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Created May 20, 2014 01:32
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
say "####################################";
say "Program of sum and difference.";
say "####################################";
say "Entre com a opção desejada.";
say "1 - For sum";
say "2 - For difference";
chomp( my $opcao = <STDIN> );
if ( $opcao ne 1 and $opcao ne 2 ) {
say "Opção inválida";
} elsif ( $opcao eq 1) {
print "Please, inform the first number: ";
chomp( my $num1 = <STDIN> );
print "Please, inform the second number: ";
chomp( my $num2 = <STDIN> );
say &sum($num1,$num2);
} else {
print "Please, inform the first numbeer: ";
chomp( my $num1 = <STDIN> );
print "Please, inform the second number: ";
chomp( my $num2 = <STDIN> );
say &dif($num1,$num2);
sub sum {
my $total;
my @numbers = @_;
foreach (@numbers) {
$total += $_;
return $total;
sub dif {
my $num1 = shift;
my $num2 = shift;
return $num1 - $num2;
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