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Created July 26, 2019 07:25
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A Sitecore PowerShell Extensions script for comparison the fields of items.
$resultTypes = [ordered]@{
"Show all" = 1
"Only matched" = 2
"Only unmatched" = 4
function Get-ItemTitle {
param (
$displayName = $Item.DisplayName
$databaseName = $Item.Database.Name
$languageName = $Item.Language.Name
$id = $Item.ID.Guid.ToString("D").SubString(0, 8)
return "$displayName ($databaseName, $languageName, $id)"
function Get-Comparisons {
param (
$fieldIdentifier = $(if ($UseNameForFieldIdentifier) {"Name"} else {"ID"})
$fields = @()
$Items | % { $_.Template.Fields | % { $fields += $_ } }
$fields = $fields | Group-Object "$fieldIdentifier" | % { $_.Group | Select-Object -First 1 }
$result = @()
$fields | % {
$field = $_
$itemFields = $items | % { @{Title=$(Get-ItemTitle $_); FieldValue=$_[$field."$fieldIdentifier"]} }
$row = [PSCustomObject]@{
Matched = $($itemFields | % { $_.FieldValue } | Select-Object -Unique).Count -eq 1
"Field Name" = $field.Name
$itemFields | % { $row | Add-Member $_.Title $_.FieldValue }
$result += $row
return $result
function Show-ComparisonView {
param (
$iconProp = @{
if($_.Matched) {
return "office/16x16/check.png"
else {
return "office/16x16/delete.png"
Get-Comparisons $Items -UseNameForFieldIdentifier:$UseNameForFieldIdentifier `
| Where-Object { $(if ($IncludeStandardFields) { $true } else { -not $_."Field Name".StartsWith("__") }) } `
| Where-Object { $(if ($ResultType -eq $resultTypes."Only matched") { $_.Matched } else { $true }) } `
| Where-Object { $(if ($ResultType -eq $resultTypes."Only unmatched") { -not $_.Matched } else { $true }) } `
| Select-Object *,$iconProp -ExcludeProperty Matched `
| Show-ListView -Title "Item Comparison Result"
$params = @(
@{ Name = "items"; Title = "Select the items to compare"; Value = $SitecoreContextItem; Editor = "treelist"; Source="DatabaseName=$($SitecoreContextItem.Database.Name)&AllowMultipleSelection=no" },
@{ Name = "resultType"; Title = "Select the result type"; Value = 1; Options=$resultTypes; Editor = "combo" },
@{ Name = "includeStandardFields"; Title = "Include the standard fields"; Value = $false; Editor = "checkbox"; Columns = 6 },
@{ Name = "useNameForFieldIdentifier"; Title = "Use the name for field identifier"; Value = $false; Editor = "checkbox"; Columns = 6 }
$result = Read-Variable -Parameters $params -Title "Item Comparison Settings" -Description "Set the items and the options for comparison."
if ($result -ne "ok") {
if ($items.Length -lt 2) {
Show-Alert "Select two or more items to compare."
Show-ComparisonView $items $resultType -IncludeStandardFields:$includeStandardFields -UseNameForFieldIdentifier:$useNameForFieldIdentifier
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