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Created April 7, 2019 14:44
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Kotlin Workshop

Kotlin Workshop

  • Advantages over java

    • no boilperate
  • Origin of Kotlin

    • By jetbrains

    • Prgmatic, Concise, Safe and Interoperatable

    • Better functional support than java8

    • Kotlin is more about getting the things done

    • Not religious about functional programming

    • Kotlin is 'better' java

    • Well suited to write DSL

  • Basics

    • val is immutable and var is immutable

    • Static typing with type inference

    • Language brevity like multiple constructors

fun main(args: Array) {
    var numbers = arrayOf(1,2,3,4,5)
    var sum = 0
    for (i in numbers)


Default Arguments and named parameters

fun fullName(firstName: String = "bob", secondName: String=""): String {
     return "$firstName $secondName"

fun main(args: Array) {
    fullName(firstName= "John", secondName= "Doe")


fun lengthOfNullable(s: String?): Int? = s?.length ?:0

fun main() {

?:0 LVS operator


fun whenDemo(obj: Any){
        1 -> println("One")
        2,4 -> println("Two or Four")
        in 6..10 -> println("Between 6 and 10")
        is String -> println("A string with length ${obj.length}")
        is List<*> -> println(obj)
        else -> println("Something else")
fun main(args: Array) {
    whenDemo(listOf("one", "two"))

Code smells

  • feature envy

    • Move to proper class
  • Replace temp with query

  • Inline Variables

  • Long method

  • Perfomence tradeoffs

  • Yagni

  • Law of delimeter


Data Classes


Companion Object

Smart Casting


Functional programing

  • map, fold, reduce, groupBy

  • names
    .reduce{acc, s -> "$acc$s"}
    .map{(char, charList)-> Pair(char, charList.size)}

Imperative vs Declarative Style of doing things

  • Anemeic domain models vs Rich domain model

  • Higher order functions

  • Kotlin is not oponiated about functional programming

Reactive Programming

  • Need not to be functional

  • But almost alll libraries follow functional

  • Async non blocking with back pressure

  • Use cases

    • Live feed

    • Stock market watch

    • Fraud detection in finance

    • A micro service that talks to other services

  • Async stream processing

  • Non blocking

    • Eg Tomcat

    • Multi threded vs blocking

    • Context switching penalty of multi threading

    • ngnix use event bus and it scales well

  • Back pressure

    • The capability of a component under stress to inform other components that it is under pressure
  • Reactive Manifesto

    • Provide an interface/Sepcification

    • Eg: RxJava, Reactor

    • Publisher and Subscriber

    • Spring use reactor internally

  • Reactive stream

  • Flux vs Mono

  • Cold observable

  • publisher.subscribe(object: Subscriber{})
fun main() {
    val elements = mutableListOf()
    val publisher = Flux.just(1,2,3)

    publisher.subscribe(object: Subscriber{
        override fun onComplete() {

        override fun onSubscribe(s: Subscription) {

        override fun onNext(t: Int) {

        override fun onError(t: Throwable?) {



  • Function pipeline

  • Lazy evaluation

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