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Created February 27, 2018 15:54
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function Resolve-DatabindObject {
#get token from path
if ($bindpath -match '^[^.]*') {
$token = $matches[0]
# pop token from path
if ($bindpath.IndexOf('[') -ne -1) {
$bindpath = $bindpath -replace (($token -replace '\[', '\[') -replace '\]', '\]')
} else {
$bindpath = $bindpath -replace $token
if ($bindpath[0] -eq '.') {
$bindpath = $bindpath.substring(1)
# get indexer from token
$index = $null
if ($token -match '\[[^\]]*\]') {
$index = $matches[0]
$index = ($index -replace '[\[\]]') -replace ('\"')
# get property from token
$property = $null
if ($token -match '^[^\[]*') {
$property = $matches[0]
if ($property -ne $null) {
if ($obj.contains($property)) {
$data = $null
# get value from obj
if ($token.IndexOf('[') -ne -1) {
$data = $obj[$property][$index]
} else {
$data = $obj[$property]
# if value is a script block, call inst
if ($data.gettype() -eq [ScriptBlock]) {
$data = Invoke-Command $data
if ($bindpath -eq '') {
# no more path, return data
return $data
} else {
# path continues, keep
return Resolve-DatabindObject $bindpath $data
return $null;
function Format-BoundTemplate() {
if (-not $data) {
return $template
$buffer = $template;
$bindPathsRegex = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('\{{[^{}]*\}}', [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline)
$bindingPaths = $bindPathsRegex.Matches($buffer)
$bindingPaths | ForEach-Object {
$token = $_.Value
if ($token -and $buffer.IndexOf($token) -ne -1) {
$value = Resolve-DatabindObject ($token -replace "[{}]") $data
# escape square brackets
$token = ($token -replace "\[", "\[") -replace "\]", "\]"
# replace token with bound data
$buffer = $buffer -replace $token, $value
return $buffer;
Export-ModuleMember -Function *
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