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Created July 28, 2017 16:28
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Typography from Terra project
// This is a bit over-complicated, in my opinion, but there are some neat ideas.
// Comes from the Terra project (now open sourced) my team at Cerner created.
// Typography
// --------------------------------------------------
// Unitless values are used since all font sizes
// should be converted to rem units with a pixel
// fallback via the .rem() mixin.
@print-font-size: 10; // Desired body font size, when printing, in pts.
@_root-font-size: 16; // Constant value used for calculations, do not change
@_typographic-scale-font-size: 14; // Constant value used for generating typographic scale, do not change
@_typographic-scale-multiplier: (@base-font-size / @_typographic-scale-font-size); // Constant value used for generating typographic scale, do not change
@_html-font-size: percentage(@base-font-size / @_root-font-size); // Percentage value set on HTML element, allows Terra to inherit user defined font-size
@_base-line-height: 20 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@sm-text: 12 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@body-text: @base-font-size;
@super-text: 48 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@xs-heading: 16 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@sm-heading: 18 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@md-heading: 20 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@lg-heading: 24 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
@xl-heading: 30 * @_typographic-scale-multiplier;
// --------------------------------------------------
// 1. Text Style Helpers
// 2. Text Size Helpers
// 3. Heading Elements
// 4. Text Elements
// Text Style Helpers
// - Alignment
// - Weight
// - Miscellaneous
// --------------------------------------------------
// Note: Some elements may have margin set by .reset-normalize in core.less
// Text alignment
.text-left {
.text-right {
.text-center {
text-align: center;
// Text weight
.text-bold {
font-weight: @bold-font-weight;
.text-normal {
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
.text-light {
font-weight: @light-font-weight;
// Miscellaneous text style helpers
// Word breaks may be inserted between any character
// causing long strings to wrap instead of overflow.
.text-breakable {
// Meta-level content sets font-size/opacity relative to parent.
.meta {
opacity: 0.6;
font-size: 85%;
// Text Sizing Helpers
// - Individual font-size and line-height helpers,
// along with a text helper that combines both.
// - Helpers are grouped in descending order by size.
// --------------------------------------------------
// Super large display text
.super-text-size {
.rem(font-size; @xl-heading); //30
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @super-text); //48
.super-text-line-height {
.rem(line-height; (@_base-line-height * 3));
.text-super {
// Extra-large level 1 headings
.x-large-heading-size {
.rem(font-size; @lg-heading); //24
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @xl-heading); //30
.x-large-heading-line-height {
.rem(line-height; (@_base-line-height * 2.5))
.x-large-heading {
// Large level 2 headings
.large-heading-size {
.rem(font-size; @md-heading); //20
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @lg-heading); //24
.large-heading-line-height {
.rem(line-height; (@_base-line-height * 1.5))
.large-heading {
// Medium level 3 headings
.medium-heading-size {
.rem(font-size; @sm-heading); //18
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @md-heading); //20
.medium-heading-line-height {
.rem(line-height; @_base-line-height)
.medium-heading {
// Small level 4 headings
.small-heading-size {
.rem(font-size; @xs-heading); //16
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @sm-heading); //18
.small-heading-line-height {
.rem(line-height; @_base-line-height)
.small-heading {
// Extra-small level 5 headings
.x-small-heading-size {
.rem(font-size; @xs-heading); //16
.x-small-heading-line-height {
.rem(line-height; @_base-line-height)
.x-small-heading {
// Baseline body text
.body-text-size {
.rem(font-size; @xs-heading); //16
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @body-text); //14
.body-text-line-height {
.rem(line-height; @_base-line-height);
.text-body {
// Fine-print text
.small-text-size {
.rem(font-size; @body-text); //14
@media @sm-mq {
.rem(font-size; @sm-text); //12
.small-text-line-height {
.rem(line-height; (@_base-line-height * 0.75));
.text-small {
// Heading Elements
// --------------------------------------------------
h1 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
h2 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
h3 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
h4 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
// Reset small for major headers.
h1, h2, h3, h4 {
small {
color: @medium-bg-10;
line-height: 1;
h5 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
h6 {
font-family: @header-font-family;
font-weight: @normal-font-weight;
// Text Elements
// --------------------------------------------------
// Address styling not present in IE 9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
abbr[data-original-title] {
.border-bottom(@style: dotted);
cursor: help;
// Prevent certain browsers from italicizing addresses.
address {
display: block;
font-style: normal;
cite {
font-style: normal;
// Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
samp {
font-family: @mono-font-family;
font-size: 1em;
code {
.rem(padding; 2, 4);
background: @accent-bg-40;
color: @medium-fg-40;
// because of the perceived largeness of monospaced font,
// we can't use small-text(), so we'll set manually.
font-size: 80%;
em {
font-style: italic;
// Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
dfn {
font-style: italic;
// Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
hr {
.border(@width: 0);
height: 0;
// Font-family set to allow pre to inherit parent container font
// Overflow set to contain overflow in all browsers.
pre {
font-family: inherit;
overflow: auto;
// Reset terra code element styles
code {
display: block;
// Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
small {
font-size: 85%;
// Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
sup {
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
vertical-align: baseline;
sup {
top: -0.5em;
sub {
bottom: -0.25em;
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