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Created July 28, 2014 18:24
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Attributed String builder for Swift
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
enum StringAttribute {
case List([StringAttribute])
case Font(NSFont)
case BgColor(NSColor)
case FgColor(NSColor)
func append(attr:StringAttribute) -> StringAttribute {
switch (self, attr) {
case let (.List(a), .List(b)):
var temp = a
return .List(temp)
case let (.List(a), _):
return self.append(.List([attr]))
case let (_, .List(b)):
var temp = [self]
return .List(temp)
return .List([self, attr])
private func key() -> NSString {
switch self {
case .Font(_): return NSFontAttributeName
case .BgColor(_): return NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
case .FgColor(_): return NSForegroundColorAttributeName
default: return ""
private func value() -> AnyObject {
switch self {
case let .Font(v): return v
case let .BgColor(v): return v
case let .FgColor(v): return v
default: return ""
private func makeAttribute() -> (String, AnyObject) {
switch self {
case let .Font(v): return (self.key(), v)
case let .BgColor(v): return (self.key(), v)
case let .FgColor(v): return (self.key(), v)
default: return ("", "")
private func makeAttributeDict() -> [String : AnyObject] {
var dict = [String : AnyObject]()
switch self {
case let .List(a):
for x in a {
let (key, val):(String, AnyObject) = x.makeAttribute()
dict[key] = val
case let .Font(f): dict.updateValue(f, forKey: self.key())
case let .BgColor(c): dict.updateValue(c, forKey: self.key())
case let .FgColor(c): dict.updateValue(c, forKey: self.key())
return dict
func build(s:String) -> NSAttributedString {
let dict = self.makeAttributeDict()
return NSAttributedString(string: s, attributes: dict)
@infix func +(lhs:StringAttribute, rhs:StringAttribute) -> StringAttribute {
return lhs.append(rhs)
let attributes = .Font(NSFont(name: "Papyrus", size: 12)) + .BgColor(NSColor.redColor()) + .FgColor(NSColor.greenColor())"this is a string")
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