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Created September 9, 2020 17:53
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Text editor output utility
public abstract class BasePrinter<Self extends BasePrinter<Self>> {
private static final String WORD_SEP = " ";
private static final String INDENT_STR = " ";
private final String wordSep, indentStr;
private boolean built;
private StringBuilder builder;
private String builtString;
private boolean requireWordSep;
private int indentLevel;
private int pendingNewLines;
private boolean isIndentPrimed;
public BasePrinter() {
public BasePrinter(String wordSep, String indentStr) {
this.wordSep = wordSep;
this.indentStr = indentStr;
this.built = false;
this.requireWordSep = false;
this.pendingNewLines = 0;
this.isIndentPrimed = true;
this.indentLevel = 0;
this.builder = new StringBuilder();
public String toString() {
if (!built) {
builtString = builder.toString();
built = true;
return builtString;
private void __emit(String str) {
if (built) {
built = false;
builtString = null;
private void emitWithIndent(String str) {
while (pendingNewLines > 0) {
if (isIndentPrimed) {
// Finally do the indent
for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
isIndentPrimed = false;
private Self _newline() {
requireWordSep = false;
isIndentPrimed = true;
return getSelf();
public Self newLine() {
// This doesn't actually emit a newline or indent, it only primes the __emit method to do it
// when it finally receives an input
pendingNewLines = 1;
return _newline();
public Self forceNewLine() {
return _newline();
public Self emit(String str, boolean printSep) {
if (requireWordSep && printSep) {
requireWordSep = true;
return getSelf();
public Self emit(String str) {
return emit(str, true);
private Self changeIndentLevel(int delta) {
indentLevel += delta;
return getSelf();
protected Self getSelf() {
return (Self) this;
public Self incIndent() {
return changeIndentLevel(1);
public Self decIndent() {
return changeIndentLevel(-1);
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