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Created June 28, 2022 16:03
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$chintaiList = @(
'', # キングダム相模原
'', # ビバーチェ
'' # タウンハウス内堀
function Write-Recuruitments($archiveUrl) {
$result = Invoke-WebRequest $archiveUrl
$heading = $result.ParsedHtml.getElementsByClassName('heading')
$title = $heading[0].innerText -replace 'の賃貸・中古情報','' -replace 'の賃貸情報',''
Write-Output $title
$recruitments = $result.ParsedHtml.getElementsByClassName('is-inquire')
$recruitments | ForEach-Object {
$floorElem = $_.querySelector('.floarCell')
$floorElem.innerText -match '(\d+階)' > $null
$floor = $Matches[0]
$urlElem = $_.querySelector('.roomImage a')
$url = $urlElem.href
Write-Output "$floor : $url"
$chintaiList | ForEach-Object {
Write-Recuruitments $_
Write-Output ''
Write-Output '-----'
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