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Last active September 24, 2021 18:27
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An infinite list of primes, written in Haskell.
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-- The primary task: Compute primes
-- Infinite list of primes
primes = iterate nextPrime 2 where
nextPrime y = head [x | x <- [succ y..], hasNoFactors x]
hasNoFactors x = fromJust $ foldr (<|>) Nothing $ map check primes where
check y
| y*y > x = Just True
| x `mod` y == 0 = Just False
| otherwise = Nothing
-- An application: Prime factorization
-- Infinite list of prime factorizations of x >= 2
allPrimeFactors = [(x,getFactors primes x) | x <- [2..]] where
getFactors (y:ys) x
| y*y > x = [x]
| x `mod` y == 0 = y : (getFactors (y:ys) $ x `quot` y)
| otherwise = getFactors ys x
getFactors _ _ = []
-- Implementation of factorization using mutual recursion
primes2 = map fst $ filter ((== 1) . length . snd) allPrimeFactors2
allPrimeFactors2 = (2,[2]):[(x,getFactors primes2 x) | x <- [3..]] where
getFactors (y:ys) x
| y*y > x = [x]
| x `mod` y == 0 = y : (getFactors (y:ys) $ x `quot` y)
| otherwise = getFactors ys x
getFactors _ _ = []
-- Print the prime factorizations of 2-1000000
main = mapM_ format (take (1000000-1) allPrimeFactors2) where
format (n,fs) = putStrLn $ show n ++ " -> " ++ show fs
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