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Created September 27, 2022 18:29
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Pion H264 write to disk
package main
import (
sdk ""
func innerMain() error {
var session, addr string
flag.StringVar(&addr, "addr", "localhost:5551", "ion-sfu grpc addr")
flag.StringVar(&session, "session", "ion", "join session name")
ffmpeg := exec.Command("ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", "pipe:0", "-pix_fmt", "bgr24", "-f", "matroska", "out.mkv")
ffmpegIn, _ := ffmpeg.StdinPipe()
ffmpegErr, _ := ffmpeg.StderrPipe()
if err := ffmpeg.Start(); err != nil {
return err
go func() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(ffmpegErr)
for scanner.Scan() {
h264Writer := h264writer.NewWith(ffmpegIn)
// new sdk engine
connector := sdk.NewConnector(addr, sdk.ConnectorConfig{SSL: false})
rtc, err := sdk.NewRTC(connector, sdk.RTCConfig{
WebRTC: sdk.WebRTCTransportConfig{
Configuration: webrtc.Configuration{},
if err != nil {
return err
rtc.OnTrack = func(track *webrtc.TrackRemote, receiver *webrtc.RTPReceiver) {
// Send a PLI on an interval so that the publisher is pushing a keyframe every rtcpPLIInterval
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 3)
for range ticker.C {
rtcpSendErr := rtc.GetSubTransport().GetPeerConnection().WriteRTCP([]rtcp.Packet{&rtcp.PictureLossIndication{MediaSSRC: uint32(track.SSRC())}})
if rtcpSendErr != nil {
codecName := strings.Split(track.Codec().RTPCodecCapability.MimeType, "/")[1]
fmt.Printf("Track has started, of type %d: %s \n", track.PayloadType(), codecName)
switch track.Kind() {
case webrtc.RTPCodecTypeAudio:
case webrtc.RTPCodecTypeVideo:
fmt.Printf("Track has started, of type %d: %s \n", track.PayloadType(), track.Codec().RTPCodecCapability.MimeType)
for {
// Read RTP packets being sent to Pion
rtp, _, readErr := track.ReadRTP()
if readErr != nil {
if h264WriterErr := h264Writer.WriteRTP(rtp); h264WriterErr != nil {
fmt.Println("error h264 writer")
err = rtc.Join(session, sdk.RandomKey(4))
if err != nil {
return err
select {}
func main() {
err := innerMain()
if err != nil {
go build -o main && ./main -session dc5b15b7-98df-4fe8-b7df-62d4b03e7d1a
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.727] INFO default: [connector.go:105] [ion-sdk-go.NewConnector] gRPC connected: localhost:5551
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.729] INFO default: [rtc.go:196] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).Join] [C=>S] sid=dc5b15b7-98df-4fe8-b7df-62d4b03e7d1a uid=a9iY
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.729] INFO default: [rtc.go:724] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).SendJoin] [C=>S] [a9iY] sid=dc5b15b7-98df-4fe8-b7df-62d4b03e7d1a
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.730] INFO default: [transport.go:63] [ion-sdk-go.NewTransport.func1] gather candidate done
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] INFO default: [rtc.go:643] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [join] success
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] INFO default: [rtc.go:644] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] payload.Reply.Description=type:"answer" sdp:"v=0\r\no=- 201768069809258948 1664303243 IN IP4\r\ns=-\r\nt=0 0\r\na=fingerprint:sha-256 0F:A3:E0:49:AC:07:33:BE:B1:8D:1C:FA:B1:07:E8:60:32:3E:13:1C:ED:98:04:3F:8B:07:C9:73:65:8D:7F:AC\r\na=ice-lite:ice-lite\r\na=group:BUNDLE 0\r\nm=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel\r\nc=IN IP4\r\na=setup:active\r\na=mid:0\r\na=sendrecv\r\na=sctp-port:5000\r\na=ice-ufrag:tGHuXUWDBVHoPKoL\r\na=ice-pwd:ogJcOcSHbOfSsFhSOeLiAupXFnjGXkUg\r\n"
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:562] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).setRemoteSDP] id=a9iY r.rtc.trickle cand=udp4 host
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:751] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).SendTrickle] [C=>S] [a9iY] candidate=udp4 host target=0
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=PUBLISHER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3937 typ host 0x14000412010 0x14000410008 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.749] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3937 typ host 0x14000412010 0x14000410008 <nil>} target=0
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.750] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=PUBLISHER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3046 typ host 0x140004121b0 0x140004100b0 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.750] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3046 typ host 0x140004121b0 0x140004100b0 <nil>} target=0
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.750] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=PUBLISHER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3038 typ host 0x14000412350 0x14000410150 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:23.750] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3038 typ host 0x14000412350 0x14000410150 <nil>} target=0
ffmpeg version 5.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2022 the FFmpeg developers
built with Apple clang version 13.1.6 (clang-1316.
configuration: --prefix=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/ffmpeg/5.1 --enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-version3 --cc=clang --host-cflags= --host-ldflags= --enable-ffplay --enable-gnutls --enable-gpl --enable-libaom --enable-libbluray --enable-libdav1d --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-librav1e --enable-librist --enable-librubberband --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsrt --enable-libtesseract --enable-libtheora --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvmaf --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-lzma --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-frei0r --enable-libass --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libspeex --enable-libsoxr --enable-libzmq --enable-libzimg --disable-libjack --disable-indev=jack --enable-videotoolbox --enable-neon
libavutil 57. 28.100 / 57. 28.100
libavcodec 59. 37.100 / 59. 37.100
libavformat 59. 27.100 / 59. 27.100
libavdevice 59. 7.100 / 59. 7.100
libavfilter 8. 44.100 / 8. 44.100
libswscale 6. 7.100 / 6. 7.100
libswresample 4. 7.100 / 4. 7.100
libpostproc 56. 6.100 / 56. 6.100
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.004] INFO default: [rtc.go:666] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [description] got offer call s.OnNegotiate sdp={Type:offer SDP:v=0
o=- 7229379359249762665 1664303243 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 15:65:87:B3:A4:6D:BD:EB:5A:B0:58:0D:41:30:1B:52:57:60:EA:FD:6F:B5:55:B5:46:46:27:D1:AB:88:CA:33
a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
a=ssrc:1150482636 cname:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6
a=ssrc:1150482636 msid:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6 b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
a=ssrc:1150482636 mslabel:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6
a=ssrc:1150482636 label:b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
a=msid:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6 b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
a=ssrc:4245273802 cname:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c
a=ssrc:4245273802 msid:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
a=ssrc:4245273802 mslabel:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c
a=ssrc:4245273802 label:b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
a=msid:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
m=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP4
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.007] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:365] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).negotiate] [S=>C] id=a9iY Negotiate sdp={offer v=0
o=- 7229379359249762665 1664303243 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 15:65:87:B3:A4:6D:BD:EB:5A:B0:58:0D:41:30:1B:52:57:60:EA:FD:6F:B5:55:B5:46:46:27:D1:AB:88:CA:33
a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
a=ssrc:1150482636 cname:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6
a=ssrc:1150482636 msid:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6 b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
a=ssrc:1150482636 mslabel:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6
a=ssrc:1150482636 label:b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
a=msid:8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6 b2c27bbb-a389-496c-b17f-0a117c00323f
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
a=ssrc:4245273802 cname:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c
a=ssrc:4245273802 msid:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
a=ssrc:4245273802 mslabel:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c
a=ssrc:4245273802 label:b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
a=msid:f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c b148a2dc-ba4a-4462-8aa2-b64d5e38013b
m=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP4
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] INFO default: [rtc.go:799] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).SendAnswer] [C=>S] [a9iY] sdp={answer v=0
o=- 2164154658656994635 1664303244 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=fingerprint:sha-256 29:98:76:AB:F0:81:CD:70:B4:C0:B4:DD:D9:DA:7D:6B:3A:8A:A9:3A:62:23:12:FA:8E:B7:99:4C:8D:5B:A0:C9
a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 106
c=IN IP4
a=rtpmap:106 H264/90000
a=fmtp:106 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtcp-fb:106 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:106 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:106 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack
a=rtcp-fb:106 nack pli
m=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP4
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=SUBSCRIBER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3294 typ host 0x140002ec570 0x140002f0558 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3294 typ host 0x140002ec570 0x140002f0558 <nil>} target=1
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=SUBSCRIBER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3602 typ host 0x140002ec710 0x140002f0600 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3602 typ host 0x140002ec710 0x140002f0600 <nil>} target=1
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] INFO default: [rtc.go:681] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).onSingalHandle] [a9iY] [trickle] type=SUBSCRIBER candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3925 typ host 0x140002ec8b0 0x140002f06a0 <nil>}
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:344] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).trickle] [S=>C] id=a9iY candidate={candidate:64167094 1 udp 2130706431 3925 typ host 0x140002ec8b0 0x140002f06a0 <nil>} target=1
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.008] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:751] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).SendTrickle] [C=>S] [a9iY] candidate=udp4 host target=0
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.009] INFO default: [transport.go:63] [ion-sdk-go.NewTransport.func1] gather candidate done
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.095] INFO default: [rtc.go:202] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).Join.func1] [S=>C] got track streamId=8614bd5b-3b21-4d50-9ea1-a905fefaf9b6 kind=video ssrc=1150482636
Track has started, of type 106: H264
Track has started, of type 106: video/H264
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.101] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:231] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).Join.func2] [S=>C] id=a9iY [r.sub.pc.OnDataChannel] got dc ion-sfu
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.101] DEBUG default: [rtc.go:233] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).Join.func2] a9iY got dc ion-sfu
[2022-09-27 14:27:24.161] INFO default: [rtc.go:202] [ion-sdk-go.(*RTC).Join.func1] [S=>C] got track streamId=f2db5009-209c-44be-afa7-58013bd5ae1c kind=video ssrc=4245273802
Track has started, of type 106: H264
Track has started, of type 106: video/H264
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 0 referenced
Last message repeated 1 times
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] error while decoding MB 22 6
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] concealing 707 DC, 707 AC, 707 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] dquant out of range (1280) at 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] error while decoding MB 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] concealing 858 DC, 858 AC, 858 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 2 referenced
Input #0, h264, from 'pipe:0':
Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuv420p(progressive), 640x360, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 1200k tbn
Stream mapping:
Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264))
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] error while decoding MB 22 6
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] concealing 707 DC, 707 AC, 707 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] dquant out of range (1280) at 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] error while decoding MB 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] concealing 858 DC, 858 AC, 858 MV errors in P frame
Incompatible pixel format 'bgr24' for codec 'libx264', auto-selecting format 'yuv444p'
[libx264 @ 0x121f04da0] using cpu capabilities: ARMv8 NEON
[libx264 @ 0x121f04da0] profile High 4:4:4 Predictive, level 3.0, 4:4:4, 8-bit
[libx264 @ 0x121f04da0] 264 - core 164 r3095 baee400 - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - Copyleft 2003-2022 - - options: cabac=1 ref=3 deblock=1:0:0 analyse=0x3:0x113 me=hex subme=7 psy=1 psy_rd=1.00:0.00 mixed_ref=1 me_range=16 chroma_me=1 trellis=1 8x8dct=1 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 fast_pskip=1 chroma_qp_offset=4 threads=11 lookahead_threads=1 sliced_threads=0 nr=0 decimate=1 interlaced=0 bluray_compat=0 constrained_intra=0 bframes=3 b_pyramid=2 b_adapt=1 b_bias=0 direct=1 weightb=1 open_gop=0 weightp=2 keyint=250 keyint_min=25 scenecut=40 intra_refresh=0 rc_lookahead=40 rc=crf mbtree=1 crf=23.0 qcomp=0.60 qpmin=0 qpmax=69 qpstep=4 ip_ratio=1.40 aq=1:1.00
Output #0, matroska, to 'out.mkv':
encoder : Lavf59.27.100
Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (H264 / 0x34363248), yuv444p(tv, progressive), 640x360, q=2-31, 25 fps, 1k tbn
encoder : Lavc59.37.100 libx264
Side data:
cpb: bitrate max/min/avg: 0/0/0 buffer size: 0 vbv_delay: N/A
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0 time=00:00:00.00 bitrate=N/A speed= 0x
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65548
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] P sub_mb_type 13 out of range at 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] error while decoding MB 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] concealing 310 DC, 310 AC, 310 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] slice type 32 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] no frame!
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Last message repeated 1 times
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] QP 622050 out of rangetime=00:00:03.16 bitrate= 1.5kbits/s speed=6.14x
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit.
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 0
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] P sub_mb_type 14 out of range at 10 11
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] error while decoding MB 10 11
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] concealing 519 DC, 519 AC, 519 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] no frame!
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal reordering_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] no frame!
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing inputkbits/s speed=3.98x
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Last message repeated 1 times
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 3 referenced:00:08.36 bitrate= 63.6kbits/s speed=2.33x
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] error while decoding MB 19 9
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] concealing 590 DC, 590 AC, 590 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] no frame!
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 117.3kbits/s speed=2.42x
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65634
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Frame num change from 0 to 32241:15.24 bitrate= 137.6kbits/s speed=2.29x
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] deblocking filter parameters -7 0 out of range
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 0
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65540
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] Missing reference picture, default is 65542
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65544
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] mb_type 27 in P slice too large at 20 3
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 20 3
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 829 DC, 829 AC, 829 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65546
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] P sub_mb_type 32 out of range at 11 10
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] error while decoding MB 11 10
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] concealing 558 DC, 558 AC, 558 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65550
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0B time=00:00:16.76 bitrate= 125.1kbits/s speed=2.33x
Last message repeated 1 times
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65560
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65566
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65568
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65574
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 114.5kbits/s speed=2.38x
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65584
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65586
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65602
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65604
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] Missing reference picture, default is 65606
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65608
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65610
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 102.0kbits/s speed= 2.5x
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65616
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65628
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65630
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 91.2kbits/s speed=2.48x
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] Missing reference picture, default is 65678
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65680
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65682
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65688
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Missing reference picture, default is 65690
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] QP 622050 out of rangetime=00:00:23.96 bitrate= 87.5kbits/s speed=2.45x
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal memory management control operation 10
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] slice type 32 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] no frame!
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 14 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] non-existing PPS 14 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 0
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] cbp too large (168) at 12 2
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] error while decoding MB 12 2
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] concealing 877 DC, 877 AC, 877 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65542
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] cbp too large (168) at 12 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] error while decoding MB 12 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] concealing 877 DC, 877 AC, 877 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Last message repeated 1 times
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] cbp too large (52) at 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] error while decoding MB 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] concealing 310 DC, 310 AC, 310 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 2 referenced
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] slice type 32 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] no frame!
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] mb_type -1094995534 in P slice too large at 2 9 75.3kbits/s speed=2.24x
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 2 9
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit.
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 607 DC, 607 AC, 607 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] out of range intra chroma pred mode.68 bitrate= 73.1kbits/s speed=2.21x
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] error while decoding MB 19 9
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] concealing 590 DC, 590 AC, 590 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] no frame!
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal reordering_of_pic_nums_idc 6
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] corrupted macroblock 25 19 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] error while decoding MB 25 19
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] concealing 184 DC, 184 AC, 184 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] reference count 1 overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] slice type 10 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] no frame!
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65550
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] cbp too large (178) at 13 17
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] error while decoding MB 13 17
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] concealing 276 DC, 276 AC, 276 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
Last message repeated 1 times
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Last message repeated 1 times
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] out of range intra chroma pred mode.32 bitrate= 115.5kbits/s speed=2.33x
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] error while decoding MB 16 4
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] concealing 793 DC, 793 AC, 793 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] corrupted macroblock 23 4 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] error while decoding MB 23 4
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] non-existing PPS 3 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] concealing 786 DC, 786 AC, 786 MV errors in P frame
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0B time=00:00:37.00 bitrate= 113.4kbits/s speed= 2.3x
Last message repeated 1 times
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] mb_type -1094995534 in P slice too large at 2 9 96.8kbits/s speed=2.32x
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 2 9
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 607 DC, 607 AC, 607 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 14 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] non-existing PPS 14 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] dquant out of range (1280) at 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] error while decoding MB 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] concealing 858 DC, 858 AC, 858 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] P sub_mb_type 32 out of range at 12 11
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 12 11
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 517 DC, 517 AC, 517 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal reordering_of_pic_nums_idc 6
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65548
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] P sub_mb_type 13 out of range at 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] error while decoding MB 19 16
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] concealing 310 DC, 310 AC, 310 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] reference count 1 overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] slice type 10 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] negative number of zero coeffs at 31 20
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] error while decoding MB 31 20
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] concealing 138 DC, 138 AC, 138 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 2 referenced:00:43.88 bitrate= 95.6kbits/s speed=2.28x
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] slice type 32 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] no frame!
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Last message repeated 1 times
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] out of range intra chroma pred mode.56 bitrate= 86.4kbits/s speed=2.28x
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] error while decoding MB 22 6
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] concealing 707 DC, 707 AC, 707 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] cbp too large (54) at 19 14
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 19 14
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 390 DC, 390 AC, 390 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] QP 622050 out of range
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] dquant out of range (4096) at 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] error while decoding MB 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Frame num change from 4 to 8737
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] concealing 858 DC, 858 AC, 858 MV errors in P frame
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0B time=00:00:50.16 bitrate= 83.6kbits/s speed=2.29x
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] corrupted macroblock 27 3 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] error while decoding MB 27 3
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] concealing 822 DC, 822 AC, 822 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] error while decoding MB 0 0
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] concealing 920 DC, 920 AC, 920 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] mb_type 57 in P slice too large at 32 11
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 32 11
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 497 DC, 497 AC, 497 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal reordering_of_pic_nums_idc 6
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Last message repeated 2 times
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] mb_type -1094995534 in P slice too large at 2 9 115.8kbits/s speed=2.22x
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 2 9
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 607 DC, 607 AC, 607 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] slice type 32 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] dquant out of range (1280) at 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] error while decoding MB 31 2
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] concealing 858 DC, 858 AC, 858 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] top block unavailable for requested intra mode -1
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] error while decoding MB 0 0
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] concealing 920 DC, 920 AC, 920 MV errors in I frame
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] error while decoding MB 12 12
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] concealing 477 DC, 477 AC, 477 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] non-existing PPS 1 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] P sub_mb_type 27 out of range at 18 15 bitrate= 112.9kbits/s speed=2.23x
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] error while decoding MB 18 15
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] concealing 351 DC, 351 AC, 351 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65550
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] P sub_mb_type 27 out of range at 18 15
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] error while decoding MB 18 15
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] concealing 351 DC, 351 AC, 351 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65550
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] corrupted macroblock 25 19 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] error while decoding MB 25 19
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] concealing 184 DC, 184 AC, 184 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] reference count 1 overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] slice type 10 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] no frame!
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
Last message repeated 2 times
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 111.0kbits/s speed=2.22x
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65572
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65596
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] corrupted macroblock 13 14 (total_coeff=-1)ate= 100.0kbits/s speed=2.28x
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] error while decoding MB 13 14
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] non-existing PPS 2 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] concealing 396 DC, 396 AC, 396 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit.
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 0
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Missing reference picture, default is 65540
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65542
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] P sub_mb_type 6 out of range at 27 10
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] error while decoding MB 27 10
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Frame num change from 3 to 8737
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] concealing 542 DC, 542 AC, 542 MV errors in P frame
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] out of range intra chroma pred mode
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] error while decoding MB 12 12
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] concealing 477 DC, 477 AC, 477 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] illegal reordering_of_pic_nums_idc 6
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] illegal modification_of_pic_nums_idc 6
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65548
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Missing reference picture, default is 65550
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0B time=00:01:04.08 bitrate= 98.2kbits/s speed=2.28x
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing input
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65560
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65562
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65564
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65566
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 96.6kbits/s speed=2.27x
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65588
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65590
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] Missing reference picture, default is 65592
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65594
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65600
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 93.8kbits/s speed= 2.3x
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65618
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65636
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 92.4kbits/s speed=2.29x
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] Missing reference picture, default is 65646
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65648
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] Missing reference picture, default is 65650
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] Missing reference picture, default is 65652
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65654
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65660
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65672
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 90.3kbits/s speed=2.31x
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] Missing reference picture, default is 65692
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Missing reference picture, default is 65694
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65696
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] reference picture missing during reorderitrate= 89.2kbits/s speed=2.29x
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Missing reference picture, default is 65708
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] corrupted macroblock 23 1 (total_coeff=-1)
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] error while decoding MB 23 1
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] A non-intra slice in an IDR NAL unit.
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] concealing 906 DC, 906 AC, 906 MV errors in I frame
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] Missing reference picture, default is 65538
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Missing reference picture, default is 65540
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] negative number of zero coeffs at 0 1
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] error while decoding MB 0 1
[h264 @ 0x121e373f0] concealing 920 DC, 920 AC, 920 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] reference count 3 overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference count overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] mb_type 38 in P slice too large at 14 11
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] error while decoding MB 14 11
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] Frame num change from 4 to 7101
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e49e90] concealing 515 DC, 515 AC, 515 MV errors in P frame
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] cbp too large (52) at 16 7
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] error while decoding MB 16 7
[h264 @ 0x121e533e0] concealing 673 DC, 673 AC, 673 MV errors in P frame
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] non-existing PPS 4 referenced
[h264 @ 0x121e055b0] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e11eb0] Missing reference picture, default is 65548
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] P sub_mb_type 13 out of range at 23 17
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] error while decoding MB 23 17
[h264 @ 0x121e1b400] concealing 266 DC, 266 AC, 266 MV errors in P frame
[NULL @ 0x121f04480] reference count 1 overflow
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] slice type 10 too large at 0
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] decode_slice_header error
[h264 @ 0x121e24950] no frame!
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] Frame num change from 8 to 11023
[h264 @ 0x121e2dea0] decode_slice_header error
Error while decoding stream #0:0: Invalid data found when processing inputkbits/s speed=2.29x
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] reference picture missing during reorder
[h264 @ 0x121e40940] Missing reference picture, default is 65554
pipe:0: corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
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