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Created December 13, 2018 18:42
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name = Martin Takáč
email =
# default = matching
default = simple
autocrlf = input
safecrlf = true
quotepath = false
diff = auto
status= auto
branch= auto
interactive = true
ui = auto
decorate = short
ci = commit
di = diff --color-words
st = status
pulreb = pull --rebase
rebase-auto = "rebase -i --autosquash"
committo = "!f() { git commit --fixup=${1} && git rebase-auto ${1}~2; }; f"
# aliases that match the hg in / out commands
out = !git fetch && git log FETCH_HEAD..
in = !git fetch && git log ..FETCH_HEAD
paths = remote -v
show1 = show --oneline
log1 = log --oneline
log2 = log --format='%Cgreen%h%Creset %an (%ar) %Cred•%Creset %s'
find = log --pretty=\"format:%Cgreen%H %Cblue%s\" --name-status --grep
co = checkout
br = branch
cp = cherry-pick
guitool = meld
# compactionHeuristic = true
auto = 0
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