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Created July 8, 2020 23:27
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First prototype of Spade mainline pipeline
static class TestModule extends AbstractModule {
private final GenerationCtx ctx;
public TestModule(GenerationCtx ctx) {
this.ctx = ctx;
protected void configure() {
install(new FactoryModuleBuilder().build(AsmGenerator.AsmGeneratorFactory.class));
MapBinder<Class<? extends GenerationCtx>, GeneratorFactory<?>> mapBinder = MapBinder.newMapBinder(binder(),
new TypeLiteral<Class<? extends GenerationCtx>>() {},
new TypeLiteral<GeneratorFactory<?>>() {});
static class MakeGeneratorStep implements PipelineStep<GenerationCtx, Generator> {
private final AbstractGeneratorFactory abstractFactory;
public MakeGeneratorStep(AbstractGeneratorFactory abstractFactory) {
this.abstractFactory = abstractFactory;
public Generator apply(GenerationCtx ctx) {
GeneratorFactory<GenerationCtx> generatorFactory = abstractFactory.create(ctx);
Generator generator = generatorFactory.create(ctx);
return generator;
static class ExecuteGeneratorStep implements PipelineStep<Generator, ControlFlowGraph> {
public ControlFlowGraph apply(Generator t) {
static class EnterSSAStep implements PipelineStep<Object, ControlFlowGraph> {
private final GenerationCtx context;
private final SSAGenerator generator;
public EnterSSAStep(GenerationCtx context, SSAGenerator generator) {
this.context = context;
this.generator = generator;
public ControlFlowGraph apply(Object any) {
return context.getGraph();
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ExecutionException {
Function<GenerationCtx, PipelineExecutionContext<GenerationCtx>> contextCreator = s -> {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new TestModule(s));
return new GuicedPipelineExecutionContext<>(s, injector);
var pipeline = Pipeline.<GenerationCtx>from().then(MakeGeneratorStep.class).then(ExecuteGeneratorStep.class)
var typeManager = new MockTypeManager();
var target = getContext(SSAPassTest.class, "test2");
var ctx = new AsmGenerationCtx(typeManager, target.getA(), target.getB());
ControlFlowGraph ssaCfg = pipeline.execute(ctx);
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