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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Rubocop config
EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
Max: 80
# When using conditionals in assignment, the `end` should align with the
# beginning of the variable, not the `if`
AlignWith: variable
# We don't enforce naming conventions on single line block params
Enabled: false
# This one barfs on class DSLs that wrap, like so:
# delegate :blah, :blah, :blah
# to: :blah
# and we tend to do that a lot.
# There's a hash alignment one that barfs on similar uses where the method takes
# an options hash. We should probably start using our regular method call style
# rules whether its called in the class or on an instance.
# TODO: Need to add an option that doesn't offend on Class DSLs
Enabled: false
Enabled: false
# We leave dots on the end of the line when chaining across lines
# Tried to use the `trailing` config for this but it was complaining
# about things like the last line of a multiline method call: `).transfer`
# TODO: Looks like `trailing` is too finicky to use right now
Enabled: false
# Style: trailing
# TODO: Temporarily disabled during transition to avoid refactoring overhead
Enabled: false
# TODO: Temporarily disabled during transition to avoid refactoring overhead
Enabled: false
# TODO: This might be a good one to add back in at some point?
# * If we consider adding this, do some experimentation to see what length is
# good for us.
# * Start with this on in a new project, when you hit the violation check if
# the offending code actually has too many concerns. If not, bump the max
Enabled: false
# Was offending when the method was aliasing, not a simple attr_reader
# See InitialTrayRequestsController::Creator#new_user?
Enabled: false
# % syntax for string interpolation is nifty, why not use it?
Enabled: false
# Why use `fail` instead of `raise`?
Enabled: false
# I am in favor of assignment in condition. Up for discussion.
Enabled: false
# Not a part of our coding conventions
Enabled: false
# This was offending for a custom method called `collect` not on an `Enumerable`
Enabled: false
# Cuz we don't use any fancy characters anyway + we're moving to Ruby 2.0
Enabled: false
# I just don't care so much about clean specs.. Like short methods and short lines
- spec/** # TODO: Can we exclude this only from certain cops?
- config/**
- bin/**
- db/**
- script/**
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