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Last active January 27, 2022 21:31
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.lines
from matplotlib.artist import allow_rasterization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class MatplotlibException(Exception):
class InvalidDatasource(MatplotlibException, ValueError):
class SimpleSource:
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._data = {k: np.asanyarray(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} = {k: {"ndim": v.ndim, "dtype": v.dtype} for k, v in self._data.items()}
def get(self, keys, ax=None, renderer=None):
return {k: self._data[k] for k in keys}
class DFSource:
def __init__(self, df, **kwargs):
self._remapping = kwargs
self._data = df = {k: {"ndim": 1, "dtype": df[v].dtype} for k, v in kwargs.items()}
def get(self, keys, ax, renderer):
return {k: self._data[self._mapping[k]] for k in keys}
class FuncSource1D:
def __init__(self, func):
self._func = func = {"x": {"ndim": 1, "dtype": float}, "y": {"ndim": 1, "dtype": float}}
def get(self, keys, ax, renderer):
assert set(keys) == set(
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
bbox = ax.get_window_extent(renderer)
xpixels = bbox.width
x = np.linspace(*xlim, xpixels)
return {"x": x, "y": self._func(x)}
class DSLine2D(matplotlib.lines.Line2D):
def __init__(self, DS, **kwargs):
if not all(k in for k in ("x", "y")):
raise InvalidDatasource
self._DS = DS
super().__init__([], [], **kwargs)
def draw(self, renderer):
data = self._DS.get({"x", "y"}, self.axes, renderer)
super().set_data(data["x"], data["y"])
return super().draw(renderer)
ax = plt.gca()
DS = SimpleSource(x=np.linspace(0, 10, 100), y=np.sin(np.linspace(0, 10, 100)))
DS2 = FuncSource1D(lambda x: np.cos(x) + 1)
dsl = DSLine2D(DS, color="red")
dsl2 = DSLine2D(DS2, color="blue")
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we should maybe talk to @shoyer about how xarray does this? They've apparently got a super clean model under the hood...
And I'm thinking for many users the datasource stuff will get hidden in @process_data?

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I suspect we will want an easy way to wrap an xarray, but I am not sure that xarray can be the whole data model (as I am not sure how to fit things like the function source into it).

I could see expecting the source to provide a dict-of-arrays alike (ex pandas or xarray) back from the get call (instead of the artists calling them n times)?

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Not so much xarray as data model, more stealing ideas from their architecture (same really with dask on some of the functional ideas)

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ianhi commented Jan 27, 2022

for simple indexing of an array

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set
from numbers import Integral
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
class ArraySource1D:
    def __init__(self, array, scale=1) -> None:
        self._arr = array
        self._scale = scale
        if hasattr(self._arr, "vindex"):
            # account for zarr
            self._indexer = self._arr.vindex
            self._indexer = self._arr = {"x": {"ndim": 1, "dtype": float}, "y": {"ndim": 1, "dtype": float}}

    def scale(self) -> int:
        return self.scale

    def scale(self, value: int):
        if not isinstance(value, Integral):
            raise TypeError(f"scale must be integer values but is type {type(value)}")
        self._scale = value

    def get(self, keys: Set[str], ax: Axes, renderer):
        xlim = ax.get_xlim()
        xmin = np.max([int(xlim[0]), 0])
        xmax = np.max([int(xlim[1]), 0])
        x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, self._scale)

        return {"x": x, "y": self._indexer[x]}

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