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Last active December 12, 2015 01:28
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Save tacovandenbroek/4691163 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My git helper files (.bash_aliases, .gitconfig, git_completion and custom scripts), mainly usable for my Procurios' colleagues, but may be helpful for others too
# Customize BASH PS1 prompt to show current GIT repository and branch.
# by Mike Stewart -
# Bunch-o-predefined colors. Makes reading code easier than escape sequences.
# I don't remember where I found this. o_O
# Reset
Color_Off="\[\033[0m\]" # Text Reset
# Regular Colors
Black="\[\033[0;30m\]" # Black
Red="\[\033[0;31m\]" # Red
Green="\[\033[0;32m\]" # Green
Yellow="\[\033[0;33m\]" # Yellow
Blue="\[\033[0;34m\]" # Blue
Purple="\[\033[0;35m\]" # Purple
Cyan="\[\033[0;36m\]" # Cyan
White="\[\033[0;37m\]" # White
# Bold
BBlack="\[\033[1;30m\]" # Black
BRed="\[\033[1;31m\]" # Red
BGreen="\[\033[1;32m\]" # Green
BYellow="\[\033[1;33m\]" # Yellow
BBlue="\[\033[1;34m\]" # Blue
BPurple="\[\033[1;35m\]" # Purple
BCyan="\[\033[1;36m\]" # Cyan
BWhite="\[\033[1;37m\]" # White
# Underline
UBlack="\[\033[4;30m\]" # Black
URed="\[\033[4;31m\]" # Red
UGreen="\[\033[4;32m\]" # Green
UYellow="\[\033[4;33m\]" # Yellow
UBlue="\[\033[4;34m\]" # Blue
UPurple="\[\033[4;35m\]" # Purple
UCyan="\[\033[4;36m\]" # Cyan
UWhite="\[\033[4;37m\]" # White
# Background
On_Black="\[\033[40m\]" # Black
On_Red="\[\033[41m\]" # Red
On_Green="\[\033[42m\]" # Green
On_Yellow="\[\033[43m\]" # Yellow
On_Blue="\[\033[44m\]" # Blue
On_Purple="\[\033[45m\]" # Purple
On_Cyan="\[\033[46m\]" # Cyan
On_White="\[\033[47m\]" # White
# High Intensty
IBlack="\[\033[0;90m\]" # Black
IRed="\[\033[0;91m\]" # Red
IGreen="\[\033[0;92m\]" # Green
IYellow="\[\033[0;93m\]" # Yellow
IBlue="\[\033[0;94m\]" # Blue
IPurple="\[\033[0;95m\]" # Purple
ICyan="\[\033[0;96m\]" # Cyan
IWhite="\[\033[0;97m\]" # White
# Bold High Intensty
BIBlack="\[\033[1;90m\]" # Black
BIRed="\[\033[1;91m\]" # Red
BIGreen="\[\033[1;92m\]" # Green
BIYellow="\[\033[1;93m\]" # Yellow
BIBlue="\[\033[1;94m\]" # Blue
BIPurple="\[\033[1;95m\]" # Purple
BICyan="\[\033[1;96m\]" # Cyan
BIWhite="\[\033[1;97m\]" # White
# High Intensty backgrounds
On_IBlack="\[\033[0;100m\]" # Black
On_IRed="\[\033[0;101m\]" # Red
On_IGreen="\[\033[0;102m\]" # Green
On_IYellow="\[\033[0;103m\]" # Yellow
On_IBlue="\[\033[0;104m\]" # Blue
On_IPurple="\[\033[10;95m\]" # Purple
On_ICyan="\[\033[0;106m\]" # Cyan
On_IWhite="\[\033[0;107m\]" # White
# Various variables you might want for your PS1 prompt instead
# This PS1 snippet was adopted from code for MAC/BSD I saw from:
# I tweaked it to work on UBUNTU 11.04 & 11.10 plus made it mo' better
PS1_BASE=$IBlack"$Time24 "$Color_Off"$IWhite$PathFull"'$((pwd | grep -v ~ &>/dev/null) && git branch &>/dev/null;\
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \
echo "$(echo `git status` | grep "Your branch is" > /dev/null 2>&1; \
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then \
echo " on '$Yellow'"$(__git_ps1 "%s")" '$IYellow'★ "; \
else \
echo `git status` | grep "nothing to commit" > /dev/null 2>&1; \
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then \
# @4 - Clean repository - nothing to commit
echo " on '$Green'"$(__git_ps1 "%s")" '$IGreen'☕ "; \
else \
# @5 - Changes to working tree
echo " on '$IRed'"$(__git_ps1 "%s")" ⚡ "; \
fi \
fi)"; \
fi)'$Color_Off'\n\$ '
PS1_XDB=$PS1_BASE$BRed'XDEBUG: '$Color_Off
export PS1=$PS1_BASE
mb = "!f_merge() { git merge --no-ff --log \"$@\" && git show HEAD; }; f_merge"
statsu = status
excavate = !sh -c '((git status | grep \"working directory clean\") && git reset --hard `git log -1 --pretty=format:%H --until=$1 origin`) || echo "Working directory must be clean to excavate"' -
wip = !git add . && git commit -a -m \"CHG: WIP COMMIT. DO NOT PUSH!\" | grep -v \"ERRORS FOUND\"
prepushwip = !git add . && git commit -a -m \"CHG: WIP COMMIT. Reset to this reflog when rebase failed, DO NOT PUSH!\" | grep -v \"ERRORS FOUND\"
unwip = !((git log -1 --pretty="format:%s" | grep \"CHG: WIP COMMIT\") && git reset HEAD^) || true
l = log -10 --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Cblue%an%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=short
s = "!f() { git status && git --no-pager l -5 ; echo \"\"; }; f"
go = "!f_checkout() { git wip && (git branch | grep \"$@\" > /dev/null && git checkout \"$@\" || git checkout -b \"$@\") && git unwip && git s; }; f_checkout"
p = "!f() { git prepushwip && git unwip && git up && git push `git config branch.\\`git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e \"s|^refs/heads/||\"\\`.remote` `git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e \"s|^refs/heads/||\"`; }; f"
cleanup = "!f() { git branch | grep -v ^* | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -d; }; f"
ca = "!f() { git diff --cached ; git diff ; (git status | grep Untracked | sed s/:/\\!/) ; git commit -a -F -; }; f"
ci = "!f() { git diff --cached ; git commit -F -; }; f"
ups = "!f() { gitHelper upstream; }; f"
* This is my gi tcommand typo lifesaver... gi tlog will become git log etc.
if ($argv[1]{0} == 't') {
$argv[1] = substr($argv[1], 1);
$cmd = 'git ' . implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $argv));
echo "\n";
# This is only the __git_aliased_command part of my /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git file. The only change is the \!f_*\(\) case
# __git_aliased_command requires 1 argument
__git_aliased_command ()
local word cmdline=$(git --git-dir="$(__gitdir)" \
config --get "alias.$1")
for word in $cmdline; do
case "$word" in
echo "gitk"
echo "${word:3:${#word}-5}"
\!*) : shell command alias ;;
-*) : option ;;
*=*) : setting env ;;
git) : git itself ;;
echo "$word"
switch ($argv[1]) {
case 'upstream':
function upstream()
$currentBranch = trim(`git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed -e "s|^refs/heads/||"`);
$targets = array(
'stable' => false,
'testing' => 'origin/stable',
'master' => array('origin/testing', 'origin/stable'),
if (!isset($targets[$currentBranch])) {
// Find the target branch based on the first parent commit contained in a remote branch
$h = 0;
$cmd = 'git branch -r --contains HEAD~%d | grep -v ' . escapeshellarg('origin/' . $currentBranch);
while (!$output = trim(shell_exec(sprintf($cmd, $h)))) {
if ($h > 100) {
// Prefer master over testing and testing over stable
foreach (array('master', 'testing', 'stable') as $branchMatch) {
if (preg_match('#^\s*([^\s/]+/' . preg_quote($branchMatch, '#') . ')\s*$#im', $output, $match)) {
$targets[$currentBranch] = $match[1];
if (isset($targets[$currentBranch]) && is_array($targets[$currentBranch])) {
while ($target = array_shift($targets[$currentBranch])) {
$argTarget = escapeshellarg($target);
if (preg_match('#^(remotes/)?' . preg_quote($target, '#') . '$#', trim(`git branch -a --list $argTarget`))) {
$targets[$currentBranch] = $target;
if (empty($targets[$currentBranch])) {
die("Nothing to upstream to " . $currentBranch);
system('git up', $ret);
if ($ret) {
echo "\nAre you sure you want to merge " . $targets[$currentBranch] . " into " . $currentBranch . "? [Y/n] ";
$answer = trim(fgets(STDIN));
if (!empty($answer) && strtolower($answer) != 'y') {
die("Aborted merge\n");
system('git mb ' . $targets[$currentBranch], $ret);
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