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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Save t81lal/a8cd7df3581a0381a9bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package org.nullbool.api.obfuscation;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.nullbool.api.util.InstructionUtil;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.cfg.tree.NodeVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.cfg.tree.node.AbstractNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.cfg.tree.node.ArithmeticNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.cfg.tree.node.NumberNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.LdcInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.VarInsnNode;
import org.objectweb.asm.util.Printer;
* @author Bibl (don't ban me pls)
* @created 29 May 2015
public class SimpleArithmeticFixer extends NodeVisitor {
private final Set<InstructionSwap> inserts = new HashSet<InstructionSwap>();
private int generalWtfs;
private int complexAddSwitch, addSwitch = 0;
private int simpleAddSwap, correctAdds = 0;
private int complexSubSwitch;
private int unswitchableSubs, correctSubs = 0;
private int awtfs;
private int swappedMultis, correctMultis, multiWtfs;
public void visitOperation(ArithmeticNode expr) {
if(expr.children() != 2)
AbstractNode a1 = expr.child(0);
AbstractNode a2 = expr.child(1);
if(a1 == null || a2 == null)
NumberNode first = expr.firstNumber();
if(first == null)
if(a1 instanceof NumberNode && a2 instanceof NumberNode) {
System.out.println("ArithmeticFixer2.visitOperation(): double const?");
if(a2.opcode() == -1) {
System.err.printf(" %s [%s, %d] [children=%d] at %s.%n", Printer.OPCODES[expr.opcode()], Printer.OPCODES[a1.opcode()], a2.opcode(), expr.children(), expr.method());
/* Possible adding combinations :
* variable + const = variable + const (don't reorder)
* const + variable = variable + const (reorder)
* variable + -const = variable - +const (switch operation)
* -const + variable = variable - +const (switch operation and reorder)
* -variables are impossible (as far as I know)
* Examples:
* 5 + 10 = 15
* 10 + 5 = 15
* 5 + -10 = 5 - (+10) = -5 = -5
* -10 + 5 = (+10) - 5 = 5 - (+10) = -5
* Note that there will (should) be one NumberNode.
* The other node could be either a FieldMemberNode
* or a VariableNode but in either case it doesn't
* matter because we cannot change the value of those.
* Strategies:
* We know that if there is a -const then the opcode
* of the operation WILL be switched to a - (sub) and
* the const's sign will be changed to a + (positive).
* Possible subtracting combinations:
* variable - const = variable - const (don't reorder)
* variable - -const = variable + const (merge and switch operation)
* const - variable = (can't switch?)
* -const - variable = (can't switch?)
* 5 - 10 = -5
* 5 - -10 = 5 + 10 = 15
* 10 - 5 = 5
* -10 - 5 = -15
* ^ the above seems to be unchangeable, however, I can only see this
* being used in real calculations so it doesn't really matter.
* Strategies:
* We need to get rid of the - -const and replace it with
* a (+const).
* Then we just switch around the left and right of the operator
* to get a cleaner expression.
if(expr.adding()) {
/* Switching operation and operand:
* variable + -const
* and
* -const + variable */
Number val = constVal(first.insn());
if(val.intValue() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
System.err.println(" SimpleArithmeticFixer.visitOperation(add)");
if(shouldSwitchOperation(val)) {
/* Switch the numbers sign and the opcode. */
Number newVal = abs(val);
expr.insn().setOpcode(newOpcode(ISUB, newVal));
if(a1.equals(first)) {
/* -const + variable
* =
* variable + -const
* =
* variable - const
* So if the constant comes first, we swap the order of operations
* by adding an InstructionSwap that will swap them after. */
AbstractInsnNode a1ain = a1.insn();
AbstractInsnNode a2ain = a2.insn();
InstructionSwap insert = new InstructionSwap();
insert.method = expr.method();
insert.marker = a2ain;
insert.insn = a1ain;
} else if(a2.equals(first)) {
/* variable + -const
* =
* variable - +const
* If the constant comes second, we don't need to swap the
* operands and we've already changed the sign of the number
* and the opcode. */
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("huh");
} else {
/* Here the sign doesn't have to be changed nor does
* the operation but the order of the operands might.
* const + variable
* =
* variable + const */
if(a1.equals(first)) {
InstructionSwap swap = new InstructionSwap();
swap.method = expr.method();
swap.marker = a2.insn();
swap.insn = first.insn();
} else if(a2.equals(first)) {
// Already correct
} else {
System.err.printf(" Unhandleable operation add at %s (%d).%n", expr.method(), val);
//throw new RuntimeException("huh x3: " + first.getClass().getSimpleName());
} else if(expr.subtracting()) {
Number val = constVal(first.insn());
if(val.intValue() == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
System.err.println(" SimpleArithmeticFixer.visitOperation(sub)");
if(shouldSwitchOperation(val)) {
if(a1.equals(first)) {
} else if(a2.equals(first)) {
/* variable - -const
* =
* variable + +const
* If the constant comes second, we don't need to swap the
* operands.
* Switch the numbers sign and the opcode. */
Number newVal = abs(val);
expr.insn().setOpcode(newOpcode(IADD, newVal));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("huh x2");
} else {
/* This means we don't need to change the sign
* of the number but we might need to swap the
* order of the operands.
* variable - const
* and
* const - variable
* Can we change these? */
} else if(expr.multiplying()) {
/* If the first number is the constant, we move it after the other
* operand. */
if(a1.equals(first)) {
if(a2.insn() instanceof FieldInsnNode || a2.insn() instanceof VarInsnNode) {
InstructionSwap swap = new InstructionSwap();
swap.method = expr.method();
swap.insn = a1.insn();
swap.marker = a2.insn();
/*if(expr.method()"dh") && expr.method().name.equals("s")) {
System.out.println("ArithmeticFixer.visitOperation() " + first.number() + " " + a2.insn().getClass());
for(String s : new InstructionPrinter(expr.method(), new InstructionPattern(new InstructionFilter[]{
new InstructionFilter() {
public boolean accept(AbstractInsnNode t) {
return t.equals(swap.insn) || t.equals(swap.marker);
} else {
} else {
// System.out.printf("%s, %s %s, %s %s.%n", expr.method(), a1ain, a2ain, a1.getClass().getCanonicalName(), a2.getClass().getCanonicalName());
// for(AbstractInsnNode ain : a2.collapse()) {
// System.out.println(Printer.OPCODES[ain.opcode()]);
// }
// System.out.println("last " + Printer.OPCODES[a2.opcode()]);
private static Number abs(Number n) {
if(n instanceof Integer) {
return Math.abs(n.intValue());
} else if(n instanceof Long) {
return Math.abs(n.longValue());
} else if(n instanceof Float) {
return Math.abs(n.floatValue());
} else if(n instanceof Double) {
return Math.abs(n.doubleValue());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("um...");
private static int newOpcode(int base, Number val) {
if(val instanceof Integer) {
return base + 0;
} else if(val instanceof Long) {
return base + 1;
} else if(val instanceof Float) {
return base + 2;
} else if(val instanceof Double) {
return base + 3;
throw new RuntimeException("Wat.");
private static Number constVal(AbstractInsnNode ain) {
if(ain instanceof LdcInsnNode) {
LdcInsnNode ldc = (LdcInsnNode) ain;
Object o = ldc.cst;
if(o instanceof Number) {
return (Number) o;
} else {
return 0;
int num = InstructionUtil.resolve(ain);
// returning 0 means we don't need to change it
if(num == -1)
return 0;
return num;
private static boolean shouldSwitchOperation(Number num) {
if(num.intValue() == 0)
return false;
return num.intValue() < 0 || num.longValue() < 0 || num.doubleValue() < 0 || num.floatValue() < 0;
public void output() {
/* As the non constant operand of the operation may be calculated using more
* than 1 instruction, we use can a ghetto hack and instead of swapping the
* instructions by index, we simply add the constant after the other operands
* instruction(s). */
for(InstructionSwap a : inserts) {
//if("dh") &&"s")) {
// System.out.println("ArithmeticFixer.output() " + a.insn.getClass() + " " + a.marker.getClass());
a.method.instructions.insert(a.marker, a.insn);
System.err.printf("Hit %d general wtfs...%n", generalWtfs);
System.err.printf("Switched %4d negative addition constants (variable + -const).%n", addSwitch);
System.err.printf("Switched %4d complex negative addition constants (-const + variable).%n", complexAddSwitch);
System.err.printf("Switched %4d simple operand orders (const + variable).%n", simpleAddSwap);
System.err.printf("Found %4d already correct add operations (variable + const).%n", correctAdds);
System.err.printf("Found %4d unswitchable subtraction operations (-const - variable).%n", unswitchableSubs);
System.err.printf("Switched %4d subtraction constant signs (variable - -const).%n", complexSubSwitch);
System.err.printf("Found %4d already correct subtraction operations (variable - const).%n", correctSubs);
System.err.printf("Hit a few (%d) wtfs...%n", awtfs);
System.err.printf("Swapped %4d constant multiplication expressions (const * variable).%n", swappedMultis);
System.err.printf("Found %4d preferable CME's (variable * const).%n", correctMultis);
System.err.printf("Hit a few (%d) wtfs...%n", multiWtfs);
private static class InstructionSwap {
private MethodNode method;
private AbstractInsnNode marker;
private AbstractInsnNode insn;
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