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Last active February 12, 2024 06:11
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Host matching in blueprints at reg time + free static endpoint creation

What This Does

Let's say you want to serve 2 domains, and, from the same app (i.e., using host matching). You also want your static assets for each domain to be served from those domains, e.g., and You can almost achieve this in Flask, but not quite.

This code extends Flask's Blueprint class to make registering hostnames onto a blueprint painless and ensure static assets appear to be served from the appropriate hostname.

Default Flask Behaviour

By default, Flask supports host matching at the app-level by passing host_matching=True and a hostname for static_host when initializing the app. However, there are drawbacks to the current support, especially when using blueprints:

  1. To match all routes on a blueprint to a host, you must pass the host parameter to every route decorator for that blueprint.
  2. The app's static files will always be served from the static_host, and trying to override the blueprint static_folder produces some undefined behaviour. Even when you try to override static_url_path using a secondary hostname, at best you'll be stuck with absolute paths.

What This Accomplishes

With the above Blueprint and BlueprintSetupState classes, you can do the following:

  • Register a host parameter at blueprint registration time. This applies the parameter to every route on that blueprint without anything extra in your code. It works with url_prefix
  • Automatically get a blueprint static endpoint that generates a URL relative to the blueprint's hostname. By default, this will map to the app static folder—i.e., /static/foo.jpg would be available to be served by both and So, there is no actual separation of the static assets. If you want to separate your assets, you can still pass static_folder when instantiating the Blueprint option. Again, this will result in relative static URL paths being generated.
from flask.blueprints import (
Blueprint as FlaskBlueprint,
BlueprintSetupState as FlaskBlueprintSetupState,
class BlueprintSetupState(FlaskBlueprintSetupState):
"""Adds the ability to set a host matching parameter on all routes when registering the blueprint."""
def __init__(self, blueprint, app, options, first_registration):
super().__init__(blueprint, app, options, first_registration)
host = self.options.get("host")
if host is None:
host = = host
# This creates a 'blueprint_name.static' endpoint.
# The location of the static folder is shared with the app static folder,
# but all static resources will be served via the blueprint's hostname.
if app.url_map.host_matching and not self.blueprint.has_static_folder:
url_prefix = self.url_prefix
self.url_prefix = None
self.url_prefix = url_prefix
def add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, **options):
# Ensure that every route registered by this blueprint has the host parameter
super().add_url_rule(rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
class Blueprint(FlaskBlueprint):
def make_setup_state(self, app, options, first_registration=False):
return BlueprintSetupState(self, app, options, first_registration)
from flask import Flask, url_for
from .blueprints import Blueprint
bp_foo = Blueprint('foo', __name__)
bp_bar = Blueprint('bar', __name__)
def hello():
# Outputs /static/foo.jpg
return url_for("foo.static", filename="foo.jpg")
def world():
# Outputs /static/bar.jpg
return url_for("bar.static", filename="bar.jpg")
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__, static_host="", host_matching=True)
app.register_blueprint(bp_foo, host="", url_prefix='/')
app.register_blueprint(bp_bar, host="", url_prefix='/')
return app
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