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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Validating acyclic graphs

Alexis King and I were building an inventory management system for a Widget factory. In the warehouse they have a variety of containers that can hold either widgets or other containers. We needed to provide an inventory management system for the warehouse manager to keep track of the whereabouts of each container and widget. Here's how it needed to work:

  1. Manager logs into the inventory management system
  2. Manager navigates to the show view for an Inventory Location (i.e. a warehouse)
  3. Manager clicks on manage containers
  4. From this form the Manager can specify the location of Containers using a drag and drop style interface.

So based on these requirements we know that a Container should belong_to :parent_container and inversely have_many :child_containers:

class Container < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :inventory_location
  belongs_to :parent_container, class_name: 'Container', foreign_key: :container_id
  has_many :child_containers, class_name: 'Container', foreign_key: :container_id

Sounds great so far! Wait, one problem is we want to make sure that a warehouse manager can't define a cyclic relationship of containers. Container A can not be inside of container B if container B is already inside of container A. Sounds obvious but finding a way to validate that for any case turns out to be a little complicated. Luckily we don't need to figure that out because Robert Tarjan already did and Ruby makes it available in the TSort module. This is the same module that Bundler uses to resolve dependancies in a Gemfile. If it's good enough for Bundler it should be good enough for this!

We don't really need all the functionality of the TSort module but if we include it in our model and call it's #tsort method, we'll conveniently raise a TSort::Cyclic error if any closed loops exist in the tree! Great.

class InventoryLocation < ActiveRecord::Base
  include TSort

  has_many :containers

  validate :acyclic


  def acyclic
  rescue TSort::Cyclic
    errors.add(:base, 'Creates cyclic container relationship')

  def tsort_each_node(&block)

  def tsort_each_child(container, &block)

Now the problem is we want to interact with a tree of Containers but when we modify their relationship we need to check if the validity of the change through the InventoryLocation and it has to be checked after the update. We can solve part of the problem by wrapping the update and the check for validity in a transaction. I would be pretty essential that we enforce that that transaction happen anytime someone tries to add a container to another container. We can accomplish that with an extension to the collection proxy like so:

module ValidateAcyclicInventoryLocation
  def with_location_validation
    transaction do
      owner = proxy_association.owner
      location = owner.inventory_location.reload
      return true if location.valid?

      location.errors.full_messages_for(:base).each do |error|
        owner.errors.add(:base, error)

  def <<(value)
    with_location_validation { super(value) }

Then we can mix that extension into the has_many relationship on Container:

class Container < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :inventory_location
  belongs_to :parent_container, class_name: 'Container', foreign_key: :container_id
    (-> { extending ValidateAcyclicInventoryLocation }),
    class_name: 'Container',
    foreign_key: :container_id
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jdwolk commented Jul 15, 2015

    (-> { extending ValidateAcyclicInventoryLocation }),
    class_name: 'Container',
    foreign_key: :container_id

Huh didn't know extending was a thing

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jdwolk commented Jul 15, 2015

K now I'm done commenting 😝

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@jdwolk ok I'll make the rest of changes in my repo thanks

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