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Created April 26, 2010 21:53
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I18n French translation for Devise (
# I18n French translation for Devise (
# I18n traduction française pour Devise
not_found: "n'a pas été trouvé(e)"
already_confirmed: "a déjà été confirmé(e)"
not_locked: "n'était pas verrouillé(e)"
unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous inscrire pour continuer."
unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre compte pour continuer."
locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé."
invalid: "Courriel ou mot de passe incorrect."
invalid_token: "Jeton d'authentification incorrect."
timeout: "Votre session est expirée, veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer."
inactive: "Votre compte n'est pas encore activé."
signed_in: "Connecté."
signed_out: "Déconnecté."
send_instructions: "Vous allez recevoir un courriel contenant des instructions pour changer votre mot de passe."
updated: "Votre mot de passe a été changé. Vous êtes maintenant connecté."
send_instructions: "Vous allez recevoir un courriel contenant des instructions pour activer votre compte."
confirmed: "Votre compte a été activé. Vous êtes maintenant connecté."
signed_up: "Votre inscription est enregistrée. Si demandé, un courriel de confirmation vous a été envoyé."
updated: "Votre mise à jour a été prise en compte."
destroyed: "Votre compte a été supprimé. Nous espérons vous revoir bientôt."
send_instructions: "Vous allez recevoir un courriel avec des instructions pour déverrouiller votre compte."
unlocked: "Votre compte est déverrouillé. Vous êtes maintenant connecté."
confirmation_instructions: "Instructions de confirmation"
reset_password_instructions: "Instructions pour changer le mot de passe"
unlock_instructions: "Instructions pour déverrouiller le compte"
# For generated views: By "rails generate devise_views".
# Assuming to use I18n "Lazy" lookup, except for the ones under "common" namespace.
# e.g. Under views/devise/confirmations/new.html.erb,
# <h2>Resend confirmation instructions</h2>
# is changed to
# <h2><%= t(".resend_confirmation_instructions") %></h2>
# locally.
forgot_your_password?: "Mot de passe oublié ?"
hello: "Bonjour"
sign_in: "Se connecter"
sign_up: "S'enregistrer"
didnt_receive_confirmation_instructions?: "Vous n'avez pas reçu de courriel de confirmation ?"
didnt_receive_unlock_instructions?: "Vous n'avez pas reçu de courriel de déverrouillage de votre compte ?"
resend_confirmation_instructions: "Renvoyer le courriel de confirmation"
welcome: "Bienvenu(e)"
you_can_confirm_your_account_through_the_link_below: "Vous pouvez confirmer votre compte en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous"
confirm_my_account: "Confirmer mon compte"
# For "Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below."
reset_password_instruction: "Un changement de mot de passe a été demandé. Vous pouvez le faire en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous."
change_my_password: "Changer mon mot de passe"
# For "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email."
wrong_request_instruction: "Si vous n'avez pas demandé ce changement, ignorez ce message."
# For "Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one."
unchange_password_message: "Votre mot de passe ne sera pas changé tant que vous n'aurez pas accédé au lien ci-dessus pour en créer un nouveau."
# For "Your account has been locked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful sign in attempts."
locked_account_message: "Votre compte a été verrouillé à la suite d'un trop grand nombre de tentatives d'authentification."
# For "Click the link below to unlock your account"
unlock_account_instruction: "Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour déverrouiller votre compte"
unlock_my_account: "Déverrouiller mon compte"
change_your_password: "Changez votre mot de passe"
change_my_password: "Changer mon mot de passe"
send_me_reset_password_instructions: "Envoyez-moi un courriel pour changer mon mot de passe"
edit: "Modifier"
# For "leave blank if you don't want to change it"
password_instruction: "Laisser vide si vous ne voulez pas le changer"
# For "we need your current password to confirm your changes"
current_password_instruction: "Vous devez saisir votre mot de passe courant pour confirmer vos changement"
update: "Mettre à jour"
cancel_my_account: "Annuler mon compte"
unhappy?: "Pas content(e) ?"
are_you_sure?: "Êtes-vous sûr ?"
back: "Retour"
resend_unlock_instructions: "Renvoyez le mail pour déverrouiller mon compte"
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Thank you, flanselle.

I have merged your change.

I appreciate your help very much.


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I have made some changes on the french translation. To check it

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Thank you, infernalsirius.

I have merged your change.
I am sorry for the delay.

I appreciate your help very much.


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sohara commented Dec 16, 2010

It seems that the generated views have only hard coded english strings... does one have to modify all of the files by hand to use the i18n of the generated views, or is there some way to get devise to generate views with calls to i18n? I noticed this fork appears to allow for i18n generated views, but the keys are not same as those that appear in this gist:

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Hi, sohara,

Thank you for your comment.

When I first created this I18n French translation for Devise, I also forked Devise to make the templates to use I18n by default because at that time, they had English words hard coded. But I got caught up with other works and in the meantime my fork became out of date from the main branch. Eventually, I deleted the fork. So so far, I've been just using my template file with I18n, which may be already out of date as you pointed out that the keys in this gist are not same.

I'm curious to know how other people are dealing with I18n. I hope someone has a time to make Devise use the templates with I18n.


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sohara commented Dec 17, 2010

Hi Tadatoshi,
Thanks for getting back to me. In short, the fork I mentioned of devise is quite up to date with the current master branch of devise and has internationalized most of the important strings for rendered views, and therefore much easier to use than generating all the devise views and editing them for a given locale. I created a locale file based on your gist with a few additions that works with this fork. You can find it here:
The repository of the devise fork can be found here:
Be sure to select the translated-views branch.
Take care,

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pguegan commented Jan 25, 2011

Hi tadatoshi,

Thanks for your work, which saved me a lot of time!

I made some changes on your translation, so it sounds more native french. You can have a look here :

Bonne journée ;)


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Thank you, Phil.

I apologize that I was not able to reply to you earlier.
I have merged your change.

I have learned a lot from your translation.

Merci beaucoup.

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Sometimes you use courriel, sometime mail, you should use e-mail ;)

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Hi all,

I'm new to this and trying to find out how to easily apply a translation for the email that is sent out when a password reset is requested - does anyone have a) the translation handy and b) can tell me how one would easily go about implementing it?


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