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Created November 22, 2012 07:31
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# @(#) mutt_bgrun $Revision: 1.4 $
# mutt_bgrun - run an attachment viewer from mutt in the background
# Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Gary A. Johnson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# mutt_bgrun viewer [viewer options] file
# Mutt invokes external attachment viewers by writing the
# attachment to a temporary file, executing the pipeline specified
# for that attachment type in the mailcap file, waiting for the
# pipeline to terminate, writing nulls over the temporary file,
# then deleting it. This causes problems when using graphical
# viewers such as qvpview and acroread to view attachments.
# If qvpview, for example, is executed in the foreground, the mutt
# user interface is hung until qvpview exits, so the user can't do
# anything else with mutt until he or she finishes reading the
# attachment and exits qvpview. This is especially annoying when
# a message contains several MS Office attachments--one would like
# to have them all open at once.
# If qvpview is executed in the background, it must be given
# enough time to completely read the file before returning control
# to mutt, since mutt will then obliterate the file. Qvpview is
# so slow that this time can exceed 20 seconds, and the bound is
# unknown. So this is again annoying.
# The solution provided here is to invoke the specified viewer
# from this script after first copying mutt's temporary file to
# another temporary file. This script can then quickly return
# control to mutt while the viewer can take as much time as it
# needs to read and render the attachment.
# To use qvpview to view MS Office attachments from mutt, add the
# following lines to mutt's mailcap file.
# application/msword; mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
# application/; mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
# application/; mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
# Gary A. Johnson
# <>
# My thanks to the people who have commented on this script and
# offered solutions to shortcomings and bugs, especially Edmund
# GRIMLEY EVANS <> and Andreas Somogyi
# <>.
# Check the arguments first.
if [ "$#" -lt "2" ]
echo "usage: $prog viewer [viewer options] file" >&2
exit 1
# Separate the arguments. Assume the first is the viewer, the last is
# the file, and all in between are options to the viewer.
while [ "$#" -gt "1" ]
options="$options $1"
# Create a temporary directory for our copy of the temporary file.
# This is more secure than creating a temporary file in an existing
# directory.
umask 077
mkdir "$tmpdir" || exit 1
# Copy mutt's temporary file to our temporary directory so that we can
# let mutt overwrite and delete it when we exit.
cp "$file" "$tmpfile"
# Run the viewer in the background and delete the temporary files when done.
"$viewer" $options "$tmpfile"
rm -f "$tmpfile"
rmdir "$tmpdir"
) &
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