.type) { | |
var c = { | |
url: a.url, | |
param: a.param || {}, | |
http_method: a.http_method || "get", | |
secertKey: a.secertKey || "", | |
type: a.type | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("native_request", c, b) | |
} | |
}, a.showDialog = function(a, c) { | |
var d = { | |
type: "show:txt", | |
title: "", | |
content: "", | |
isLazyClose: !1, | |
lazyTime: 0, | |
isShowCancelBtn: !1, | |
cancelBtnTxt: "取消", | |
isShowOkBtn: !1, | |
okBtnTxt: "确定" | |
}, | |
e = function(a) { | |
if (a && a.operat) switch (a.operat) { | |
case "ok": | |
c.ok && c.ok(a.content); | |
break; | |
case "cancel": | |
c.cancel && c.cancel(a.content) | |
} | |
}; | |
d = b(d, a), "submit" == d.type && (d.isLazyClose = !1), JsBridge.invoke("show_dialog", d, e) | |
}, a.preventSwipeBack = function(a, b) { | |
a = a || { | |
prevent: !0 | |
}, b = b || function() {}, JsBridge.invoke("prevent_swipe_back", a, b) | |
}, a.clientLog = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("client_log", { | |
info: a | |
}) | |
}, a.reinstate = function(a, b, c) { | |
switch (a *= 1) { | |
case 1: | |
JsBridge.invoke("service_token_invalidate", { | |
tagurl: b, | |
param: c | |
}); | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
JsBridge.invoke("login_invalidate", { | |
tagurl: b, | |
param: c | |
}) | |
} | |
}, a.historyNotRecords = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("history_not_records", {}, a) | |
}, a.historyJumpOutWebview = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("history_jumpout_webview", {}, a) | |
}, a.goBack = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("web_go_back", {}, a) | |
}, a.viewImgList = function(a, b) { | |
var c = { | |
screenShot: a.screenShot || [], | |
curIndex: a.curIndex || 0 | |
}; | |
c.screenShot.length && JsBridge.invoke("view_img_list", c, b) | |
}, a.getBaseDataFromClient = function(a, b) { | |
var c = { | |
type: a | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("get_basedata_by_type", c, b) | |
}, a.notifyLoadingOver = function(a) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("client_loading_over", {}, a) | |
}, a.getSessionData = function() { | |
return JsBridge.getSessionData() | |
}, a.commentTxtByNative = function(a, b) { | |
var c = { | |
news_id: a | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("client_comment_txt", c, b) | |
}, a.h5GameLogin = function(a, b) { | |
return a ? a.appId ? a.appKey ? void JsBridge.invoke("h5_game_login", a, b) : void(b && b({ | |
result: -102, | |
errorMessage: "appKey is null" | |
})) : void(b && b({ | |
result: -101, | |
errorMessage: "appId is null" | |
})) : void(b && b({ | |
result: -100, | |
errorMessage: "options is null" | |
})) | |
}, a.h5GamePay = function(a, b) { | |
return a ? (a.cpOrderId || b && b({ | |
result: -104, | |
errorMessage: "cpOrderId is null" | |
}), a.cpUserInfo || b && b({ | |
result: -105, | |
errorMessage: "cpUserInfo is null" | |
}), void JsBridge.invoke("h5_game_pay", a, b)) : void(b && b({ | |
result: -103, | |
errorMessage: "options is null" | |
})) | |
}, a.executeClientMethod = function(a, b, c, d) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("client_method_execute", { | |
method: a, | |
param: b | |
}, function(a) { | |
c && c.call(d, a) | |
}, d) | |
}, a.showImgFromNative = function(a, b, c) { | |
var d = { | |
imgList: a, | |
index: b | |
}; | |
JsBridge.invoke("show_img_list", d, c) | |
}, a.jumpMiBiRechargeList = function(a, b) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("jumpMiBiRechargeList", a, b) | |
}, a.saveDataToNative = function(a, b, c) { | |
var d = {}; | |
d[a] = b, JsBridge.invoke("saveDataToNative", d, c) | |
}, a.showErrorTip = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("showErrorTip") | |
}, a.getBatteryByNative = function(a, b) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("battery_by_native", {}, function(c) { | |
a && a.call(b, c) | |
}, b) | |
}, a.dimmingByScreen = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("dimming_by_screen", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.checkGameStatus = function(a, b, c, d) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("check_game_status", { | |
method: a, | |
param: b | |
}, function(a) { | |
c && c.call(d, a) | |
}, d) | |
}, a.sendStatistic = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("send_statistic", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.changeNavigationBar = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("change_navigation_bar", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.finishActivity = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("finish_activity") | |
}, a.showNativeDialog = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("show_native_dialog", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.notifyBackKey = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("notify_back_key") | |
}, a.closeBackKey = function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("close_back_key") | |
}, a.getNativeNotify = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("get_native_notify", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.logoutByNative = function(a, b) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("logout_by_native", {}, function(c) { | |
a && a.call(b, c) | |
}, b) | |
}, a.cacheByNative = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("cache_data_by_native", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.setDataToNative = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("set_data_to_native", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.playVideoAd = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("play_video_ad", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.getGameUpdateByNative = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("game_list_update", { | |
gameList: a.gameList | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.uploadMedia = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.pushItemInULMap({ | |
cb: a.download | |
}, function() { | |
JsBridge.invoke("upload_media", {}, b, c) | |
}) | |
}, a.playVideoAd = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("play_video_ad", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.notifyNativeMsg = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("notify_native_msg", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.getNativeAppInfo = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("query_package_status", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.addShortcut = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("add_shortcut", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.removeShortcut = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("remove_shortcut", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.updateShortcut = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("update_shortcut", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
}, a.isShortcutExist = function(a, b, c) { | |
JsBridge.invoke("is_shortcut_exist", { | |
param: a | |
}, function(a) { | |
b && b.call(c, a) | |
}, c) | |
} | |
}(); // This is just a sample script. Paste your real code (javascript or HTML) here. | |
if ('this_is' == /an_example/) { | |
of_beautifier(); | |
} else { | |
var a = b ? (c % d) : e[f]; | |
} |
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