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Created September 7, 2012 09:39
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NextGen Pictures to Octopress (Fancybox/Photo-tag plugin)
# Script converts the Wordpress NextGen images syntax in posts to
# Octopress markdown, Fancybox and Photo-Tag plugin syntax.
# Requires Text::CSV
# Image::Size
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
use Getopt::Long; # Handling parameters
Getopt::Long::Configure ('bundling');
use Image::Size; # use Image::Magick;
use Text::CSV; # Handling CSV database exports
use File::Basename; # Filename handling
use POSIX;
use warnings;
# Local hash for imagedata
our ($imagereplacetag, %allimagedata);
print "\n";
sub usage { # Routine prints the Syntax
print "Syntax:
script: -i|inputfile <input.markdown>
[-f|format o|f|t]
[-e|fancyboxeffect a|b|c|d]
-s|idsource <wp_ngg_pictures.csv>
-g|gallery <wp_ngg_gallery.csv>
[-w|fbwidth <thumbnailwidth>]
[-h|fbheight <thumbnailheight>]
[-c|content /path/to/wp-content]
[-t|title on|off] [-a|alttext on|off] [-o|outputfolder /path/to/output/folder]
sub help { # Subroutine prints help text
print "Help:
-i|inputfile Defines the markdown inputfile containing the old NGG syntax that needs to be converted.
-f|format Defines the output format: Either for Octopress (default), f for Fancybox or t for Tritargets Fancybox Plugin.
-e|fbeffect Specifies the Fancybox effect for the images, Values are a,b,c and d. Neccessary option when
parameter -f has been set to the value 'f'
-w|fbwidht Specifies the maximum width for the thumbnail pics for Fancybox, default is 250px.
-h|fbheight Specifies the maximum height for the thumbnail pics for Fancybox, default is 250px.
-s|idsource Defines the inputfile exported from NGG gallery, usally \"wp_ngg_pictures.csv\".
-g|gallery Defines the inputfile from the NGG gallery, usally \"wp_ngg_gallery.csv\"
-c|content* Defines the root path to the image folder for determining additional parameters like side-ratio, etc.
e.g.: ~/bilder when 'bilder' contains 'wp-content/'
-t|title* Disable/Enable to set the image title for Octopress. Default: on
-a|alttext* Disable/Enable to activate the alt-text for the Octopress images. Default: on.
-o|outputfolder* Folder for output of the changed files, Default: Screen. Folder must exist.
-h|help* Print out this help.
* Optional parameter
# Sub returns Image dimensions
sub getImageFileData {
my $pathImageFile = $_[0];
my $imageattribute = $_[1];
($globe_x, $globe_y) = imgsize($pathImageFile); # Get the size of the Image
if ($imageattribute eq 'height') {
return $globe_y;
} elsif ($imageattribute eq 'width' ) {
return $globe_x;
} else {
print "Error, wrong parameter $imageattribute in sub 'getImageFileData'.";
exit 1;
# Routine searches the idsource files for the image id and returns
# filepath, galleryid, imagefilename, image titel, image date
# This will be used for building the Tag for Octopress later.
sub getImageData {
my $imageid = $_[0];
my %getallimagedata; # Local Hash variable
my $csv = Text::CSV->new({sep_char => ';'}); # New Object with ; as delimiter
# Set Filehandle position back to the beginning - just in case (otherwise a second run would fail!)
while (my $inputfile = <INPUTIMAGECSV>) { # Get the Filename and GalleryID (for the path) from the ID file
if ($csv->parse($inputfile)) {
my @columns = $csv->fields();
if ( $columns[0] eq $imageid ) { # add data to hash getallimagedata
$getallimagedata{'imagename'} = $columns[4];
$getallimagedata{'imageid'} = $columns[0];
$getallimagedata{'imagegalleryid'} = $columns[3];
$getallimagedata{'imagetiteltext'} = $columns[5];
$getallimagedata{'imagealttext'} = $columns[7];
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
my $err_diag = $csv->error_diag;
die "Image datafile error.\n Failed to parse line: $err\n Make sure you're using utf8-encoded csv file from database export.\n$err_diag";
# Set Filehandle position back to the beginning - just in case
while (my $inputfile = <INPUTGALLERYCSV>) { # Get the path from the gallery file
if ($csv->parse($inputfile)) {
my @columns = $csv->fields();
if ( $columns[0] eq $getallimagedata{'imagegalleryid'} ){
$getallimagedata{'imagepath'} = $columns[3];
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
die "Gallery datafile error.\n Failed to parse line: $err\n Make sure you're using utf8-encoded csv file from database export.";
return %getallimagedata;
# Readin all parameters.
# If one is unknown, print out and exit. <--- missing
$result = GetOptions (
'i|inputfile=s' => \$inputfile,
's|sourceid=s' => \$idsource,
'g|gallery=s' => \$inputgallery,
'c|content=s' => \$pathimagefolder,
't|title=s' => \$imagetitleswitch,
'a|alttext=s' => \$imagealttextswitch,
'o|outputfolder=s' => \$pathoutputfolder,
'f|format=s' => \$imageoutputformat,
'e|fbeffect=s' => \$imagefancyboxeffect,
'w|fbwidth=s' => \$imageFancyboxThumbMaxWidth,
'h|fbheight=s' => \$imageFancyboxThumbMaxHeight
if (! $result ){
die "Error: Problem reading parameter.\n";
if ( ! defined $inputfile || ! defined $idsource || ! defined $inputgallery) { # Check the mandatory parameters
print "Not enough parameter specified. Abort.\n";
print usage;
exit 1;
my $success = open MARKDOWNINPUT, '<:encoding(utf8)', "$inputfile"; # Open the inputfile
if (! $success ){
print "Error: can't find file: $inputfile\n";
exit 1;
$success = open INPUTIMAGECSV, '<:encoding(utf8)', "$idsource"; # Open idsource files
if (! $success ){
print "Error: can't find file: $idsource\n";
exit 1;
$success = open INPUTGALLERYCSV, '<encoding(utf8)', "$inputgallery"; # Open Gallerysource files
if (! $success ){
print "Error: can't find file: $inputgallery\n";
exit 1;
if ( defined $pathimagefolder && ! -d $pathimagefolder ) { # Check if image folder exists if specified
print "Error: Imagefolder doesn't exist!\n";
exit 1;
if ( defined $pathoutputfolder && ! -d $pathoutputfolder ){
die "Error: Outputfolder '$pathoutputfolder' doesn't exist.\n Use parameter -o|output to specify the path to a valid folder. Script stopped.\n\n";
( (defined $imageFancyboxThumbMaxHeight) && ( isdigit $imageFancyboxThumbMaxHeight) && ($allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} = $imageFancyboxThumbMaxHeight) );
( (defined $imageFancyboxThumbMaxWidth) && (isdigit $imageFancyboxThumbMaxWidth) && ($allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'} = $imageFancyboxThumbMaxWidth) );
if ( ! $imagetitleswitch eq 'off' ) { # Set Image titel tag or not. Default: on
$imagetitleswitch = 'on';
if ( ! $imagealttextswitch eq 'off' ) {
$imagealttextswitch = 'on';
# Fancybox output formats and calculations.
if ( defined $imageoutputformat && $imageoutputformat eq "f") {
# Needs to get the format for the fancyboxeffect.
die "No Fancybox effect specified. Use parameter -e to set it to a,b,c or d."
unless (defined $imagefancyboxeffect);
if ( $imagefancyboxeffect =~ m/^[a-d]{1}$/i ) {
$allimagedata{'fbeffect'} = $imagefancyboxeffect;
} else {
$allimagedata{'fbeffect'} = 'a'; # Default effect
# Workaround since $allimagedata{fbeffect} doesn't show up in the while-loop. Wonder why
our $fbeffectselect = $allimagedata{'fbeffect'};
} elsif ( defined $imageoutputformat && $imageoutputformat eq "t") {
$imageoutputformat = 't';
} else {
$imageoutputformat = 'o';
while (<MARKDOWNINPUT>) { # Read the Markdown input file ##### START ####
$line = $_; # Search for NGG gallery insert tags in $_
while ($line =~ /(\[(?<singleimage>singlepic ([^\]])+) \])/ix) {
my @fields = split / /, $+{singleimage}; # Split the singlepic-string
foreach (@fields) { # Uses $_
my @string = split /=/, $_; # $_ comes from foreach!!!
if ($string[0] eq "h") { # found height
$allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'} = $string[1];
} elsif ($string[0] eq "id") { # found image id
%allimagedata = (%allimagedata,getImageData($string[1])); # Hash needs to be extended to keep the current values
} elsif ($string[0] eq "w") { # found image width
$allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'} = $string[1];
} elsif ($string[0] eq "float") { # found image floating parameter
$allimagedata{'imagefloat'} = $string[1];
# If the local file is available, gather the image information and calculate missing parameters.
if ( -e $pathimagefolder.$allimagedata{'imagepath'}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'} ) {
$allimagedata{'imagefileheight'} .= getImageFileData($pathimagefolder.$allimagedata{'imagepath'}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'},'height');
$allimagedata{'imagefilewidth'} .= getImageFileData($pathimagefolder.$allimagedata{'imagepath'}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'},'width');
# If in the original post the image dimensions have been altered and not both are available, take the available one
# and calulate the other one
if ( (! defined $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'}) && (defined $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'}) && (defined $allimagedata{'imagefileheight'}) ) {
$allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'} = int($allimagedata{'imagefilewidth'} / ($allimagedata{'imagefileheight'} / $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'}));
if (( ! defined $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'} ) && ( defined $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'} ) && ( defined $allimagedata{'imagefilewidth'} ) ) {
$allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'} = int($allimagedata{'imagefileheight'} / ($allimagedata{'imagefilewidth'} / $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'}));
## START THUMBNAIL CALCULATIONS ####################################################
# If Fancybox is the defined output, we need to calculate the thumbnails based on the information we have from the Nexgen-image string
# Thumbnails have max-size as used in the post, if not available set to default (250)
## Defaults
# Debug
#print "Incoming:\n";
#print "fbthumbmaxheight: $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}\n";
#print "markdownimageheight: $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'}\n";
#print "fbthumbmaxwidth: $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}\n";
#print "markdownimagewidth: $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'}\n";
# If Thumbnailsize has been defined, overwrite the markdown input
## Width overwrites height, reset height if width available
((defined $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}) && ($allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} = '' ));
( (! defined $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}) && ($allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'} = $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'}) );
( (! defined $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}) && ($allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} = $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'}) );
# Write the replacement tag
if ( (defined $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}) && ( ! $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} eq '' ) ) {
# print "i'm here: \"$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}\" \n";
$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} = "height=\"".$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}."\"";
} else {
$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'} = '';
if ( ( defined $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}) && ( ! $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'} eq '' ) ) {
$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'} = "width=\"".$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}."\"";
} else {
$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'} = '';
## END THUMBNAIL CALCULATIONS ####################################################
# Debug
#print "Outgoing:\n";
#print "fbthumbmaxheight: $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}\n";
#print "markdownimageheight: $allimagedata{'markdownimageheight'}\n";
#print "fbthumbmaxwidth: $allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}\n";
#print "markdownimagewidth: $allimagedata{'markdownimagewidth'}\n";
# If Imagetitel or ImageAltText has been set off, switch it off!
if ($imagealttextswitch eq 'off') {
$allimagedata{'imagealttext'} = '';
} else {
$allimagedata{'imagealttext'} = "$allimagedata{'imagename'}, $allimagedata{'imagealttext'}";
if ($imagetitleswitch eq 'off') {
$allimagedata{'imagetiteltext'} = '';
# Construct image replacement tag
## Standard Octopress output format
($imageoutputformat eq "o") && ($imagereplacetag = "{% img $allimagedata{imagefloat} $allimagedata{imagepath}/$allimagedata{imagename} $allimagedata{markdownimagewidth} $allimagedata{markdownimageheight} \"$allimagedata{imagetiteltext}\" \"$allimagedata{imagealttext}\" %}");
# Fancybox output format
( ($imageoutputformat eq 'f') &&
($allimagedata{'imagefloat'} = " align=\"".$allimagedata{'imagefloat'}."\"") &&
($imagereplacetag = "<a class=\"fancybox-effects-".$fbeffectselect."\" href=\"".$allimagedata{'imagepath'}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'}."\" title=\"".$allimagedata{'imagetiteltext'}."\"><img src=\"".$allimagedata{'imagepath'}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'}."\" alt=\"".$allimagedata{'imagealttext'}."\"".$allimagedata{'imagefloat'}." ".$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxheight'}." ".$allimagedata{'fbthumbmaxwidth'}."/></a>") );
# Tritargets output format (photo-tag)
($imageoutputformat eq 't') && ($imagereplacetag = "{% photo ".$allimagedata{imagepath}."/".$allimagedata{'imagename'}." default ".$allimagedata{'imagetiteltext'}." %}");
# Replace the tag
$line =~ s/(\[(?<singleimage>singlepic ([^\]])+) \])/$imagereplacetag/ix;
$OUTPUTFILE .= $line
# After all those changes, if an outputpath is specified, drop the file there
# otherwise put it on the screen
if ( ! defined $pathoutputfolder) {
} else {
my $nameoutputfile = basename($inputfile);
$success = open MARKDOWOUTPUT, '>:encoding(utf8)', $pathoutputfolder.$nameoutputfile; # Open the inputfile
if (! $success ){
die "Error: can't create file: $inputfile for output.\n";
} else {
# Closing files
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