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Created April 15, 2019 04:33
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[sieve-factorization] Attempt to do prime factorization using JVM array of smallest prime factors
(ns numthy.factorization
(:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as tower]
[numthy.helpers :as h]))
(defn spf-sieve
;; Adapted from
(let [^ints sieve (int-array n (range n))
upper-bound (h/isqrt n)]
(loop [p 2] ;; p's are the bases
(if (> p upper-bound) sieve
(when (= p (aget sieve p))
(loop [i (* 2 p)] ;; i's are the multiples of p
(when (< i n)
(aset sieve i (min (aget sieve i) p))
(recur (+ i p)))))
(recur (inc p)))))))
(defn primes-to
(->> (spf-sieve n)
(keep-indexed (fn [i x] (when (= i x) i)))
(drop 2)
(into [])))
(let [n 659119 ;5394992290384 exceeds Java int limit
sieve (spf-sieve (inc n))]
(loop [n n d (aget sieve n) fs (sorted-set)]
(if (= 1 d) fs
(let [f (/ n d)]
(recur f (aget sieve f) (conj fs d)))))))
(ns numthy.helpers)
(defn isqrt
"floor(√n). When incremented, provides an upper bound for factorization."
;; Java interop is super fast but not accurate for n > 1E24 (approx) due to
;; floating-point rounding. Uses a slightly slower but pinpoint-precise method for n > 1E24.
(if (< n 1E24)
(-> (Math/sqrt n) bigint)
(let [half-bit-length (quot (.bitLength (bigint n)) 2)]
(loop [a (tower/expt 2 half-bit-length)
b a
c (*' a a)]
(zero? b) a
(> c n) (recur (-' a b) (quot b 2) (+ c (*' -2 a b) (*' b b)))
:else (recur (+' a b) (quot b 2) (+ c (*' 2 a b) (*' b b))))))))
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